Help with Clem webpage, please =)

Baton Rouge, LA

Howdy doo,

In my zest to find clems that would perform well in hot climates, I've prepared a webpage to organize the info. JeanneTX has been an invaluable inspiration and help to me in this, but I would very much appreciate help from others. Specifically, I'm looking for beautiful pairing suggestions for the listed clems with roses or other clems. Even if you don't garden in a hot climate, you may have some beautiful pairings of many of these clems... so please share the info! I am also looking for information regarding the growing environment (sunny, partial shade, etc.) if you are currently growing any of these clems in a hot climate (Texas, Louisiana, Florida, etc.). If you're in Zone 8-11 and your star performer isn't on this list, also let me know. My hope is to formulate a good reference for other DG'ers that can inspire a growth in popularity for this plant among Southern gardeners.

If you have a photo of any cultivar missing an image on the page that you would be willing to share, just send me a link to your photo posted on DG and I can capture it from there. Full photo credit will be given.

Thanks for any help you can provide! Ev =)

Thumbnail by BlissfulGarden
Baton Rouge, LA

23 views and nobody has a comment or photo or info to add to the reference page?

Delaware, OH

you are doing this for zone 8 and higher only right?

Athens, GA(Zone 7b)

Wow, what an excellent idea! I am more than happy to support your efforts. I've sent you a D-mail.

(Lynn) Paris, TX(Zone 7b)

I'm not sure exactly what you're looking for, Blissful. I'm in 7b, and have clems, but none that aren't already listed, I don't think. Do you still want pictures?

Baton Rouge, LA

Guru, I would value input regarding beautiful combinations and photo sharing from anyone willing to help. I think it's unlikely I will find a lot of people already growing clems in Zones 8-11 due to the public perception that they will not thrive. Also, many of the references I have found suggesting clem and rose combinations feature roses that are not commercially available in the U.S. Help from any region with what looks beautiful together would be very appreciated!

Brushwood, I've responded. Thanks so much for the help!!!

Irwells, I would appreciate your sharing photos of any cultivar or combination you have growing succesfully in Texas. The reason I had focused on Zones 8-11 is due to our extended periods of heat and the effect on clematis root systems. As someone pointed out in another thread, an unsuitable plant (such as an alpina) can possibly grow well the first year in heat and may even return a second year, but it will be stunted and fail to thrive. I'm trying to identify those cultivars that can take the heat and return faithfully year after year... and if so, whether they can take full sun in this heat or they require partial shade. Do you have extended periods of 90+ degree weather there in Paris? If so, perhaps I need to include 7b in the classification as well... but regardless, learning about your combos would be great!

Again, thanks everyone for the help! Ev =)

(Lynn) Paris, TX(Zone 7b)

I think it's rare for us to have a couple of weeks where it doesn't even get below 90 at night, but it has happened. I think most of my clematis are 7 - 10 years old. I've planted 3 new ones this spring, and have 4 more on order. I'll try to find pictures of all of mine, but I'm thinking the pictures of General Sikorski and Will Goodwin aren't digital, and I'm not sure where they are.

(Lynn) Paris, TX(Zone 7b)

Nelly Moser - needs to move where there's more shade

Thumbnail by lrwells50
(Lynn) Paris, TX(Zone 7b)

Another Nelly Moser

Thumbnail by lrwells50
(Lynn) Paris, TX(Zone 7b)


Thumbnail by lrwells50
(Lynn) Paris, TX(Zone 7b)

A scraggly Niobe and climbing rose Dublin Bay

Thumbnail by lrwells50
(Lynn) Paris, TX(Zone 7b)

Candida (which I thought was Henryi until recently)

Thumbnail by lrwells50
(Lynn) Paris, TX(Zone 7b)

Ville de Lyon

Thumbnail by lrwells50
(Lynn) Paris, TX(Zone 7b)

Blue Light

Thumbnail by lrwells50
(Lynn) Paris, TX(Zone 7b)

That's all I can find

Baton Rouge, LA

Thanks for the photos and the help! =)

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Irwell..what kind of sun are you giving your "Blue Light"?..I had one in morning sun only but it wilted and I have another in filtered morning sun with full sun from 1pm on..which is doing awesome
Evie..I will "write" up the sun amounts on the rest of my clematis and Dmail to you for I kept trying to edit and when I did..I was losing some information...Jeanne

This message was edited Apr 21, 2009 7:14 AM

(Lynn) Paris, TX(Zone 7b)

It faces south, and probably gets sun until around 2 or 3, when it's blocked by a large oleander. I'm not usually here that time of day, so I'm not sure. May not get as much as I think. I'll try to check this weekend.

Baton Rouge, LA

Thank you both for checking on the light conditions. That will really help other gardeners to be successful with these cultivars. =)

Baton Rouge, LA

Thanks to Brushwood and JeanneTX, I've been able to include photos for the majority of cultivars identified as good choices for hot climates. There are a few more photos that I still need. If you have a good photo of any of these cultivars and you would be willing to let me post it on the page (with photo credit for you), please let me know!

'Barbara Dibley'
florida 'Cassis'
'Lady Bird Johnson'
'Louise Rowe'
'Marie Boisselot'
'Marie Louise Jensen'
montana rubens 'Superba'
montana rubens 'Tetrarose'
montana 'Wilsonii'
'Pangbourne Pink'
'Pink Climador'
'Scartho Gem'
'Tentel' (clearer photo would be nice)
'Victor Hugo'
viticella 'Abundance'
viticella 'Alba Luxurians'
viticella 'Blue Belle'
viticella 'Sodertalje'

All the others have been updated with photos now. Thanks for the help! =)

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Clematis "Tentel"..mine is in full sun this was her first blooms last year as I got her from Dan at Brushwood and planted her in fall of '2007..can't wait to see this beauty this year

Thumbnail by JeanneTX
Baton Rouge, LA

That one's much clearer. Thank you, Jeanne!

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

I have clematis "Ashva" and "Victor Hugo" but they haven't bloomed yet..when I do I'll post a pic...Jeanne

Baton Rouge, LA

Thanks Jeanne! Do you still grow 'Cassis' and 'Bonenza'? I saw them listed in your journal. Actually, you had 'Bonanza' listed, but I could only find a listing for 'Bonenza' on COTW... I'm not positive they are the same. Do you have more info about this one? Ev =)

Delaware, OH

do you mean Festoon Bonanza? it is a purple clem, Evison in origination.

Thumbnail by ClematisGuru
Baton Rouge, LA

Hmmm, I don't know which one she is growing, but that one certainly more likely. The name is just listed as 'Bonanza' in Jeanne's DG Journal with no photo, so I can't be sure. COTW had a clem named 'Bonenza' on their list, with no picture and no description. I think it's a lot more likely that 'Festoon Bonanza' is correct rather than the elusive 'Bonenza'. Hopefully Jeanne sees this and will clarify. =)

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Funny you should mention Clematis "Bourbon" aka "Evipo 018"
I believe I purchased her from Dan back in the fall of '2007 and she was accidentally weedwacked by my overzealous gardener last year (which I reprimanded profusely!) and to my amazement saw her sprouting up today to my much appreciated excitement..she is companioned with my climbing rosa "Mrs. Sam McGredy" and in full morning sun until 2pm...Jeanne

Thumbnail by JeanneTX
Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

and yes..I planted clematis "Bonanza" aka "Evipo 031" which I believe I got from Jerome and planted in the new beds that I created in the fall of '2007..they are perking up and hopefully will have a pic later for you..I'll research my pics to see if I can find one...I'll show you the labeling I did from then..I planted 4 clematis per trellis 2 in front of the trellis and two in the back..alternating front back front back..I have Clematis " Bonanza" and "Perrin's Pride" companioned with climbing rosa "Peace"

Thumbnail by JeanneTX
Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

and here is a pic of the otherside...this bed is in full sun all day long

This message was edited Apr 22, 2009 11:26 AM

Thumbnail by JeanneTX
Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Just to show you the beauty of Climbing rosa "Mrs. Sam McGredy"..her husband must have loved her very much to give such a glorious rose her name

Thumbnail by JeanneTX
Baton Rouge, LA

Kim, through a search, I found a photo of 'Bonanza' (Evipo 031) at Acorn Farms. Scroll down and you'll see it looks nothing like yours. But, Chalk Hills' old site does say that 'Bonanza' and 'Festoon Bonanza' are the same.

Baton Rouge, LA

Then I found a previous DG thread that has a photo that looks exactly like yours:

Delaware, OH

i will say about festoon bonanza, which i have had in gound for 4 or 5 years that is certainly hardy in my zone, but is not an overly vigorous clem that i would put on a "must" list for zone 5. it is very nice, many blooms. but when comparing it to the super achievers for the zone it would not measure up.
that aside i would not rate it "do not plant", just not a first choice for my area.

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Let's not confuse the word "festoon" as if it is part of the name...When Evison/Poulsen released their 3 newest clematis that year they coined them the "Festoon Collection" which composed of "Avant-Garde","Bonanza" & "Galore"...I have all three of these...and they are in full sun...Jeanne

Delaware, OH

that is a good clarification, jeanne.
i have always called it festoon bonanza, as it was labeled that way where i bought it (local , not mail order). will correct nomenclature as to festoon. the evison marketing bothers me a little, as many are like identical to other clems. however, avante garde is very different. i put bonanza in years before i put avant garde in. def not part of collection where i bought or anything i was exposed to.

thanks for pointing that out. my ranking of the clem stays the same, altho late last summer the weeping evergreen near my bonanza was moved so i have more sun in the planter and may get some changes in the plant due to that this year.

Baton Rouge, LA

Ah, good! Now I know where to get them too! =)

Delaware, OH

Donahues is good. not as great as silver star and joy creek, but a good source.
i have never been disappointed with their shipments, in fact received one today!

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Donahues and Joy Creek guarantee their clematis..I find the roots slightly smaller than Joy Creek but they eventually become the same ..

Baton Rouge, LA

CG, I agree. I've been happy with what I've received from all the growers I've used this season. I've received orders from four growers so far, and more are on the way. My first shipment from Silver Star arrived today... and boy are the roots huge! However, with the large collection I want to build, I can't afford to purchase all of them at Silver Star prices. Their quality is outstanding and they are worth the extra price, but for my budget, I'm going to have to reserve them for a special few. I also have received orders from Garden Crossings, Donahue's and Brushwood. The only shipment from my initial run of orders that hasn't arrived is Joy Creek. I placed all the initial orders on the same day and have received plants from the other four growers. I haven't even received an acknowledgement or shipment notification from Joy Creek, for either of the orders I placed with them. Are they typically slow?

Delaware, OH

don't worry about joy creek not responding. they are swamped and not a slick marketing machine, but they ship quality plants and have a great selection, unmatched really. they will become good partners with you as you build your collection. they will ship on the date you requested, and will notify you too when shipping they also respond well to e mails, connie is a good contact there.
in fact i confirmed my order today with them.i have some special clems i received from them last year that are up doing well this year....mandschurica, wada's primrose, lemon bells among others...i am very happy with them.

you have all the right sources and we are all going to have a great year with clems!

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