Seed balls from clay

Columbia, SC(Zone 7b)

Found this cool article on making "seed balls"

A good way to distribute those very fine seeds that get eaten or blown away.

What really cracked me up, though, was the author would toss them into his neighbor's yard (dirt lot) to get things growing there. LOL. I have several lots that I could toss some out the window (slingshot?) with some good butterfly food plant seeds.

It does make me wonder what the neighbor thought about the flowers that suddenly started growing in his yard.
"See, Martha? I told you that God would take care of that so I would not have to plant anything, right?"

I think that I will make some up for my next Garden Club sale.

Thumbnail by pyromomma
Seabrook, SC(Zone 8b)

I heard a story on NPR early in week on seed balls. I like the concept.

Columbia, SC(Zone 7b)

There are so many seeds that are so very fine and it is too easy to spill them all into one pot. If you had a packet of 500 seeds, say, mixed them with about 1 cup of sand, then added about the same amount of our Carolina Clay to that with some pelleted fertilizer and some mushroom compost or dash of steer manure, mush it well and add more clay if it does not bind well - you could then figure that the "500 seeds" in the packet would be pretty well divided among 30-50 of those balls and you could place them in the garden spaced out instead of all clumpy. less weeding out of sprouts, too.

Gonna have to try it!

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