Top Performing Clematis for Hot Regions

Baton Rouge, LA

Sooo, it's been dreary out today and I was bored... so I did some research online and at the library, combined with feedback from DG'ers who live in Southern regions. I've compiled a list of the "top" clematis for hot regions. I hope this proves helpful to others. =)

I compiled this by consulting quite a few lists from the major horticultural and clematis groups, looking for commonalities. I gave a point to each clematis if it was (1) recommended by the International Clematis Society as an excellent performer in hot regions, (2) recommended by the American Clematis Society as an excellent performer in hot regions, (3) recommended by the American Horticultural Society as an excellent performer in hot regions, (4) listed as "easy to grow" by any of the three societies listed above, or (5) recommended as a good performer by a reliable and frequent DG poster from a hot climate (Texas, Florida, Louisiana, etc.). The maximum point total a clematis could acquire with this ranking was five points. Only ONE clematis had five points: viticella "Etoile Violette". Here are the others that made the list, earning two or more points.

Earning 5 points:
viticella "Etoile Violette"

Earning 4 points:
texensis "Duchess of Albany"
"Ville de Lyon"
viticella "Alba Luxurians"

Earning 3 points:
"Ernest Markham"
"Gipsy Queen"
"Pink Champagne" (aka "Kakio")
texensis "Princess Diana"
"The President"
viticella "Betty Corning"
viticella "Kermesina"
viticella "Madame Julia Correvon"
viticella "Venosa Violacea"

Earning 2 points:
"Blue Light"
"Comtesse de Bouchard"
"Duchess of Edinburgh"
"Gillian Blades"
"John Huxtable"
"Lady Betty Balfour"
"Marie Boisselot"
montana "Grandiflora"
"Multi Blue"
Piilu (aka "Little Duckling")
"Polish Spirit"
"Rouge Cardinal"
"Star of India"
viticella "Abundance"
viticella "Purpurea Plena Elegans"
viticella "Royal Velours"
"Warsaw Nike"


San Diego-ScrippsR, CA(Zone 10a)

BlissEvy, thanks for all your hard work. I wish I had this list a few weeks ago when I ordered 6 clematis, my first ever. None of them made the list! :( But I'll keep it for the future.

Delaware, OH

great list. should be on the stickey for sure.

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Ev..any of the viticellas' aka Pruning group 3's should be given a 5 hon..our climates aren't that much different except yours is a tad bit more humid than mine and that is only because I am on a lake which gives me alot of wonderful breezes during the hot July/August/Sept days..for instance you have "Comtesse de Bouchard as a 2 and she is one of my star performers in alotta sun hon
ps...I use to live in Lafayette 23 yrs ago

This message was edited Apr 18, 2009 7:48 AM

Thumbnail by JeanneTX
(Zone 4a)

Jeanne your Comtess de Bouchard is beautiful...she is definitely one of my fav's!!! I had one in the backyard and I loved her so much that I actually got another one for the front yard!

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Also the Texensis should be a 5 ..remember that Texensis originated in Texas...another one you don't mention is another star performer in my gardens is Clematis "Solina"

Thumbnail by JeanneTX
Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Dawn...I totally agree hon..I have contemplated duplicating her somewhere else in my gardens but there is so many clematis and so little soil..LOL..that is without me removing more grass and my husband would have my head on a platter for sure...I have Clematis "Solina" companioned with Texensis "Princess Di"

Thumbnail by JeanneTX
Baton Rouge, LA

I'm sure there are many, many more clematis that will perform beautifully in the hot regions. I was just looking for a way to narrow down the choices for a foundation. I limited the list to those clems that were recommended via two or more recognized sources to make it as unbiased as possible. I thought perhaps that would help factor out some of the individual environmental factors that might affect performance. I'm sure if we compiled a list of all the clems that are grown successfully by DGers who live in hot regions, the list would have hundreds of clems, not just 41... but as a beginner, I needed to shorten my "gotta try this" list a bit!

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Another must have pruning group 3 and I can't express just how much a bloomer and grower this one is ...Clematis "Tye Dye"..what a full sun companioned with my climbing rosa "Dubin Bay"

Thumbnail by JeanneTX
Baton Rouge, LA

P.S. - Jeanne, keep the recommendations coming! I LOVE reading about what's doing well for you because I am confident what will grow in your area will grow in mine as well. Thanks for all the help! =)

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Ev.I totally understand where you are coming from..there were several I so wanted and didn't survive our hot zones..just one more recommendation and I'll let you go...Clematis "Fairy Dust" is fabulous

Thumbnail by JeanneTX
Baton Rouge, LA

Jeanne, are all the clems listed in your journal ones that survived in your garden? It would be so great if you could update your journal list regarding what performed well and then a link to your clem journal could be added to the sticky as well. That would be a huge help to many people in hot regions.

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Ok..if you call me a naughty enabler..your hubby will hate me for sure...Jeanne
Clematis "Purpea Plens Elegans" is such a joy

Thumbnail by JeanneTX
Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Yes...all the ones listed in my Journal are still thriving in my gardens exept "Hoshi-no-Flamenco" wilted and I am breathlessly praying she returns..I still have some to add my to my journal that I am growing..will try to update just for you...Oh..being a Southern Girl..surely you are growing brugs?

This message was edited Apr 18, 2009 8:13 AM

This message was edited Apr 18, 2009 8:16 AM

Thumbnail by JeanneTX
Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

did you get Clematis "Mme Julia Correvon"..I can't remember if you mentioned her..she is planted on the other side of my trellis bench I bought from J&P companioned with climbing rosa "Eden" which is a pinkish white

Thumbnail by JeanneTX
Baton Rouge, LA

Actually, I don't have any brugs in my yard, but my sweetheart 93-year-old neighbor has several. Brugs require so much width and there's just not enough space in the backyard. Hubby and I are still in negotiation for putting one in the front yard. He's a fan of formal front lawns (lots of grass) with more formal plantings... so the front is his domain. The back, side, driveway, carport, and everything else is my playground!

Again, thank you so much for your help... it's so much better to have a personal recommendation about a plant that to just blindly purchase from the vendor descriptions!

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

You are so welcome..It is SO NICE to have another Southerner growing clematis..they are just not common here..I am constantly having people stop by my gardens inquiring what the heck that plant is..LOL...My husband USE to be like yours..we had formal gardens until I retired and "forced" him to let my have total control of the gardens..I agreed to sell the big house in Tomball and move out here if and ONLY if he'd allow me to purchase ANYTHING for my gardens and design it myself..a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do...You just can't go wrong with the Pruning group 3's and two's do well here as well..just remember those are the ones that can wilt..BUT if you prune them back even with the soil and still water ..they will's just heartbreaking but rarely has it happened to me..Clematis "Henryi" which is in full sun wilted for me but came back stronger than ever...I just prefer the pruning group 3 any of the "Florida's"

Thumbnail by JeanneTX
Baton Rouge, LA

Ohhhh, you know what would be really helpful, too, Jeanne? If you could put in your journal whether each clem is planted in sun or shade that would give all of us "Jeanne wannabes" a planting guide! Please???? =))))))

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Ok hon..just for you...Jeanne

(Zone 4a)

Jeanne is such a sweetheart :)

Your clematis photo's are breathtaking as usual - keep 'em coming girl!

Baton Rouge, LA

Thank you so much, Jeanne!!! =)

Willis, TX(Zone 8b) can always Dmail me..I am usually not online this much at one time..but my Husband is in Mexico working these past two days and I am lonely..LOL..and it's raining for the second day..hey Ev...have you gotten that storm that we had yesterday yet?..WOW..all my gardens are deliciously soaked..only problem is I have my lawns mowed on Friday and Leonardo didn't come..boohoo..

Baton Rouge, LA

Yep, that storm blew in late last night and pelted us pretty hard. Luckily, I had the clems that just arrived via mail under the carport instead of in the driveway, so they didn't get bruised. The gardens all rejoiced from the moisture. The roses seem to have held up just fine, which surprised me because the rain was so hard. It's still raining out... but now it's a light rain... and the weather is a bit cooler.

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

well Hang onto your hate's lightening and pouring right this minute and will be coming to you again!~I love planting after it rains..

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Jeanne: I'm sitting her drooling over my keyboard at your Clematis, Roses & Brugs! Wish I could grow Brugs outdoors in my yard! I have to drag my in containers inside & outside until the night time temps stay consistently in the high 40's. You lucky girl!!!!

Baton Rouge, LA

Jeanne, the storms hit again about an hour ago. Yep, this is just like last night. We really do get the exact same weather!

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Hope you needed the rain as badly as we did...we usually always have a wet Spring..and I was beginning to's gorgeous today and shall get out in my gardens...Jeanne

San Diego-ScrippsR, CA(Zone 10a)

Jeanne, your photos are gorgeous and also great ideas for combos. I am also new to Clematis--mine won't be arriving until May.

I agree with Evey that seeing the pics of real clems that people actually are growing is much more helpful. Also the shade/sun info would be helpful. You both have done so much work.

About grass in front lawns--we've had a lovely swath of grass for years with a few roses of course. This year DH decided we have to go xeriscape bec of the water rationing coming up. Well I can put succulents there maybe. But I still have control of the back garden and my roses will stay! Even if we have to use greywater.

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