where to buy bulk soil in MA, near NH border

Pepperell, MA

I'm ready to buy some awesome soil for my raised beds, and I'm wondering if anyone has recommendations for a place that sells high quality soil, and will deliver?

I live in Pepperell, which is near Nashua, NH, Lowell, Chelmsford, and Groton. I've checked out The Dirt Doctors, but was wondering what else may be out here? (I just moved here a year and a half ago).


Pepperell, MA(Zone 6a)

Hi Ravenlyn - I guess we are neighbors.

What i use is a mixture of topsoil and the compost that the town sells from recycling storm drains. They process it and add dirt and wood chips - it breaks down pretty fast and plants really grow great it in. This stuff is GREAT.

The top soil i get from NH Rocks in Brookline, NH 603-673-7407 it is $29 a yard i think - i had 10 yards delivered - delivery is $50.

The compost you can order at 978-433-9859 and is $15.00 a yard - free delivery. I ordered 10 yards and they probably delivered close to 15 yards.

I think we talked here at DG before and you live over on Park Ave not far from my dentist's office right? The house up the street from you on the other side of the street with, i'll call the fancy entrance used truck loads of the town compost to landscape their yard several years ago.

Good Luck

Pepperell, MA

Thank you very much! I will definitely look into them. I was a little worried about using the compost because I think it's from the water treatment plant--the "biosolids", a euphemism if I ever heard one. Is that wrong? I don't want to grow vegetables in that just because I know a lot of medications don't get processed out and I worry about them affecting the soil. Is that nuts? ;-)

I've been out working all morning, and it's a great day to be out!

Yes, we're just down the street from the dentist, the grey house with the stone wall.

thanks for your information!


Pepperell, MA(Zone 6a)

the town has a information on the compost if your concerned. I've had not problems. You need to make your own decision. Right now i use it only for plants beds not if the veggy garden. It was a cheap way to augment the soil when i built the veggy garden which is on a slope so i built a 4' wall at the base and up the sides, needed to bring in a lot of dirt.

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