Looking for Starship Enterprise

Merino, Australia

No , even though I am a real Star Trek fan , I don't want the Enterprise. I am looking for anyone in Australia who may have the beautiful tall bearded iris "Starship Enterprise" I have been trying to find it for ages but it seems it may be only available overseas.
As I can't import, I thought someone may have one to sell or trade. Seeing the article today on it made me think of asking on here.

Sydney, Australia

I have no idea Jean but can't stand to see an unanswered thread.
Did look up the iris and it's a beauty captain.
Beam me up Scotty!

Merino, Australia

Thanks Steve. I'll have to be content with the 200 I have . But isn't there always ' just one more.'

Sydney, Australia

200????? and you want one more?
Far be it for me to hinder one persons obsession so I'll keep
my eyes and ears open and see what I can find.

Barmera, Australia

Been enquiring for you 77sunset. It has been suggested that "Iris Acres" in Adelaide might have that variety, worth a look online.

Merino, Australia

Thanks Brian. I'll try them..
Steve, wait until your Angel grows, then you will find out just how many of a plant you must have. Ha ha.

Sydney, Australia

Thanks Jean. Um.... why do I get the feeling I'm in trouble with another addiction?
200 irises would fit in but 200 Brugs? I'm doomed! (oh well at least there will be no lawn left to mow)
If you find the Enterprise please let me know.

Merino, Australia

Steve, don't you know, lawn is a garden waiting to happen.
You will soon be doing what I do and playing musical chairs with your Angels , to fit more in.

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