3' - 5' Hydrangea in a 1 1/2' Border - Can This Be Done?

Bloomington, IN(Zone 6a)

I'm probably driving everyone in the Hydrangea forum nuts, but I have another question . . .

Can I plant Hydrangea arborescens 'Annabelle', which is said to be a spreader to 6' in a border I have between the house and concrete patio that is 1 1/2' wide? I'm thinking the width would support the roots and I can cut it back every spring so it doesn't truly attain that 6' width. It could attain 3' by spilling over the edge. Is this OK?

Canonsburg, PA

Hi there, I planted "Annabelles" at the back of my house. I love them to pieces. We moved inot this house 5 years ago and had no backyard. I brought my Annabelles with me from my old house. I put it in the sale clause. My hydrangeas came with me. I even broke off one of the branches and just stuck it into the ground. It grew. I cut mine back to about 2 feet high each spring and by mid summer they are about 4 feet and loaded with big mopheads. I am going to put boxwoods in front of them this year. I am hoping this will help to support them. They droop after heavy rains. I have used rope to tie them up for support. You can't even see the rope for the plant. One of my all time favorites. They make a beautiful center piece for a dinner party too.

Thumbnail by burghblooms
Wayne, NE

I am new to hydrangeas as well but maybe you could look into the cityline hydrangeas http://davesgarden.com/guides/pf/go/181300 they naturally stay smaller or maybe like peppermint forever and forever or the together forever and ever. http://www.foreverhydrangea.com/varieties.aspx

Bloomington, IN(Zone 6a)

Thanks, Little Squirt! But - too late - I already put them in. I will see how they do.

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