What happened to our aquatic garden photographers?

Richland, MI(Zone 5b)

DG introduced a new feature today: the fun random article. It should show for you on your front page, I found it on mine browsing down on it...
anyway, I moved it upwards, I always enjoy a good read, and I've only been on DG for one year...
and guess what showed up a few minutes ago? remember this one? http://davesgarden.com/guides/articles/view/724/

So, I'm asking you beautiful people: where did our aqua-photographers go? I miss visually-traveling with Nemo! we're missing you, or at least I am. Anybody else?

(hoping-to-catch-eye image courtesy of Google images and Disney)

Thumbnail by goofybulb
Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

I miss those beautiful pictures too - yahoo John, are you out there?

Keaau, HI

Maybe they are out to sea?

Thumbnail by Metrosideros
Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Just saw this Alexandra...thanks for the link, it brought back memories of John and I madly posting our underwater pics for everyone's enjoyment. It was through those posts that I met a lot of you, so I have reasons aplenty for missing John. Has anyone heard from him or Katie lately?


I posted a few. I mostly work on my blog now-a-days,


Didn't John try to get some discussion about an ocean related topic, and no one replied? I sort of remember that. Plus, he's living and working in BurnOutland, the Cayman Islands. Most jobs there are for minimum wage, and seven days a week.

Here's an Elkhorn Coral for your enjoyment.

Thumbnail by
Richland, MI(Zone 5b)

Hey, Shari! glad to see you here! I still wish to see more and more water pictures, especially now, when I'm so far away from it! (plus, I never dived in my life, so my admiration increases exponentially!)
I don't remember when I salt saw John posting... Is the Katie you're asking about Katiebear? I briefly "talked" with her about two weeks ago in a dmail, but I have been missing a lot of action myself, I didn't know she's not posting. Maybe we should give her a howler?

Molamola/Melissa, that is a beautiful coral, and of course I went to visit the blog you linked! I could spend days looking at your wonderful pictures! Thanks for sharing, I bookmarked you.


I agree Alexandra. I enjoyed viewing the pic's of under-water paradise's that exist.

I hope to see more of them.


Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

No Alexandra, I was referring to John's wife - Katie. I was hoping that maybe Christi or someone had heard from them.

JB did some diving while we were in Bali, but he didn't take his camera. The massive grin on his face when he got back was a testament to the incredible life he saw, and wished he had taken it. Oh well, one more reason to go back!

I'll give John a ring and see what he's up to...


Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

For those who haven't seen the pics that we posted - it seems like years ago! - look for posts titled Underwater Pics in this and other forums...John is a great photographer!


So are you Shari! I viewed them all;-)


Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Why thank you Rachel, but my dh is the photographer. I'll pass along your compliment.


(Zone 1)

It would be great to have an "Ocean Garden" forum! I'm not a diver but would love seeing the beautiful, natural underwater gardens of the world!

Richland, MI(Zone 5b)

Whoops, my bad! I would agree for an OG forum wholeheartedly, but it seems lately it takes a lot of effort to get a new forum going, unless there are multiple threads regarding that topic... I've watched several such requests, one for Camellias, and another one for growing tropical plants in border-zones, that were unsuccessful so far, and only the pottery/kiln arts forum being approved.

So, please, my dear friends, post more from the Underwater Marvels!

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

I posted somewhere that I had heard from John through regular e-mail. He asked that everyone make it a point to see "The Cove" concerning the capture of Dolphins. I have told him how he is missed but doesn't seem to move him. I thought of how wonderful it was when Shari and John were taking us to the unbelievable world under the sea. Most excited I have ever been. Well, almost.


LouC. The capture of Dolphin's can be a heart drencher to have to view ! Via it live, television, P.C. etc.

Horrible thing's happen to a lot of animal's and mammal's that exist in the world. I could send you some heart drenching happening's that goes on in slaughter house's for equine all over the world.....but I would never post them! Maybe John just need's some time;-)


Did John leave Cayman? The hurricane seemed too harsh for him.

Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

Nope. He's been through several hurricanes the last 20 years and knows how to ride 'em out.

Rio Rico, AZ(Zone 8a)

Christi - thanks for the note on John. At least I now know that he is healthy and still causing righteous trouble whenever possible!

One of my many blessings is that I live in a part of the world where that sort of slaughter does not happen. All the fishermen out here do whatever it takes to never harm any creature of the reef or ocean that is not food fish...and no one out here would eat Dolphin. The native population considers them lucky, and the Americans, etc. are thankfully (in this instance) too ecologically minded. We even have projects in the works to ring our dive site buoys with "tie-offs" so boats won't have to throw anchors overboard which can harm the coral. Every little bit helps.

When JB gets back to taking U/W pics I will post them for you guys. In the meantime we can resurrect the old threads if you like.



Desoto, TX(Zone 8a)

That would be great for me. It is always a wonder, no matter how many times you may see it. I can't remember yesterday anyway.

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