question on very thorny shrub

Troy, NY(Zone 5b)

On a fence that is common with my neighbor there was (is) a nasty thorny shrub that has red berries. I removed what I could from my yard but there is still quite a bit growing on the neighbors side. As a matter of fact my son sawed one of these things in half and removed the half that is on my property. How do I keep this awful plant away from the garden bed I am planning on putting there?

Is there anything I can put on it to keep it from growing back?

I really hate hate hate this plant but cannot destroy the part on my neighbors yard but want it destroyed in mine.

Holland, OH(Zone 5b)

It sounds like a Japanese Barberry.

They can really get ugly if they are in the path of your daily activities. They are often chosen as a barrier shrub to keep intruders away from fences and under windows. I'm sorry to say that you're probably stuck with this shrub's annual growth encroachment. The only way to permanently halt it's growth in your direction without removing the neighbor's portion is by installing a barrier in the ground to about the depth of 18". Dig a trench along the fence line where it grows and install a heavy plastic barrier. Bamboo barrier would be sufficient. You would still have to trim back top overgrowth from time to time, but the advancing roots would be stopped.

Otherwise, just use a sharp spade along the fence two or three times a growing season to snap off new roots. Do you get along with your neighbor? If you split the cost would he/she agree to a split the cost - split the work agreement to install a gentler shrub barrier that you could both live with?

Troy, NY(Zone 5b)

Thanks so much for the advice. If I thought the neighbor would be cooperative this wouldn't be an issue unfortunately her nickname in the neighborhood includes the word "bug" so it looks like the bamboo barrier is a really good option.

I am planning on putting roses along the fence would this plant hinder them in any way?

Holland, OH(Zone 5b)

Not many plants prosper with competition at their roots. If you put a root barrier in place and plant up against it the roses should not be bothered - Provided they can have an unrestricted root run on the remaining three sides. Are you maybe thinking of big old hardy shrub roses that can fight back? There are some dandys that once established, could provide you with, flowers, scent, screening and thumbing your nose at the "bug" neighbor.

Take a look at this one.

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