Hello! Sweet corn seeds for tropical-humid climate???

Panama City, Panama

Hi everyone, I'm happy to have joined this community! I'm in desperate need to plant sweet corn here in Panama in a large scale but I have no idea where to get the right sweet corn seeds for this place due to the climate. It's tropical-like with A LOT of humidity. Everybody here sounds so experienced that I hope someone can help me. All I've heard is that the ones that should work here are called supersweet corn seeds. Thanks a million in advance, I will really appreciate any kind of help :)!

Keaau, HI

Hi Thomas, check out the University of Hawai'i, College of Tropical Agriculture Seed Program. They sell Hawai'i Supersweet # 10 Corn, a true-breeding hybrid, as well as many other seeds.

Here is their seed order form:


Aloha, Dave

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Aloha Thomas, glad to have you on board!

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

I second Dave's suggestion - I have grown their seeds and the corn is terrific!!!

Mérida, Yucatán, Mexico(Zone 11)

One thing that I've heard here in Mexico is that if anyone is growing the usual field corn nearby it will pollinate your sweet corn. At least, that's the usual reason given for sweet corn being unavailable as there are few places where corn is not grown and it's almost all field corn.

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

We introduced hybrid sweet corn in S. Spain about 30 years ago...the farmers were suspicious but when Mother and I harvested it and sold it to the hotels and brought them the money...they were sold!!! I don't believe the Sweet Corn hybrids can cross pollinate...

Mérida, Yucatán, Mexico(Zone 11)

ahhh, I suspected it might just be a myth. Glad to know though.

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