New liners: To trim or not to trim?

Marianna, FL(Zone 8b)

In addition to the wonderful plants I've ordered from a couple of sources lately, I've bought quite a few liners locally. Some have almost two feet of growth with beautiful leaves. How important is it that I trim them back and how much? It's so hard to bring myself to do that.

Delaware, OH

so important. you will have a better plant for years to come if you is to much for the plant to establish roots and keep all that glorious top stuff in peak condition. and it it blooms right after planting it out, imagine the stress on the plant. 3 goals. give it one goal: roots

do a trial, get two just alike (samecultivar) plant out, trim on back and follow plant for 3 years and report results.

Marianna, FL(Zone 8b)

I'll go ahead and do it because I know you are right. How much growth can I leave?

Delaware, OH

some would not agree, but leave 50% of it and keep a close eye on plant to see if it grabs hold. really should be 75% or down to 1 leaf node from bottom, but i know how hard it is to do this.
anything better than nothing!

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