Need Help with a very weird looking iris....

Winnsboro, TX

I need help with what I might have here on my hands. I have taken several photos of it but I'll have to go get a disc made with my photos on it. So it maybe a week or so before I can post the actual picture of it.

Anyway this plant/bloom stands 32 inches tall. It has white standards and white falls and it has purple stiching all over it except for the very bottom of the falls. It has the same shade of purple style crest., with a yellow beard. The weird thing about this iris is it's only about 2 to 2 1/2 inches across, and about the same in length. Very very small bloom on these tall very sturdy bloom stalks.

My first thought is that it's probably a very old iris. Since I make a habit to rescue starts of any irises I see growing at old homesites, out in fields, are anyhwere else I might stumble upon something I don't already have at home. (grin) I always get permission to do so first. I know that this plant has not be stunted or anything else because I have it in several different areas of my garden and they all look exactly alike. I must be honest and say it's not a standout at all and it's really ugly until you get really close up and personal with it.

I may or may not have a start of something that someone has though long gone....
I know until I show ya'll the photo it will be pretty hard to locate. This is the 1st year it has bloomed here and I just know it's one I rescued.
Thanks for any help you might be able to give me.
Happy Gardening, Marian

Anyway I don't know how to look it up in the historics and would appreciate any help anyone can give me.

Marquette, MI(Zone 5a)

One possibility would be miniature tall bearded.
Does it have purple based foliage? What do the spathes look like ? Do the petals have substance? It may be helpful for you to note these things now, just in case memory fails ya. When you post the photo, we can guess some more. LOL

Cherryvale, KS

Look at Stitch In Time. I used to have it and wasn't fond because of the small flower.

Winnsboro, TX

Nope it's not Stitch In Time. I think this iris is probably at least 100 years old or older and I have no ideal what it's name is or even where I got the silly thing. Most likely it was a rescue of mine from an old homesite. I have one in mind that the house was over 100 years old and belonged to a friend of mines mother. My friend is in his 80's and he knows nothing about flowers or plants. LOL So he's not any help. Besides that I make it a habit to grab a couple of irises I see growing just about anywhere there use to be old homes. I've got the picture now if I can just remember how to download the disk and then copy the thing to here I'll have it made. It's terrible being old and not remembering from day to day how to do things. Ya'll bear with me, the photo is coming soon....(I hope)
Happy Gardening, Marian

Pylesville, MD(Zone 6b)

Is this what it looks like?

Thumbnail by avmoran

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