irises aint blooming

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

should i give like bloom boost. limed last month as we have very acidy soil. only a few blooming. thanks

Chickasha, OK

I don't have this problem but I hear that bone meal in the fall helps. Are your iris getting good sun?

Raleigh, NC

lime would have been good dug into the soil a few weeks before planting. have no clue if it was any good now.

we've been getting soo much rain now, and late cold and frost a few weeks ago. my SDBs and IBs and now the TBs are all starting to bloom at the same time.

I fertilize 4 to 10 weeks before bloom. with 5-10-10.

Raleigh, NC

oops - ya know, I didnt' think to ask, what kind of irises? my answer was for bearded irises. you could have been talking about bulb irises - you mentioned bulb booster

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

Bloom Booster is good about 6 weeks before bloom time, but if they are already blooming it may not help this year, perhaps next year? Iris like a dose of phosphorus about 6 weeks before bloom season, but I don't know if it helps during blooms season. Phosphorus can be delivered physically -- Bloom booster, etc or organically -- bone meal, ground rock phosphate. Both of the latter should be put int well before the bloom season.

Are they buried too deep? That is another reason they might not be blooming. Did they bloom last year? Tops of rhizomes should show part way out of the soil. If they are too deep, replant them with a bit of rhizome sticking out.

Of course late freezes can also cause iris not to bloom.

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

not too deep these are well established. lime was on schedule here well watered in with all storms and rain we have been having.

plenty of sun as have beautiful pics from last year.

bearded. maybe they are summer bloomers?

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

Bearded in Oklahoma bloom in May. Not sure exactly when in May, maybe middle. It may just be a little too soon. Can you look at your pics from last year and get the date of bloom. That would tell you a lot.

Raleigh, NC

she's a zone more than me. my earliest TBs are opening now.

Owasso, OK(Zone 6b)

My tall bearded are starting to bloom now. Several will be open tomorrow.

Carrollton, OH(Zone 6a)

may need to be divided.

Cherryvale, KS

Well, I'm farther north than Gabriel, and my TB (small#) are just coming into bud. SDB blooming for awhile, first IB opened today. Happy Wed. BIF's!! Our peak bloom is usually May 10-20.

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

Well, Imzadi, sounds like your TBs are behind schedule which means they probably aren't planning to bloom this year. If they aren't buried too deep, then I would consider dividing and adding more nutrients and organic matter to the soil where they are planted. Too bad. Sad to miss a year of bloom.

Tempe, AZ(Zone 9b)

Mine did not obey my bloom schedule this year either. I think we have to be more patient.

Readyville, TN(Zone 7a)

Here in Tennessee, my TB irises are just beginning to show buds. I was thinking that they maybe a little later than normal this year. I'm hoping that they will be open in time for the Annual Iris Show in Murfreesboro, May 3, 2009.

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

Iris can be really inconsiderate about blooming for at the right time for showing. The weather can mess them up, too, as in late frosts.

South Hamilton, MA

Since even our iris pumilas don't have stems as yet, we have a long way to go for garden bloom. Daffodils in front of the wall are starting to bloom. Our TBs bloom at the end of May into June.

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