tulip and broccoli question

Byron, GA

I have two questions.
This is my first year planting tulips and I was wondering if in Ga should I dig them up in the fall or would they do ok if I leave them in the ground?
Also I want to plant broccoli this year and from what I have read so far it seems like I need to wait until the fall. When exaclty should I try to plant it?

Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

Though some tulips might re-bloom here for a year or two, they are treated as Winter annuals. This is because they will not receive enough hours, at low enough temperatures, to store energy for next year's blooms. The best explanation I can offer is that they come to you vitamin packed, but are exhausted when they finish blooming. When you buy and plant tulips they have been grown, dug and stored at the correct temperatures to initiate bloom for the next year. All of Georgia is too warm to keep them going year after year, as they need a specific rest period (cool temperature) when they complete their bloom cycle.

Broccoli can be planted Spring and Fall. It likes cool weather. Depending on where you live in Georgia and your elevation, some folks do better in Spring and some in Fall. Some don't notice a difference. Since the weather is always variable in Spring and Fall, you will have to experiment or ask local gardeners about planting dates. You will need to adjust your growing times to the age of the plants you are putting out. Hope this helps.

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