Hi Guys,

North Ipswich, Qld, Australia

Can you tell me about this plant and its correct name (not Christmas Cacti) as I know that but do you know the name of the color etc.

Thumbnail by Degarotty
barmera, Australia

Hi Dergarotty. How are you going. Good to see you popping in. I would say that your plant is a Zygocactus salmon pink, but I could be wrong. I'm sure that Jean will know. Colleen

Merino, Australia

Colleen is right Debi. It is a zygocactus. A lot of people call them schlumbergia . Think I spelt that right.
It is a very pretty color too. I can't give you a name for the individual plant as they are like Angels, so many similar colors . You have to be an expert ( or have the label).

Sydney, Australia

Yep. One of my favourites. Zygocactus. Looks very similar to one of mine in colour
but tag long gone so can't help with colour / name.

Magnetic Island, Australia(Zone 11)

Zygocactus are beautiful......

Jean would epis do well in the tropics?

barmera, Australia

Mya, I know that the Dragon fruit does well this side of Brisbane and the climbing one that Brian put a pic of up the other day. I don't know about the normal ones. Colleen

Magnetic Island, Australia(Zone 11)

OMG Colleen ,I think I have one....a little old lady (they love me) gave me one and I placed it in my shadehouse and forgot about it......here it is.......I'll trail it up the deck shade post ,so it'll have support,it'll get lots of morning sun and afternoon shade........

Thumbnail by MyaC
se qld, Australia

Mya, I reckon they'd grow just fine for you up there. I'd strongly advise that you keep them away from trees though. I was always amazed at the fantastic variety of plants growing up the trees on the island.

Barmera, Australia

G'Day MyaC.
I don't think your plant is the "Dragon Fruit" Hylocereus undatus. Your plant seems to have too many areoles and the newer growth looks to be too narrow and elongated. Growing conditions might do that and in any case you will have great flowers and the fruit can still be edible.

Merino, Australia

Mya, you definitely have an epi. I have 10 dragon friut. (Pitaya) and the areoles are much further apart without all the little spines too. What you may have is one of the night bloomers which love to run up trees. I would put it up a tree and let it do it's own thing. It will eventualyy cascade down.
Epis love the tropics. Kat will tell you as she has a lot of them that she feeds to her "pet turkeys"
Looking at the size , I would say you may have to wait a year or so for flowers but sometimes they will flower early especially up in the warm.
If you want to try the dragon friut , they will love it up there. You should have no trouble finding someone who sells the pieces. Mine came from up there , but I forget the name of the place.

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