Merrie Monarch parade pics

Kealakekua, HI

I didnt want to hijack the hula thread. These pics are from the parade in 2006. Hubby's family had a mounted unit in the parade. We won first place for private mounted unit (Pu'u Moi Ranch). Hubby and son won the pooper scooper prize.

Thumbnail by mlassi
Kealakekua, HI

this is my daughter Brie

Thumbnail by mlassi
Kealakekua, HI

my daughter Caitlin

Thumbnail by mlassi
Kealakekua, HI

the girls with a cousin

Thumbnail by mlassi
Kealakekua, HI

and ot. Did you on the Hilo side feel the quake just before 1pm today? It sure spooked my dogs.

OH WOW!!!!!!!!!!!! You and your family Ride;-) Tell me more about the mounted unit's in Hawaii. Mounted unit's are admirable and highly commended in some state's here and I have to say.......beautiful children you have there.

Thank's! I truly enjoyed viewing


Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

mlassi...Beautiful their parents are beautiful too. If you come Hilo side this weekend...please give a call. I won't give my phone number out here (who knows what evil lurks in the minds of lurkers...) but I am in the phone book as Carol Noel. We would love to meet you.

In August my son and granddaughter (4yrs.old) will be here and we stay the last 3 days in Kona...can we stop by and meet you on our way around?


Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

mlassi, the girls are drop dead gorgeous! Well done winning first prize, and how wonderful to have your own mounted unit!

No, didn't feel the quake over here on Maui...

Keaau, HI

Beautiful children you have Mlassi!

The quake shook houses here for about ten seconds.

Kealakekua, HI

thanks for all the compliments. my internet is down at home so I using one elsewhere. Carol I dont think we will be getting to Hilo until May. I would love to meet up with you! My inlaws live in Papaikou.

There are several different types of mounted units. The pa'u units are really beautiful. Each unit represents an island and the colors and types of flowers are specific for each island. I'm sure the Merrie Monarch site would have info in much better detail!

Hope my internet gets working soon! Hopefully Monday.

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

mlassi (say, what is your real name, maskedwoman???), we live in Puna...but we could meet in town or here. Do call when you come over!!!

Thank You mlassi. I will do a search concerning all.


Kealakekua, HI

my name is Mary Lassiter but I am not in the phonebook as our phone is cell only. Do you have four wheel drive?
We can always go the south way to Hilo!

(I went to church early just to get my internet fix... I am so

Keaau, HI(Zone 11)

Great! We cam get Dave and meet in Keaau!!!

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