Looking for Citrus seeds

Clemmons, NC(Zone 7b)

Not having a great deal of success trading for citrus plants figured I'd test the waters for seeds instead. I don't want to give up the farm for seeds, I would be willing to trade some of my Veggie seeds for some citrus seeds or if you have several seeds to offer will buy for reasonable fee.


Pawleys Island, SC

Bill, I have a few honey tangerine seeds if you are interested.

Tulsa, OK(Zone 7a)

a few sweet kumquat. few lemon. have you any flower seeds to trade. also some large avacado seeds

Clemmons, NC(Zone 7b)

Interested in all, who needs what for their haves? I don't have any flower seeds do have lots of veggie seeds all this year's I always buy more than I'll ever plant.

Dixie Hybird squash
Henderson's Bush Lima's (baby)
Sweet banana pepper
Bush Garden beans (tendergreen Improved)
Zucchini squash Elite Hybrid
Tomato Beefmaster Hybrid
Jalapeno M pepper
Carrot Red Cored Chantenay
Cilantro/ Coriander herb
Basil Genovese
Sweet Basil seeds taken from my plant this season.
Sugar snap peas Edible pods
Lettuce salad bowl
Evergreen bunching onion
Cucumber Eclipse hybrid
Bell pepper calf. wonder
Radish sparkler
Tarragon ( artemisia redowski)
Onion Evergreen Bunching

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

I would love some of your Henderson's Bush Lima's and evergreen bunching onion and the Tarragon do I have anything you are looking for?

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Bill, I have many Meyer Lemon seeds if you want them. I don't need any more seeds thanks. Let me know. No charge. No postage.


Lewisburg, KY(Zone 6b)

I have traded for Myers lemon seeds twice and had no luck sprouting. I believe I read that they have to be kept moist from the time they are harvested. Is this correct? I have wanted some of these seeds to gro and cannot afford to go to the nursery to buy a tree.

Do you knoe the way to propagate these?

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

I don't know. I have them but have never tried to grow them. I have some from last year's crop and also I have lemons from this year's crop. I am going to send both the last year's seeds and a couple of lemons to Bill. Maybe he will let us know.


Mamawk, would you like me to send the same to you? Jeanette

This message was edited Apr 18, 2009 10:23 PM

Clemmons, NC(Zone 7b)

It's BEST to grow from fresh seeds regardless of plant type, But they will still grow from stored seeds it may add a longer time for them to germinate though. And then there are some fruit that do not grow true from seed, Tangelo & a few others will grow from seed but will not produce fruit. I'm easy; if they grow good if not I'll blame it on my lack of ability, conditions lighting, soil no greenhouse etc.. I have had some palm seeds take 6 months to germinate & some that still have yet to germinate after a 8 months, I don't give up easy.


Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Boy Bill you do have patience. Not me. i would throw them out.

I will send lemons and you can retrieve the seeds. These are from my sister in California. She has a real nice tree that produces a big crop every year. So I know they have not had any processing done to them.


Clemmons, NC(Zone 7b)

Awesome, you need my addy or did you already look it up?


Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Got it. Jeanette

Pawleys Island, SC

Bill, I am sorry I have been away for a little while. If you are interested in the tangerine seeds, please send me your address. Thanks, Linda

Lewisburg, KY(Zone 6b)

Yes I would love to try them. My computer has been down a few days so I'm late seeing this. My address is in exchange and please let me know what I would owe you. I am so excited! Maybe this time they will grow!!!

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Ok, Mama, I will send you some seeds but not the lemons. I didn't know how much they were going to cost to ship and I had someone else send Bill's and was floored when he told me the cost. Very expensive lemons. I will take the seeds out of the lemons so you have fresh ones to plant. And, I wonder if they will spoil if I send them before drying them???? I see you are in KY. What do you think, if I just put them in a paper towel and send them right after I take them out of the lemon?

Will take care of this this week. Jeanette

Clemmons, NC(Zone 7b)

Jeanette I haven't seen the lemons but let me know how much I owe you, I do not expect you to foot the cost of my projects.


Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Bill, lol, sorry, I didn't mean to, and hope you didn't take it that way, that I was put out with you for the cost of the lemons. I think the shipping is soooo out of line. Had I been at the post office I would not have sent them tho and explained to you why I was sending fresh seeds instead of fresh lemons.

Don't worry about it, have a glass of lemonade on me. And, I sincerely hope the seeds sprout for you.


Clemmons, NC(Zone 7b)

NO I really do not want yoou being out the cost of shipping them. If you like use the money to send seeds to someone or to fund your next trade.

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Whatever. Jeanette

Lewisburg, KY(Zone 6b)

all we can do it try. Just send them and we will see.

North, TX

bdollarbill, I don't want to intrude but I too am looking to trade some veggie and/or herb seeds for citrus seeds. I just received my order from heirloom seeds so I don't have large quantities of each seed to trade but would love to have any citrus seeds that will grow! I would love to have lemon, lime, orange, grapefruit, anything really that will grow from seed. I know the stuff in the store doesn't. I have tried, then I learned about GMO.

So if there are any citrus seeds left can I get some for trade? Please?

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

I'll see how many seeds the Meyer lemons have. How many I get from a couple.


North, TX

That would be wonderful! Do you mind bdollarbill?


North, TX

Here's some of what I have for trade:
Squire Kale
Early Siberian Kale
Early Jersey Wakefield Cabbage
Catskill Brussells Sprout
DE Cicco Broccoli
Arugula Eruca vesicaria
Romano bush beans
Fresee endive
Green Globe Artichoke
French sorrel
Winter savory
Summer savory
Creeping thyme
English thyme
Italian parsley
Large leaf Italian basil
also have a few: NATIVE SEEDS SEARCH
Okra Abelmoschus esculentus (Beck's Gardenville)
Jumanos Watermelon
Swain Dill
Martyria (devil's claw) Paiute
Nicotiana rustica Tobacco Tarahumara El Cuervo

Some of these I only have enough for frugal trading, it depends on how many are in the pack!

I also have some flowers from a previous trade:
Candy lily
Bright eyed girl morning glory
Castor bean-red leaf
Castor bean-Green leaf
Blue chaste tree vitex agnus castus

Thanks for your consideration

Clemmons, NC(Zone 7b)

Trade away , when I get the box with the lemons I will share if anyone wants to try some. Just drop me an Dmail.

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Well Bill, if you didn't get the lemons today you should get them tomorrow. Hope they are full of seeds. LOL


Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Well Bill, if you didn't get the lemons today you should get them tomorrow. Hope they are full of seeds. LOL


In fact, you might want to trade with allwild818. I don't see anything I need. No offense, I just do not need any more seeds. Jeanette

Clemmons, NC(Zone 7b)

Nuttin today will be on lookout I know they are mostly viable when they have not dried out completely, who ever else wants seeds I'll send them in soaked wet paper towel to keep them moist in small ziplock bag, you'll have better results that way. May even speed up the germination process & have seeds sprouting when you get them.


Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

That is what I was thinking Bill. I can't believe for that price that they didn't hand-carry them to you!! I got hostas sent on Tuesday on Thursday from Oklahoma to Wash. State.

Oh well, you never know. If they aren't fit when you get them I will send seeds the way you suggest above. Now, are you going to send seeds to Mamawk and allwild818? I haven't sent any yet, but if you are going to, I won't.


Clemmons, NC(Zone 7b)

It's no problem, no sense in you paying to ship everybody's for free I'll take care of them.


Lewisburg, KY(Zone 6b)

Whoever sends me the seeds or lemon I will reimburuse you for the postage. I am very grateful for even getting them.

North, TX

Ditto what MamawK said. However you want to do it let me know.

Clemmons, NC(Zone 7b)

Ok soon as I get them I will forward them to you both just be sure to Dmail me your addy unless your listed in files here already. They didn't show today maybe Monday.


Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

I cannot believe that!! That is just awful. And they are cutting back more! Jeanette

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

I cannot believe that!! That is just awful. And they are cutting back more! Jeanette

Bob is looking for the receipt, but I don't know what good that will do when he didn't put a tracking number on it. Why would you track 2 lemons anyway? If you don't get them Monday I will send seeds to all 3 of you on Tuesday.


Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Ok, Bill, I have the seeds for all 3 of you to go out tomorrow. Thanks for your patience, sorry for all the screw up. OH, I received your seeds today. Thank you.


Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Bill, I sent the seeds today, hopefully they won't take as long as the lemons. Please leave the lemons in the post office. I would imagine that by the time they get there they are going to be pretty stinky.

I was sent plants I ordered thru a co-op on the 23 and they still are not here. I checked the tracking and discovered they had sent them thru Anchorage, AK. I am sure that by the time I get them they are going to be pretty dried out and probably dead.

I really don't know what the answer is unless it is to use Fed-ex or UPS for everything. That is silly.

You will probably get the seeds in a couple of days.


Clemmons, NC(Zone 7b)

Thanks I hate that you spent without them getting here, are you sending some for me to resend out to the others as well?


Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Yes, I sent about 30 seeds I think. Hope they get there.

I still haven't gotten the plants that I bought thru the co-op and were sent on the 23rd. Thru Anchorage yet!!!


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