Bottlebrush Tree Blooms Are Faded

Richmond, TX

My Bottlebrush tree blooms are never red but are a washy pinkish color. Do some of them have naturally faded blossoms? Could it be a nutrition problem? It is growing in sandy loam and all I have fertilized with is compost, but our soil is generally very good, and the plant seems to be thriving.
Any help would be appreciated.

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

I suspect you have one of the pink flowered varieties--it's not faded, it's the color they're supposed to be. If the leaves and everything else look healthy then I suspect that's what's going on. If you post a picture, maybe someone will recognize which cultivar it is.

Richmond, TX

I don't have a camera at the moment, but it's not a clear pink sort of grayish. Not pretty.

Barmera, Australia

G'Day, Do you know the botanical name of your plant? Here Callistemons are usually referred to as "Bottle Brushes" but some times Melaleucas and Banksias are called that. Your colour might be that you just have a poor seedling specimen. Some of the species are not all that colourful being a pale pink that even if it had no colour would not be white but a bit greyish.
Regards Brian

Richmond, TX

I believe it to be Callistemon laevis. And the term greyish describes the blooms well. A poor specimen? Darn!

Bluffton, SC(Zone 9a)

Here's a plain jane bottle brush in full bloom in my neighborhood. This what you want? There is a pink varity but I never seen one.

Thumbnail by CoreHHI
Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

Here are a couple pink ones that I have

Richmond, TX

All those bottle brushes are lovely. Alas, mine really is more grey than anything else as Stake described. It is almost hard to tell that it is blooming at all. Healthy tree though. I guess there's no miracle cure for ugly.

Huntersville, NC

CoreHHI - nice pics!

Ive got a Red Bottle crush - nursed back from having only THREE needles.

all we have to do is water and feed it and it will bloom its merry way!

Question: did you prune yours into tree shape??

and mine is about 5 years old.. Is it too late to try to prune mine into a similar shape?

Bluffton, SC(Zone 9a)

Yes that tree has been pruned and No I don't think it's to late to prune it up. Bottle brush are very forgiving. I wouldn't do it untill the late fall, this time of year is a little to late.

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