Where to get compost in Atlanta area?

Decatur, GA(Zone 7b)

I need to amend my soil for my summer vegetable garden, and I've been looking for composted manure or organic compost sources nearby. My little compost heap did not generate enough for my summer garden this year. Does anyone have any favorite sources? I picked up mushroom compost from Luxury Landscape one year, and it did amazingly well for me - but I don't have a truck to go get it with this time, and I'm not in their delivery area.

Luxury Landscapes will deliver about anywhere. I had them deliver downtown and they weren't wild about it, but they did it for us! I have had Buck Jones come here too.

Decatur, GA(Zone 7b)

You can get free compost from the Dekalb Extension service. I got some last fall and it was pretty well broken down. Also, the Atlanta Botanical Garden will give you some. If you call and give them notice, they'll even load it for you. So there's two free sources, but alas, you need your own truck! I don't know who will deliver.

Yes, but you can't use the free compost on your vegetable garden.

Woodstock, GA

why can't you use the free compost on your vegetable garden?

Decatur, GA

I would guess that the free compost from Dekalb Co. contains unknown chemicals from home gardens, who supply the raw material for the compost. Its probably not recommended for use on plants you are going to eat.
But thats just a guess.

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