Piedmont, SC(Zone 7b)

I posted for the first time on this forum a few days ago and not 1 person bothered to answer. I didn't think DG'ers would do that. I guess I will just go back to the perennials forum where you are not ignored.

South Hamilton, MA

My dear girl, Easter weekend is a busy time--give all a break & get down in the garden with the rest of us.

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

Hi, sorry I didn't see your post until today. I've been going crazy in the garden clearing it out, and mulching, fertilizing etc. It's a busy time of year for us iris people.

Welcome to the forum. Don't leave. We're a nice friendly bunch here. Just a really busy time of year. Any normal time you would have gotten a flood of answers.

(dana)Owensboro, KY(Zone 6a)

im sorry that you didnt get an answer.sometimes when im to busy ill just log on and look at the threads ive posted to or am watching and dont look at the new topics . im probably not the only one who does that from time to time . if you have a thread that is missed just repost after a few days or bump it so it stays on top . ive had to do that on other forums. in fact i have a question out there that im waiting for a response on.ive never accused the regulars on forums of ignoring . its just missed . i dont think any one on daves would just ignore . it was just bumped out of sight by busy threads . i didnt even see it .

(dana)Owensboro, KY(Zone 6a)

oh yah i wanted to add that we are so ready for blooms that we tend to navigate to the threads with promises of pics and new blooms LOL . stay around

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

Sorry we missed your post for three days, but people did eventually get to it. I agree with the person who said a picture generally attracts attention and that is true. Be patient with us -- we are all just volunteers and as everyone has said this is a busy season.

San Angelo, TX(Zone 7b)

I'm sorry you were so impatient. I've always had responses, no matter how trivial or minute my question was.
I don't think you will be ignored no matter what forum you go to:)

Pylesville, MD(Zone 6b)

Three days on Easter Weekend is NOT being ignored. I think you should have been a little more patient with a response. During the week, when it rains, snows, dust storms, tornadoes, ok maybe not tornadoes, that is when we have time in the spring to dig into Daves. I have 1 1/2 acres of beds to weed feed treat for parasites, treat for fungus, and enjoy.

THIS IS SPRING ENJOY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

We don't ignore anyone on purpose, but we do get busy at times.

Pylesville, MD(Zone 6b)

She posted the same thing on Carolina gardening and got an answer the day before she posted this. Well I guess we are slugs not a problem next!!!!

Pylesville, MD(Zone 6b)

Patience and perseverance have a magical effect before which
difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish.
- John Quincy Adams

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

Well said, anita. or John Quincy. Participation in the Iris forum is voluntary for all concerned. And there is no timetable.

Lebanon, OR

If she were a true gardener she would know you do not get lightening results in spring, the only reason I am here are two reasons the wonderful weather called PNW liquid and my knee...

Otherwise I would be outside.


Anita and John Q are so true...

Happy Jack, AZ(Zone 5a)

Smokey, where are you? I too must have just missed you. Post some photos, then you will get attention a lot quicker. I don't don't always get an immediate answer either. You must be patient with us oldtimers. I'm getting slow in my old age.

Dee, what's with your poor knee? I've got one too! So does my DH.

Well Endowed

Thumbnail by HappyJackMom
Lebanon, OR

Just a bum knee. But it will come and go as with all things with age LOL.

But right now do not think I will ever be too old to do my iris my love.


Raleigh, NC

what do you mean, anita, not tornados? we darn sure did have tornados on the 8th! then another storm system the next two days that spawned killer tornados in it's prior two states. I had my system off for most of 3 days last week!

I think I've already responded to this request - hope you got some help

Pylesville, MD(Zone 6b)

Yea but usually during tonado warnings I would hope you are in a shelter and power is off

Please those in tornado country do not respond to my post if severe storms are near
I Can Wait
Please seek shelter
Do not Touch the computer
Power Down


Owasso, OK(Zone 6b)


I noted that you started the thread in all capital letters, a lot of us may be older but we are not deaf. I have posted before and not gotten replies for several days, sometimes it takes a while to reseach things to give a reply. Would you rather get posting from someone saying "I don't know" or wait for an real answer?

Also have noticed that you have not given any replies back to any messages that have been posted to both of your threads. In your impatience, did you give up so soon? I believe we are a bunch of nice people that give a lot of information and we have fun doing it. I really look forward to getting on the forum to see what everyone is up to and to see the photos.

As it warms up, more of us are going to be in our gardens, and shows will be going on, which I am looking forward to, so I can spend more money buying more irisl

Durham, ME(Zone 3a)

Obviously not understanding about iris season when everyone is busy but that's okay.

I have been cutting dead leaves off mine and removing dead mushy rhizomes from what the ice storm killed. I got ice before I got snow so lost a few but not as many as I feared.

Been fertilizing with Osmocote and digging up my daylilies that need dividing too.

Irises can be moved anytime except right before frost. Need about six weeks of feeding for the next bloom time. They have about three months of sleep time before rebloom for the rebloomers and they are most vulnerable when they wake up to send up bloom stalks so the feeding is according to their needs.

In the north we skip feeding in the fall for we do not want rebloom killing the irises, your area you would do a spring six weeks before your bloom time, a summer feeding and then a fall feeding for the best bloom. Whatever you use for irises make sure the middle number is higher than the first or you will only get leaves not flowers. Nitrogen promotes leaf growth, phosphorus promotes flowers.

Dwarfs, Beardeds and such use non acidic fertilizers and the beardless like ensata, and siberians use more acidic fertilizers. What you use for the last will not make the beardeds grow well and coffee is more acidic. Louisanas do not grow in my area so someone will have to guide you over those but I hear they may be more like the ensatas and siberians.

They need to be in the sun about six hours for blooming and if you dig them up the longer they stay out of the ground the more feeble they get. They have less chance of making babies and blooming and more chance that they need to feed before they can bloom again.

Irises are very hungry critters so no more than 7 days max out of the ground if you want the best bloom from the rhizomes that you can get. Placing in pots will increase the their chances if you can not place them in the garden right away.

I prefer the beardeds do not bloom the first year after I get them or they could die of bloom out. That uses up all of the mother rhizome and you get no babies. Second year bloom after the babies are made is more likely to give you irises that do not die out on you.

Hope some of this helps and take care.

Salem, IL(Zone 5b)

It's too bad the person who got into a snit over lack of response to a question does not have
the courtesy to acknowledge all the kind responses. As a word from someone who has been
disappointed a few times, do your best to get over it.

PS: I think you ladies were being conned. I checked the perennial forum and could not find
a new post from Smokey going back to early August.

(dana)Owensboro, KY(Zone 6a)

what do you mean conned LOL what does someone get out of doing that ? besides attention.

Salem, IL(Zone 5b)

You guessed it.

Raleigh, NC

folks, she hasn't been back. we've given her some help....

San Angelo, TX(Zone 7b)

maybe she's embarassed?

South Hamilton, MA

Doubt it, if she pulls this stuff on other forums.

Pylesville, MD(Zone 6b)

She spend most of her time in Carolina Gardening but seldom responds in her own post. Do not know her or any problems she may have but again that is her problem and not this boards. Ya just have to pray for people like this
Have a GREAT spring day

Supposed to see Sun and 70 today and tomarrow of course back in the 30's by monday

San Angelo, TX(Zone 7b)

well we had over an 1" of rain last nite!! Gonna be high 77 today. Hope it's not real humid! Yuck

Lebanon, OR

Moist, not raining today will work 4 hours. Sat thru Wed into mid 70's and I hope it comes thru about 2/3 thru the weeding in the bearded field then will go to the garden where the wedding is to take place then to the beardless field.

Anita got the two raised beds in front mulched etc. the pond one cleaned trimmed and hopefully by the 15th of May the place will be NICE. Got to move alot of plants and pot them until after the wedding.


Raleigh, NC

see this Mariposa Autumn close up? MA is the firstTB to open this year, followed by Footloose, at least Ithink it's Footloose, it doesn't have the same coloring as the one I recalled from Cooleys.

anyway, look over the right shoulder of the MA bloom - that's my Decadence sending up a stalk! WHEEEEEE!

but then I had to go back inside, after 15 mins. of weeding, I couldnt' get oxygen. was breathing fine, but needed to rest and inhaler.

Thumbnail by bonjon
Sanford, MI(Zone 5a)

well if she dose not appreciate the info I sure do thank you !!! ;0)

Owasso, OK(Zone 6b)

Was going to ask Dee when the wedding was going to take place but she answered that question above.
Went to the eye doctor yesterday, being a diabetic you have to have regular ones, everything was fine except for the cataracts. My appointment to have the first one done is May 15. So keep me in your prayers, told you I have a bad case of white coat syndrome. Pray for you Denise to get through the wedding with no major problems.
Funny things are fine though, my daughter-in-law was standing a couple of steps up on a ladder to throw her bouquet. She threw it high and into the ceiling fan which was on, pieces of flowers went everywhere. Pretty tattered but got it done the second time, then she sat down and cried. She's a real worrier anyway.

Owasso, OK(Zone 6b)

Thought I would have some of my TBs opent today, but had cloudy skies and rain, again, the last couple of day, so they are delayed. Have lots of bloom stalks.

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