Mosquito prevention, I need your thoughts

Cleveland area, OH(Zone 5b)

We have a terrible mosquito problem, woods, standing water, clay soil, no slope for drainage. So I was online looking for mosquito dunks, and I came on this product:

It's the same variety of bt used in the dunks. I'm thinking I can add it to a hose-end sprayer and soak everything within a hundred feet of my deck.

What do y'all think???? It's certainly not cheap, but looks like a little would go a long way.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Anala... while you may think that the same type of product, it not and it for fungus nats.

Livign in the woods with 2 big huge ponds nobody take s care of around and flodo areas, I have lots of standing water. The skeeter so bad sometiems, they could fly off with you.

I woudl get soem of the regular dunks from liek lowes or hoem depot and plant ytou a bunch of mosquito plants and light cnadles or something.

Also puttign out things liek brid feeders and suet and plants that have like thistle s and seeds wil attract the bird s and they wil help keep the sketter population down some naturally.

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

Bt israelenis is the strain of Bt that's used both for gnats and for mosquito dunks.,05-390RS,default,cp.html I'm not sure why products are usually only listed for one or the other, but it's the same strain of Bt. If you buy that stuff to spray the yard with, I'd still recommend buying some mosquito dunks and putting those in any areas of standing water, that way you'll get more Bt concentrated where most of the larvae are.

Here are two other products that you might look at. Never tried them, but it might be worth investigating.,33-430,default,cp.html,38-146,default,cp.html

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