Stray Clematis plants, maybe?

Rougemont, NC(Zone 7a)

Possibly found a couple of Clematis plants while cleaning up around the house but not where I would want them. So I potted them up until a positive ID from some of you folks on this forum especially the one with the white veined leaves. Your opinions are more than welcome. Thank you in advance.


I couldn't figure out how to put more than one photo in the message. This is the one I really wanted the ID on most.

Thumbnail by jeeper55
Delaware, OH

looks like a terniflora with leaf miner, which is not harmful or terminal to the plant or flowers.
common in the wild seedlings of terniflora. i have never had it spread to a culitvar or other species type clem.

Central, AL(Zone 7b)

Ditto to the terniflora seedlings.

Rougemont, NC(Zone 7a)

thanks guys for the replies, i thought that mite be one because i have a big autumn clematis about a 100 foot from it. we also have have some others closer to the seedling.

Jeeper 55

Central, AL(Zone 7b)

Yep, birds brought me my very first sweet autumn clem. several years back. 7 years later, I still haven't found one single neighbor whose the seedlings may have came from? And you know the rest of the story....LOL, I love them sweet fragrant, stary, creamy white flowers in the Fall. I've plenty of seedlings to share with friends and relatives after I took down the over jelous grown original SAC that the birds have gifted our garden. :-)

Delaware, OH

look closely in the evergreen trees. this is a wild terniflora seedling that i allowed to naturalize as it seeded (i pot up and give away or kill most of them)

Thumbnail by ClematisGuru
Central, AL(Zone 7b)

It's amazing that it's so hardy even up North. CG, do you mind if I ask what zone are you in?

Delaware, OH

zone 5 b. we are in a microclimate between the ohio river valley weather and the lake effect to the north. very temperate, but def a hard winter and 4 season climate. just north of columbus ohio.

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