Problem Ming

Burton, OH

I am having a heck of a time with a Aralia Ming. I have it indoors, in a great room, loads of light. I have kept it moist, I have let it dry. I have repotted it. I have done everything I can think of. It wants to turn yellow and drop leaves. It is growing new ones but not at the rate it's dropping old ones. I have fed it and I have sprayed it. Could someone please brainstorm this with me? I would really appreciate it... bama

Thumbnail by bama028
North Augusta, ON

Personally, I think that's just what they do...then again I've never been able to keep one happy or alive for more than a month...

Burton, OH

I have had this one for about 3 yrs. I was wondering the same thing. Maybe that's just what they do but then I look at others that are full and wonder what I am doing. wrong. Thanks for the reply.

Buffalo, NY(Zone 6a)

Funny, I was discussing just this very topic on Tuesday.

I heard that Mings are very temperamental, like calatheas. The old-fashioned ones more so than the newer cultivars.

They do not like the slightest of drafts or to get cold feet, or even cool feet for that matter.

I just wonder if it hasn't caught a draft. Have you moved it lately?

Burton, OH

It is in a large great room. Come to think of it the door is not far away. It could be getting drafts. I will move it today and see what happens. Thanks for the input.

Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Hi, Bama.

I have a 30 year old Ming Aralia. Several times over the years many of the leaves turned yellow and dropped off. I think what triggered that was my forgetting to water it and/or not enough light.
It did OK in a northeast window, but thrived in a southwest window. It does like sunlight, so even if your great room is bright, make sure it's close to a window.
I water mine about once a week, keeping it on the dry side generally, and fertilize it now and then with Peter's or MiracleGro. I prune the top and roots when I re-pot it every few years, so it's still only about two and a half feet high. (Small is better for me.)
Right now it's not very full because it's in a low light area while I renovate. I'm confident that it will slowly fill out again when It's back in a sunny window. It's been very resilient for me in the past.
So don't give up on yours. It's a great plant. Good luck with it.


Burton, OH

Thanks so much for all the great advice. I am going to move it to this ming to my front porch room. No draft and plenty of sun.

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