How do I know if my hardy banana is still alive?

Portland, OR

I am in zone 8 here in Portland OR and we had a hard winter with lots of snow. My hardy banana died back to the ground but when I poke it with a shovel it is still hard, and reveals white pith or flesh when poked a bit harder. I have only had it for a few years and in previous years it died back but retained green shoots. I would appreciate hearing from anyone with more experience with growing bananas. Thanks, DG!

Conneaut, OH(Zone 5a)

How do you know?You don't.But I bet it is alive.I keep mine mulched very heavy.I don't even remove the mulch till june.Its lurking there dreaming of a hot humid summer.It is a hardy beautiful plant.Keep the faith.Its going to be ok.Rest easy,Edge

Portland, OR

Thank you! I hope it returns, and will mulch from here on out. When is a good time to remove pups?

Conneaut, OH(Zone 5a)

I am no expert but I can tell you what I have read and what I did.The pups should be 2' tall before you remove them.You have to go at them at a 45 degree angle.You must get some roots with them or they will not make it.Its not easy.I used a spud bar and it took some effort.Most people plant them up and bring them indoors for the winter.I just transplanted mine directly in the garden.I am thinking it was in august.My thoughts were it should have plenty of time to grow some roots.I cut most of the leaves of of them hoping this would force them to grow roots.I think it worked because after a while they grew new leaves.By october we had already had a few light frosts.The season was over for these plants.I mulched them all really heavy.Like I said before,not going to remove the mulch till june.At this time,like you ,I don't know if they are dead or not.I really think the mother is going to be fine.But what about the pups?Time will tell(fingers crossed).Edge

Portland, OR


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