Alocasia Lauterbachiana

New Boston, NH

I purchased this plant for a container on our deck ,a coleous did well last year so I wanted to put something with this plant any suggestions.It has morning sun.

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Begonia, impatiens?

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

Ipomea sweet potato vine?


central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Isn't that what Alocasia Lauterbachiana is? I thought the request is for what should go with them?

Buffalo, NY(Zone 6a)

I have two A. lauterbachiana, which I ordered last spring. They are just starting to wake up.

The GH gets cooler than they would prefer during the winter, I guess, so they all pretty much shut down. I will put them on the second floor of the greenhouse next winter, where it is kept much warmer.

I am not sure what I would plant under them. They do get pretty tall, but mine are too small just yet.

I kind of like the look of the ghost plant as an underplanting, as I have that established underneath my milk tree euphorbia which now stands about 6 foot tall. See Photo; Plant with underplanting on left.

I also might consider something like Lobelia .... I like how that deep blue one looks, Crystal palace, etc.

Were you looking for annual color? or something more permanent, like a succulent type thing??

This would be an excellent question for LariAnn over on the aroids forum. I have not really seen much info on companion planting with Alocasias, etc. They are pretty hungry plants.

Thumbnail by WNYwillieB
Kershaw, SC(Zone 8b)

I would try coleus again, Iresine would look neat also, any of the sweet potato vines would work (as already was suggested!), million bells (callobrachia-sp?), any of the licorice vines, or any other "socks" type of creeper (vinca vines).

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

Hey, ho Thom.

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Hey, Thom, where ya been?

Kershaw, SC(Zone 8b)

Here and there, I haven't been on much. Without hijacking the thread: I've been repotting, watering and taking care of all of my cuttings (didn't realize that this could very well be a 2nd job!!!), I'm also planning on going back to school in the fall, so I've been busy with campus visiting (there are 3 universities/colleges that I plan to apply to!) I think I have more EE's than I know what to do with, more Dahlias than I know what to do with, more brugs than I'll ever be able to use...Once the weather warms up a little bit more, in about a week or so, I'll be starting a thread for a "pre sale" to all of my NE Forum friends, then I'll put whatever is left over in the Market Place, or Classified Ads here on DG.

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Wow you have been busy. I'll be watching for your pre sale.

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