CLOSED: Lions Tail (Leonotis menthifolia)

Parkersburg, WV

I am looking for some of these seeds I had gotten some from Lazlo and tried to start a few and they did not start. I had held some back and some how lost them in all my seed packs. I have searched them several times and cannot find them so I know they are gone. I would gladly pay postage or buy a few seeds from someone.

I just love Lazlos variety he has every year.

I would really appreciate this if someone could help me out.

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

send me postage and a self-addressed envy . . . 59˘ - - before the rate hike, pls

Parkersburg, WV

Lazlo, thanks I will get that out in the morning. Well I guess it is morning, in a few hours it will be heading your way.

Thanks, I just hate that I lost the other pack I was really wanting to try these and they are hard to find.

Hopkinsville, KY

Lazlo sent me some of these seeds, what is the best way to start them?

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

i started mine is peat pots with moistened seed starting medium (Jiffy Mix) - - ź inch deep - - later i put them in the ground when they were a couple inches high

Hopkinsville, KY


Beaumont, TX(Zone 9a)

I planted some that I got from LazLo about 10 days ago and they were up in less than a week. I just sprinkled them on some reguluar potting soil , then spinkled a thin layer of soil on top of them and kept them moist. The pot was outside in full sun also.

La Grange Park, IL

I would like to try some of your seeds . The plant is beautiful .Where do I send the postage

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

debbie - if you are asking me, then pls just send me a DMail about it ~ ŁazŁo

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