Clematis Seedlings

Ninety Six, SC

I have volunteer clematis seedlings popping up everywhere. Should I just leave them alone and see if I get anything interesting ,or should I try to pot them up, or not even bother with them. I have about 30 different clematis.

Delaware, OH

do you have a terniflora "sweet autumn"?
most likely to spread by seed. i pot them up for friends, they come up everywhere.

i have one seedling i am keeping my eye on that is not a terniflora....but that is with 8 years in clems and hundreds of plants. i have heard if you keep garden really clean then less possibility of chance seedlings.....

the species type clems, vs cultivars, are most likely to do this. but some of our best loved clems, such as betty corning were chance seedlings, or sports of others that were found by accident vs breeders.

fun to pot up and see what it is though, no?

Ninety Six, SC

I do have Sweet Autumn, so maybe that is what these seedlings are from. I may pot some up and see what they are. The funny thing is there are some seedling coming up that are at least 100 feet from any clematis. Do birds spread the seeds around? By the way I do not keep my garden clean, lol.

I really don't want anymore sweet autumn. Here in SC it can take over!

Delaware, OH

they are probably sweet autumn even if found an acre or two away... the achemes that hold the seed are formed for travel to spread the species. not sure about the bird passage, they are little traveling machines however.
pot them up and give them to folks. i have let a few wild ones grow on y property and transplanted some where i wanted them, but yes there is a limit to how much sweet autumn anyone can take even if they love to prune and have acres to plant!

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