Requesting recommendations for a compost bin.

Somers, NY(Zone 6b)

I have a very small yard and would like to hide a commercial compost bin behind a shrub. Does anyone have one to recommend? Also, I do not understand what I should do with my daily kitchen scraps while I am actively composting what is in the bin. Thanks, in advance, for any advice.
Joyce Hochgesang

New Boston, NH

Their are several good compost forums but composting in a nut shell is common sense.I compost everything that breaks down dont use any bin have improptu piles where needed.

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

We had a pretty good discussion over on the PNW forum and one of the gals with a small garden built hers and posted a picture. Hope you find this interesting and helpful. I think we mostly stayed on track on this thread . . .

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