The DG Official Chicken Hairdo Contest

Foley, MO

Loving the red doo!

Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

Oh my my my I have missed so much.

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

But its nice to see you back safe and sound!
edited to ask: How is the horse?

This message was edited Apr 9, 2009 7:05 PM

Ferndale, WA

If ya don't love this thread??? Yer dead.

Seedpicker!! I'm in love Sealed with Kibbles-n-bits

Lodi, United States


I hate to cast a harsh light over this love fest--but I must speak up and accuse the originator of a gross misdeed. My DH and I are now up to two! TWO! of the flans (custard pies) she promulgated in a single day. I was just forced to make another one--although this time I strayed into unknown gastronomic territory and added maple flavoring as well as vanilla.

Sure Moxon has great and creative ideas and the idea of a chicken hairdo contest was genius--but is she ready to take responsibility when her brilliant ideas go astray and people are hurt by the ingestion of massive amounts of eggs and cream (oh, did I mention that it tastes even better if you replace one cup of milk with heavy cream?)?


This message was edited Apr 9, 2009 10:30 PM

Foley, MO

Mmmmmmm, whipping cream. Mmmmmmm, maple.

Lodi, United States

Yes, Patchouli.....sigh....the maple was excellent. Sort of like french toast without the toast.....

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Now wait just one minute here! Just because I posted the recipe doesn't mean you have to develop an addiction to it! Why, I only make one custard pie a week!! So that's proof right there that it doesn't HAVE to be addictive. Indeed, I do believe that this behavio(u)r indicates a distinct lack of will power on your part, and possibly even a tendency towards obsessiveness. Additionally, your straying into unknown gastronomic territory is further proof of your inability to colo(u)r inside the lines. I'm not sure if you're even fit to own chickens really, because you might also have obsessive tendencies there, and end up with more chickens than you know what to do with...

AND, you haven't posted any chicken hair-dos, so I think I shall punish you with another recipe.

Big Breakfast Casserole

(8 servings)

* 32 oz hash brown shreds (frozen) or 8 frozen hash brown patties
* 3 cups shredded sharp cheddar cheese
* 1 cup shredded monterey jack cheese
* 1 cup fully cooked ham diced (or sausage, or chicken, or...)
* 7 eggs
* 1 cup milk
* 1/2 tsp. salt
* 1/2 tsp. dry mustard
* 1/4 tsp. pepper

Place hash browns in a single layer in a greased 13x9" baking dish. Sprinkle with cheeses and ham.

In a bowl, beat eggs, milk, salt, mustard, and pepper.

Pour over hash browns. cover with foil and bake at 350 degrees F for 1 hour.

Uncover and bake 15 minutes longer or until edges are golden brown.

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

I'm going to show this to my husband. He loves that sort of meal.
Thanks :0)

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

Oh boy....DH is going to love that one!!! I may be a slave to the kitchen in the morning now. :D
*actually it sounds easy thanks*

Clarkson, KY

Now for that diatribe to qualify as a chicken hair-do I believe the casserole must be worn by the chicken without harming it during the photographing process...lolol, Moxy-dear!!

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

I think its worn in poundage after eating it. :)

Lodi, United States

My camera is broken...whine, snivel....Moxon, how can you be so terribly, terribly, cruel......?

Anyway, I would personally be able to handle a single pie a day and maybe even dial it down to one every other day, but, since there were no warnings, I gave it to my DH and now I am forced to listen to his constant "Flan?" It even devolved into this last weekend:


You want me to make flan?

Yes. I want flan.

I will make flan if you ask nicely.

You will make flan!

I will not make flan unless you ask nicely.

You will make flan, or you will be sorry.

I will not make flan!

You will make flan!


You. Will. Make. Flan. Now!


And so on and so on. I think I will list Moxon and her contribution to the disintegration of the marriage on the divorce papers:0)

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Moxon is laughing too hard to respond!

Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

Just where is the recipie again??? Maybe I will try it for easter

Frederick, MD(Zone 6a)

I'd like to thank all of you for one of the most hilarious threads I've seen in a long time :) Thank you!!!

Moodene's photo of her 'wigged out' chicken will be the focus of the You Supply the Caption article tomorrow - hope y'all will watch for it and add your captions.

Thanks again for a SUPER THREAD :)


Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

I luv a flan Sam I am. I eat a flan with DH Stan cuz I'm Sam I am I am.

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

Wonderful Moodene! hehehe You have a star on your hands!!

(Nadine) Devers, TX(Zone 9b)

Howdy Ya'll...I had company since Thrus nite and wasnt funnie either..these from hubby's side and they came without notice..glad I had my extra spare rooms full of my son's apt stuff..they stayed at a motel down the street..I havent seen these folks since his grandma died way over 25 years finally left this morning..on their way back to California..sheeze...
WOW!!..I am sorry I didnt get the pic to ya soon enough that ya wanted..too much people on my hands and too many poor baby chicks..had to hide them in spare room from little kids..too much peeping from them..all the others stayed in the henhouse cuz I didnt want them to be chased..even my outside dog hid from these

Bend, OR(Zone 5a)

How do you show up without notice to someone's home that you haven't seen for 25 years expecting to stay?



Clarkson, KY

Ditto. Wow. Can NOT imagine that

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

I just couldn't be real nice about that... I would have gone crazy.. I'm glad it's over for you and life can get back to "normal" LOL

(Nadine) Devers, TX(Zone 9b)

These people were visiting relatives they hadnt seen in years...took me sometime to clean up kitchen too..I will be posting at the end of thw eek since I am in the middle of a High school drill team spring show--making over 20 costumes and the show is Saturday..will post pics when all done..Been working on this since last month..I am gonna need some serious chicken time after this is all over with..LOLOL

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Well, since it's my birthday, I thought I'd be bold and give out some early awards in the contest. Of course, this does NOT mean we are finished with it. KEEP sending in your chicken hair-dos! Catscan - get your camera fixed. ZZ, get on it!

Congratulations to these winners! (anyone else wanting to award some pics, please do so!!)

Best Bed Head: Crestedchik's "Bad Hair Day" rooster, post # 6377544

Most Fancy Daaahling: Moodene's Lovely Victorian Girl, post # 6379290

Most Elegant: Sewincircle's "Pim" in post # 6381650

Most Well Groomed: Silkiechick's Showgirl in post # 6383273

Best bow: My Snowball in the first post (yes I'm allowed to give my own chicken an award!!)

Most Likely to be a Rock Star: Beadmom's Ricky Riccardo in post # 6378041

Best Literal Chicken Hair-do (or chicken-head?!): Melissa_Ohio's son in post # 6378041

Most "changed" chicken after her makeover: InnBetween's Maxine in post # 6384484

Best Honorary Chicken: Seedpicker's Fifi with red hair, in post # 6382511

Best Non-Chicken "But We are Poultry Too" Hairdo: Patchouli's Duck in post # 6382904 (whom I am still coveting)

Most Imaginative Chicken Hairdresser: Clearly it is Sewincircle, especially because of Milly in post # 6383362

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Boy of Boy Waffle is going to be REALLY ticked off now. I think there should be an award for 'Grumpiest Contestest' which Waffle would win for sure.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Well that might come in the second round of awards.....

Newton, AL

Cat I want the Flan recipe!! thanks for the breakfast recipe claire.
I have to lose weight!! and you folks are talking about food. I have gained 45lbs since I got out of the army. AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

Happiest of birthdays, to you!

And, thank you for awarding Fifi as as honorary non-chicken :0) She will be so pleased

Lodi, United States

Okay, here it is: Claire Moxon's Evil and Addictive Flan recipe (from memory):

Preheat oven to 350 degrees, grease and flour a pie pan (I use glass).

In a blender (or bowl) mix together:

4 large eggs
3/4 cup sugar
1/2 cup flour
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 teaspoon freshly grated nutmeg (may be added now or sprinkled over flan
before baking.
2 cups goat's milk (or any milk)

Pour into pie plate and carefully place in oven. Bake for 40 minutes. It tastes better when it has cooled a bit. I think it tastes even better the next day--but that never happens anymore.

Now my experimental aberrations: I have done any or all of these things and had it turn out well:

1) Use 3/4 cup Splenda instead of sugar.
2) Add only 1/4 cup flour--less crust but still tasty.
3) Replace nutmeg with cinnamon (tastes like rice pudding).
4) Replace half the milk with cream. Riiiight:0)
5) Replace half the vanilla with maple flavouring (tastes like french toast).
6) Replace flour with cocoa powder--not a total success--but it seems like it might work well if tweaked by a better baker.

DH just walked in and asked if I am making flan now....I am a flan slave.

This message was edited Apr 12, 2009 10:11 PM

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Moxon has a naughty little giggle at the matter of flan addiction, and then runs off under her rock.

Cedar Key, FL(Zone 9a)

OK I'm living under a rock
what is flan?

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Brilliant idea to substitute cocoa Catscan! I am so trying that! I think that will make the fruit toppings everso more tasty!

Lodi, United States

I think that the addition of cocoa may call for the addition of salt. I'm not sure quite what was wrong....but it lacked a real deep chocolate flavour and seemed a bit bitter. Maybe using Dutch Cocoa would be better--less acid. Or adding some other type of chocolate as well...I think "Cook's Illustrated" addressed the problem in other recipes...maybe Alton Brown as well.

Flan is just an alternate name for custard pie. But when I called it that as a joke, DH latched on. He is a man of few words and the lure of demanding dessert in one syllable overwhelmed him:0)

This message was edited Apr 13, 2009 12:17 AM

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

It is name challenged, isn't it? 'Flan' just doesn't cut it.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

I also use amaretto in mine. I was thinking of trying Grand Marnier one of these days. I think either of those work really well for flavoring in a custard type setting. I also make individual custards in little ramekin cups. :-)

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

"I also make individual custards in little ramekin cups" I SO need to live near you Dr. Doolittle.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Then you could have your own pethud trees, Dahlianut!

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

Claire.. My neighbor has a pethud tree that is 35 years old. The bluejays always bury the pethuds so they will crack.. then they dig em up.. sometimes.. we get wild trees everywhere..

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Or I could live near ZZ.

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

I am making Flan as we speak.. need individual Flan cups..

If it's as addicting as you say.. I'm in trouble.

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