Betula pendula 'Filigree Lace' PP12,749

Holland, OH(Zone 5b)

Any one experienced with this tree? It's supposed to much more vigorous than Trost's Dwarf. I'm assuming I'll have to treat for birch borer on a regular basis.

Brewster, MN(Zone 4b)

I just received this tree as a gift. I don't know any more than you do. If I can save it from the deer and rabbits over winter we can maybe discuss our success next year.

Holland, OH(Zone 5b)

That made me laugh right out loud! I've had about 8" of new growth and it's still shooting upward. I'll completely surround mine with a hardware cloth cage at least 3' tall for several years to come. You aren't the only one with hungry bunnies. My winter landscape is dotted with metal tree trunk cages. Just a fact of life.

Saint Louis, MO(Zone 6a)

Snapple, you ought to see my yard. It looks like a veritable fortress.
Wire cages, plastic trunk protectors; looks completely ridiculous.
My wife wonders why our yard can't just look 'pretty' like the neighbors.
She has this ridiculous thought that gardens are supposed to look 'nice'.
What a ridiculous idea!...

Holland, OH(Zone 5b)

It's rabbits in the winter and in summer I'm covering the ponds for herons and raccoons with netting, decoys, assault weapons - you name it. My garden does look nice - if you could see it.

Hastings, MI(Zone 5b)

Look at my garden fountain and waterfall area.
I gave up with the ducks. Argh.
Their slime gooks up the pumps and every year we have
to buy a new pump. ugh.

finally got the duck penned in, Mrs. duck is still wandering around
somewhere...hope she is sitting on eggs, it will keep her away
from me for another 2 weeks.

In the interim, we now have a festering mosquito breeding area
if anyone is interested in some, let me know. We have low cost shipping and handling.

Thumbnail by WigglyPaw
Holland, OH(Zone 5b)

That looks like Hasings MI - I'd recognize those boulders/rocks anywhere! Yep - I know about the duck poop but I've honestly never had it so bad it wrecked a pump. That's not even funny. They are not cheap. Our dogs make the ducks uncomfortable so they don't hang around long. The dogs are house dog though and spend most of their time inside. Raccoons got into my front pond the other night and got a couple of fish. I usually net but it wasnt on because I was battling the catkins that oak trees drop by the bushel basket into the water. The net is miserable to take off and put back on. It takes about 1 1/2 hr with 2 people. Well it's netted now. The rest of the fish are so scared it'll be weeks before the come out from their cover.

Raccoons also poo on our deck. Big poo! They must be godzilla sized animals. For the mosquitos get mosquito dunks. They work. They're cheap and they are harmless to fish and plants. It'll make backyard life a lot easier.

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