a real quick has anyone seen anything like this?

Campobello, SC(Zone 7a)

Missy has this under her front leg, right in the armpit. I noticed a hard area a while ago in the same spot and made a mental note to watch it, figuring it was a scab and then totally forgot. It's in a really hard to see area and you have to be basically under her to see it. I found it again this weekend and now it's really big. My vet came out and she's stumped. She took pictures (that's her hand and camera phone in the photo) and is going to see if she can figure out what it is. It looks worse now because she washed it and picked off the outer layer so it looks all red and sore in the pic. She wants to wait about 2 weeks before removing it so she can see how fast it may or may not continue to grow. Plus, she's hoping she'll find out it's nothing to worry about and won't have to remove it because of the spot it's in will be impossible to keep stitched.

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