Jasminum nitidum 'star jasmine'

Wrightstown, NJ(Zone 7a)

This jasminum is also called Confederate, Shining, Angelwing. I think Star really describes the flowers. I got this baby last year from Top Tropicals and it looked awful. Brown leaves , dull, from something they used to spray..it took months for it to look alive. This is the first time it has bloomed the way it should. I brought it in from the GH because it was so full of blooms and I wanted to watch it and smell the wonderful aroma. The flowers only last about a day, then they fall off and funny star like stems are left on the plant. Wanted to share it with you all. JB

Thumbnail by JBerger
Greensboro, NC(Zone 8a)

i am getting confused with these jasmines....i just came from our local nursery where they had the 'confederate' one and another 'star' jasmine that started with an 'i' (i knew i'd forget that name)...what i'm really looking for is the sambac tho. can't beat the fragrance! good plant doctoring from you!

Wrightstown, NJ(Zone 7a)

If you tell me what a sambac tho. is, or show me, I may be able to help you find it. I am sorry I do not know what that is. The Jasminum sambac common names are:
Arabian Knights, Belle of India, Grand Duke of Tuscany and Maid of Orleans. I have plenty of the Maid of Orleans babies if you decide you would like one of those. I have the others too but no babies just now. JB

Greensboro, NC(Zone 8a)

WOW! really!? I would LOVE to have a maid baby! the sambac i'm refering to is the duke, but i'm also looking for the belle....i want these to distill them. i would be happy to trade some hydrosol (you can google my name for the web site) or pay you,,,whatever! you must have quite a gardening space to have so many choice plants!
thanks JB!

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

JB beautiful job on that Jasmine...I can imagine the scent.
Oh yes, of all of mine - I easily like Maid of Orleans scent best...Orange Jasmine 'Lakeview,' Grand Duke...and the NBJ would come next. My Belle of India has not bloomed yet...will wait to comment on her. 'Arabian' is nice - typical jasmine scent but I like the one's above better.
Dabney - the vendor Almost Eden has a good selection of Jasmines currently. He sends healthy plants and doesn't over charge on shipping. I've placed 2 orders from him this year already. http://www.almostedenplants.com/shopping/shopdisplayproducts.asp?id=3&cat=Fragrant+Plants

Greensboro, NC(Zone 8a)

thanks! Logees is good but i need to branch out. so far i have one little 'duke' that i took as a cutting last summer. i've got some catching up to do!

Wrightstown, NJ(Zone 7a)

Dabneyrose, I would love to send you one, but I have a small problem. Maybe Chantel can advise us about this. Because I am a certified nursery in NJ, I must go by the regulations on sending plants. I would have to send you the baby "bare root", It will take two to three days Priority Mail but I have never sent one bare root before. I do not know if they will survive. They are only 8 months old and I think they have good roots, but I hate to take all the soil of them. Let's ask Chantel if she ever sent Jasmine bare root to anyone. Help us please anyone. JB
I would not charge you for it I would be happy to have you have one of my babies.
Logees is great. I deal with them most of the time. My place is not that big. My one side of the Greenhouse is just Jasmine and they get moved around in the summer. Some go outside, some just hang out inside and endure the heat with the sunscreen on of course.
Let's see if we can find out about the shipping bare root and then we will talk again soon.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Believe me, I am no expert...but when I do plant trades, I almost always send them bareroot (smaller hoyas are about the only exception) - wrap em' in damp paper towel or Sphagnum Peat Moss or coir - then wrap with press-n-seal or saran wrap or even a snack size baggie with a pipe cleaner or rubber band....whaa laaa

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Ok...JB...I'm sorry...forgot you run a nursery...why I gave YOU directions when I'm sure you could give me pointers is beyond me...my brain goes MIA at times...

Wrightstown, NJ(Zone 7a)

No Chantell, I am only a nursery because I wanted to ship plants and was not able to do that in NJ legally without being inspected, and certified. etc. My daughter works for the Dept. Of Ag. and is the Equine Specialist for the State...therefore, I can not very well get caught doing a no no . I am sure plants leave NJ daily without anyone knowing what is in the box. But when they come from this address, what choice do I have.? I am too close to the place that makes the rules. LOL Anyhow, I was wondering specifically about jasmine being taken out of their comfort zone pots and the soil removed and shipped packed the way you pack bare root plants, I have never shipped a jasmine bare root , ever. All of mine have gone East of the Mississippi in pots. Have you actually shipped small jasmine plants bare root? JB That is my specific question.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Yes...I have ^_^ and rec'd them that way...they actually did just fine.

Greensboro, NC(Zone 8a)

well! you two did just fine while i've been out landscaping! JB, i did not realize you run a nursery, so let me offer to pay for one... this time of year i would think would be good because it's still coolish. but whatever you think!

Wrightstown, NJ(Zone 7a)

O.K. Darneyrose, send me a dmail with your shipping address and I will have one in the mail for you Monday;. I just sold some plants on eBay I will ship Monday also. No charge. Just take care of my baby and that is all I care about. Hugs and Good Night. JB

Greensboro, NC(Zone 8a)

thank you JB!!!!!!
but it looks like it's going to take me that long to figure out how to send a dmail! i see where to put your name but the rest of the page is blank, with nothing to click on. O what a dummy. sigh

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Dabney - not dumb...just gotta learn...click on JB's name anywhere on the right side of this page..."his" DG member page will come up then...click on the line that says send JBerger a dmail...and whaa laaa...your set....just fill in subject ie Jasmine mailing info then a not in the body of the dmail with your addy etc. Very user friendly, I promise

Wrightstown, NJ(Zone 7a)

hey Chantell, I am a 'GOIL' not a HIM. lol

I got Darbys dmail just fine.

I really don't mind what you call me just so you don't forget to call me. And I am 80 years old and holding. You could say I am just a sweet old lady who loves plants. The truth is, I am a cranky old "b****" who loves plants. Gotta go and put together some new plant stands I bought for my favorite plants to be put on my south deck. Later.

Greensboro, NC(Zone 8a)

wheee! then my jasmine will be extra special!
'maid of NJ'!

Wrightstown, NJ(Zone 7a)

I just sent you a long dmail darneyrose...now I must get busy. Birds need attention too.

Sorry I called you darby.....I must have been thinking about the Kentucky derby, got darby and oh well, truth is, I am just too old to keep up with these "cutzy" names people come up with. That is why I stuck to my name. I have a terrible time with passwords too. I am rambling. Bye for now, again.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Ahhh JB - my apologies...guess I was thinking of another DGer who is a man...my bad. Please forgive me!! Birds? I think you might have told me that or maybe I peeked at your website...what kind of babies do you have?

Wrightstown, NJ(Zone 7a)

Not to worry sweet Chantell. I do not care. I am easy to get along with unless someone makes me really mad. That only happens if one steals from me or lies to me. Then I am like a real monster person.

My birds are all grown up now. I raised them from eggs in an incubator, and by hens hatching when I bred exotics. I kept these because I either bonded with them before I could sell them, or there was a flaw in their breeding and I would not sell an imperfect bird. So, I ended up with 12 when I sold my farm, now I am down to six. I just gave three red bellied parrots to my friend to breed . I do not want to handfeed babies again. Too busy with flowers and it honestly takes too much of my sleep away from me when you do it round the clock, which is how is must be done to get good birds. I have lovebirds, parrotlets, Amazon and a Conure left. The do a number on my plants in their room because three of them are out of their cages and can reach some of the plants. They do not fly because I clip their wings. No birds flying around my house. they are not housebroke. LOL

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Well I don't steal or lie so we'll be bestest of buds!!!
I still remember fondly the Moluccan Cockatoo we had and the mess she made eating pomegranates....oh how she loved those!!!

Navarre, FL(Zone 8b)

I had to chuckle when I read your post:
Brown leaves , dull, from something they used to spray..it took months for it to look alive.
I bought the same plant from them this past Fall, so I know what you are talking about. It is the from the well water they must use to water their plants. Mine is starting to bloom also. I have the 'Star Jasmine' http://davesgarden.com/guides/pf/go/55230/ on one side of the fence and the this 'Star Jasmine' http://davesgarden.com/guides/pf/go/1198/ on the other side. It should smell real good shortly.

This message was edited Apr 21, 2009 12:54 PM

Wrightstown, NJ(Zone 7a)

Isn't that the ugliest looking mess you ever saw on those leaves? I forgot, they tell you about that in a little piece of paper. Thank you for reminding me of it. Hope you have good luck with yours. Mine is about done blooming. It went crazy this year. JB

Bend, OR(Zone 5a)

I got my first Jasmine today. I think it is a Star. It just says "Jasmine" on the tag. Since we are zone 5a it is considered a house plant. It smells DIVINE....

What I want to know is...how do I make more of them????

It was pretty pricey and I want my house filled with them.

Anyone know?


Wrightstown, NJ(Zone 7a)

Hi Ginger, you will love your star, which if it is a star it is called Jasminum nitidum but there is another one that looks similiar at it is a Jasminium angulare. The Star or Royal as some call them, has 10 little white petals, where the angulare has six. It is a ever bloomer and smells so yummy as most do. To get more, you can take woody stem cuttings or layer it. I have not propagated mine yet, I wanted it to get a bit older and I like to wait until it is not blooming but the darn thing keeps blooming. Good luck with yours I am sure you will love it. They like morning sun and water...not wet, just water.
Here is a picture of it.

Thumbnail by JBerger
Bend, OR(Zone 5a)

WOW...thanks. As soon as I get home (I work out of town all week...) I'll check it and see what it is. I'll take a picture!


Wrightstown, NJ(Zone 7a)

I will be waiting to see it. I was checking the cutting in the GH yesterday and I noticed I had one of the star. It is still alive. I must have broken it off of this plant. I think I will get another, I keep this one in the house and it just blooms its little heart out. I got it from Top Topicals and I thought it was dead. I just ignored it for months and then brought it inside to the bird room and it came back to life. Likes birds I guess. I keep Jasmine Sambac Maid of Orleans in there also with antherium. I took the gardenias outside. All are blooming just now and I don't know what to smell first. LOL I have about a dozen Jasmine Maid of Orleans 3 inch pots left and they are about to go into six inch pots.
As soon as I have time they are going to be transplanted and the price is going up.
I see Logees has Star or as the call it Royal Jasmine for $24.95 in 5" pots. A bit pricey.
I would sell them for less than that if I had any I think. Maybe they take extra care. I will soon know. Have a good day. JB

This message was edited May 29, 2009 9:55 AM

Bend, OR(Zone 5a)

I woud agree with your star. I like birds too!


Bend, OR(Zone 5a)

I got a new jasmine today at a local sale. It of course just says "JASMINE" but it is not at all the same as my star. Much bigger leaves and the flowers are rounded. Here is a picture from my blackberry so the flowers don't show well....


Thumbnail by beadmom
Wrightstown, NJ(Zone 7a)

Ginger, lovely plant. I just hate when they say Jasmine. It is like saying a dog. There are surely more than one kind. Oh well, Can you get a better picture of that flower. Many of the Jasmine look similiar and that one could be one of several, my guess is Maid of Orleans, but I can not tell until I see a better flower. Good Girl, you love your Jasmine and I know you will do well with them no matter what they are. Enjoy. JB

Bend, OR(Zone 5a)

I'll bust out my macro lens later!


Bend, OR(Zone 5a)

Finally.. pictures.

This is the first jasmine I bought.


Thumbnail by beadmom
Bend, OR(Zone 5a)

Here it is closer. The flowers are dying off so hard to get a good pic of the petal shape.
It is a very fine stringy vining plant with lots of tendrils.


Thumbnail by beadmom
Bend, OR(Zone 5a)

This is the new one. It looks like a regular house plant with big fat shiny green leaves. The flowers look like the fake silks you buy at Michael's.

but they smell oh so nice :)!


Thumbnail by beadmom
Wrightstown, NJ(Zone 7a)

It is a beauty. I think it is theJasmine Sambac, Maid of Orleans, because the Jasminum officinate of Hardy Jasmine only has 5 petals. The Jasminum grandiflorum "flore Plena' "French perfume Jasmine has six and they are like in layers, the Jasminum sdambac "Belle of India' has pointy pedals and more than 8 on each bloom. They are all white and my guess is the Maid. Maybe someone else can shed some light on it. Chantell may be able to ID it. The leaves atre so nice and green. My Maid leaves are not that deep green but that could be the lack of iron. I am sure we will solve the mystery soon. Hugs to you this lovely morning. JB

Bend, OR(Zone 5a)

I think you are right. The petals are layered. I am happy to know I have a french jasmine. I love all things French. My daughter is a teacher in Poiters so I go once a year.

France & Ireland.


Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Ginger that first one looks like the one that was circulating all the nurseries the past few months. Check out the thread I'd started and see if they're a match. http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/t/956021/
JB's a much better "IDer" then I...LOL...I couldn't tell you how many petals any have (I cheat and look them up)...however I will tell you the Maid of Orleans is one of my favorite scents and one of the best of the jasmines IMHO. So many of the sambacs look the same to my eyes.

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