Best/Worse &What did I learnt today/Chat with Friends #98

Victoria Harbour, ON

Moved us over from here....

Hope it's a sunshine day in your neighborhood today!

Victoria Harbour, ON

Blizzard conditions out there, imagine...calling for much the same the next few days..

Bus cancelled/schools closed..can this be spring..

Ames, NE(Zone 5b)

Betty that link wont work..Is it just me..LOL

Ames, NE(Zone 5b)

I typed in snopes false emails..
This is what I found..There was more if your interested.

Difficulty: Easy
Things You’ll Need:

* computer
* online access

Read the email very carefully. Does anything sound fishy or doesn't add up. Does it sound too good to be true?
Sometimes people send out scare emails or warnings of true stories that have happened to someone they know. There are also emails going around that tell you about something remarkable happening.
For the purpose of this article I will use two examples.
First we'll look at the McCain story about his POW days and the American flag. I received this email and decided to check it out.
Go to a trusted website such as (link below). In the search bar type a general summary of the email. For this one I will put in McCain flag. The first one that comes up is the McCain story.
You will pick the one that matches closest to your email and usually they have the exact email listed.
Click on the article and read. Make sure it is the same email that you received. It will tell you if it's true or not, list the email and then tell you the origin. This story was true.
For another example I'll search for the email story about see-through skirts becoming popular in Japan and soon coming to America. I search Japanese skirts and find the article that matches my email. You can now read that this is false, and the origins of the email.

Baton Rouge, LA

Hello To All!

Well - Sharran - I guess I wasn't TOO much past my bedtime! But I guess I just conked out on ya'll.....

Betty - wish I could get out there and's pretty today...but unfortunately I have this job thing that just gets in the way !

Talk about weird weather.....they're talking about a light freeze tonight! Here in Louisiana! I know even the experienced gardeners weren't expecting that! well - maybe it's just talk I hope.

Tubby - Thanks for that....I pretty much never send those emails ....I'm just suspicious of anything and usually dont' have time to check it out.....but if I do - it's good to know how.

Headed back to work....I'll try to pop in later...


Ames, NE(Zone 5b)

Matt. 18:4-5 "Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. And whoever welcomes a little child like this in my name welcomes me."

Johnny's Mother looked out the window and noticed
him "playing church" with their cat.

He had the cat sitting quietly and he was preaching to it.

She smiled and went about her work.

A while later she heard loud meowing and hissing and ran back
to the open window to see Johnny baptizing the cat in a tub of water.

She called out, "Johnny, stop that! The cat is afraid of water!"

Johnny looked up at her and said,
"He should have thought about that before he joined the church."

I wish you could see pic of wet cat..LOL

Victoria Harbour, ON

Blizzard here..Paul just said to put a sign at 3:00pm saying office is closed due to weather conditions and head out..that's a plus..who knows, he's getting ready to leave shortly, sick again, am getting worried about him, I keep seeing signs of Roger in his health...anyway, he just might call and tell us to go earlier...

Victoria Harbour, ON

Mary it's a catch 22..when you don't work no funds for playing when you do work, no time for playing..much prefer the 'no time' to 'no $$$' though..

Figuring out my budged for the trip..5 people can travel for how much for 5 or 6 days??? lol..

Hope weather is better for your trip Mary...
I checked the extended weather forcast for Washington..not the nicest up until Friday but still in mid 50's..better than this...

Fayetteville, AR(Zone 7b)

Hi Ya'll! Went MIA over the weekend but got a lot done!

It's cold here too, but no blizzard. Very windy.

Betty he sure is sick a lot, I bet you are getting worried. I'm glad you get to head out and maybe not go in tomorrow, but it's too bad you had to drive today. I hope he does call and say to get out of there before it gets any worse.

I'm going to go shopping here in a few minutes for my lunch, need to get things for a RU.

Ames, NE(Zone 5b)

That one worked Drive careful Betty..Hope you can leave early

Victoria Harbour, ON

Tim a client of ours just came in and said the roads were treacherous, he's meeting with Paul, he said perhaps you guys should be leaving..told him he'd better tell the boss...

And yes Crissy am getting worried..for a year Roger would continually say he had the flu, then a cold, then tired..THEN a little over 2 weeks when he admitted he really wasn't feeling well, (day after our big 25th anniversary celebration) and DEAD!

Fayetteville, AR(Zone 7b)

Oh, and Mrs. Cheerful isn't here today! Neener neener neener

Glenview, IL

Good Morning!

Mary, What a lovely group of kids!, I love that they had a theme of Masquarade...Sounds like you should have conked out with the boys staying up till 5..LOL, My teens did all last week. Sounds like they had a great time.
I am glad ytou have been able to work in your garden.

Hi Crissy, Thanks about my garden. lol, good thing because we had snow yesterday! Today is cold, but I am getting caught up with laundry.

Betty, LOL, I actually worked yesterday. Steve's files were a big mess took me several hours to straighten them out so that how I spent a good portion of my evening...I was doing laundry as well, real dumb, threw a load in before i went to bed, only to be awoken by the beeping indicator that it was done at like 12:30 or something like that, I was up the entire night!! Just could not go back to sleep.
Finally around 4:30ish fell into sleep to be awaken and 5:30 from Steve and Jakes alarms...returned to sleep, for about an hours then had to take Breenie to school...So now I am in S L O W motion, lol. Going to be a day of relaxation.

Today is a nice sunny day, so all our snow is melting, instant repeat of the other week, sure hope it's the end of it.

Liz, How was your visit with FIL. I hope he is ok from his fall. ROFLOL, what mess did need help with, like your four weeds?? hehehe.
Oh how funny your turned navigator on to go to FIL's. Did it give your proper directions??? Or did you have to take a safe illegal u-turn? heheh, that just knocks me out!

My gosh, your panels turned out gorgeous!

Hey Tubby, Found a 4by4by maybe 4, thinking about making a bird house tree, lol it will be a short one, but gotta start somewhere.
Hope yourt weather is getting better.

Carol, Nice to see first blooms, yep and smile too.

Well, I am going to go..Been reading a story maybe it will help doze for nap!

Hope you are having a good day!

(Trisha) Olympia, WA(Zone 8a)

Afternoon to all of you, still morning here.

Sorry about the snow....Betty do take care getting home!
Oh I know you are looking forward to your trip....we look forward to all the pictures.

As for a me day......probably not for awhile......My poor younger SIL spends all day at the hospital with Peter and it getting really difficult for her.....her sister is here for awhile and we are trying to get a schedule worked up so that someone is with her a majority of the time. My mother in law and SIL are staying with her today.....Laura and I will take tomorrow....we are hoping they won't object if we bring our computer and clay to occupy the time......sadly I have done a great deal of crafts and needlework sitting in hospital rooms for days on end.

I am glad that we are going tomorrow and not is supposed to be up in the seventies today, with our normal cooler temps and rain starting to creep back in tomorrow, and I have afew outside things that really do need to get accomplished today.

Where oh where is everyone.....I was over on SI and only three people have been on this morning for about a sentence each!!!! Very Very Unusual.......and Stacy hasn't been on or answered my d0mail for days now??? I know LK is gone, and a few of the ladies had things going......but not used to things being so quiet!

(Trisha) Olympia, WA(Zone 8a)

Don't think Jaye will mind me posting this one that she put on the SI thread a little while ago...
Here you go Tubby......

Irish Confidence

On a vacation in Rome, I noticed a marble column in St. Peter's with a golden telephone on it. As a young priest passed by, I asked who the telephone was for. He told me it was a direct line to Heaven, and if I'd like to call, it would be a thousand dollars. I was amazed, but declined the offer.

Throughout Italy, I kept seeing the same golden telephone on a marble column. At each, I asked about it and the answer was always the same: a direct line to Heaven and I could call for a thousand dollars.

On the way homeward, I stopped in Ireland . I decided to attend Mass at a local village church. When I walked in the door I noticed the golden telephone. Underneath it there was a sign stating: "DIRECT LINE TO HEAVEN 25 cents."
"Father," I said, "I have been all over Italy and in all the cathedrals I visited, I've seen telephones exactly like this one. But the price is always a thousand dollars. Why is it that this one is only 25 cents?"

The priest smiled and said, "Ah! But you're in Ireland now! It's a local call."

(Trisha) Olympia, WA(Zone 8a)

OH and Tubby, I found the wet cat....

Thumbnail by zhinusmom
Ames, NE(Zone 5b)

Trisha very funny..I know just tell it to..She is Irish. She'll love it

Glad you found the cat..LOL

Victoria Harbour, ON

I'm sure Trisha they'll not mind, as long as you are not sitting right next to the monitors, might throw them off..know about spending time crafting in the hospital, but it was me crafting.. within 2 years had spend 1 year in Doctor's room looked like a craft room, couldn't get out of bed, everyone kept bringing me

70, hope you are outside now enjoying yourself..doing some gardening?
We only took 1/2 hr. lunch, another hour and we're off, snow is turning to slush, if it starts to freeze, will be an ugly mess...when Suzanne saw the weather this a.m. she had me meet her at her house..less driving..she sure does look after me...

Looking outside at the trees, will be a lot of broken branches again..very heavy but beautiful to look at...

LeeAnn was just on Facebook with Jeff..she said 'the boys are really looking forward to their trip' to which Jeff said, 'not so sure the boys are excited about it as much as mom is' and isn't that the truth..

tired today, almost fell asleep at during lunch..nice to get home early, put p.j.'s on and relax..

Judy, you are just accomplishing so's great that you can help Steve with his bookwork...go have a nap, dream of gardening..look forward to seeing your birdhouse project...

Sent Stacey a d-mail as well Trisha and no answer...has Janice been on? perhaps something has happened...let's hope we hear from her soon...

Fayetteville, AR(Zone 7b)

That's weird for Stacey to not be here.

Betty I'm glad you got to go home. You and the boys are going to have such a good time on vacation.

LOL wet cat.

Baton Rouge, LA

Just popping in for a bit!

So Seed/Judy - you "had prom" last weekend? Pics?

Crissy - so glad you have a day 'off' from Mrs. Cheerful. Probably makes your day totally different than the usual...

Betty - Please be careful ....that weather sounds treacherous. And here I'm whining about a possibility of "light Freeze" tonight.....!

Trisha - I'm sure they would love to see you bring your crafts. I'd be thinking - now this visitor is here for the long haul! Plus I'm sure a lot of the nurses and all will want to see your creations and ideas....

Okay - headed out for a bit....but I will be back later....Sorry if I missed anyone!


Fayetteville, AR(Zone 7b)

Mary it changes the whole office's atmosphere.

aawwwww My boss almost made me cry just now. The girl I share jobs with left early and she's our 5pm girl, almost every day now, and Mrs. Cheerful isn't here so I have to stay 30 minutes late and the State doesn't pay overtime, we just usually work it out in the wash. Well, my boss had to leave early too and he was walking by my desk to go to the kitchen at he said, "See ya in the morning Christine." I said, "See ya in the morning." He came back in with his coat on and all of his stuff, put it down on Mrs. Cheerful's desk, looked down and quietly said, "So you're going to be stuck here til 5." I looked at him as he was looking down, started laughing a little, and said, "Yes, and don't worry about it, it's not a big deal." He looked up with his eyes, smiled a little, and said, "Ok Christine." and slowly turned around and walked out.

Baton Rouge, LA

Hey Crissy - That's awesome! Wish he were my boss! We had a 'Baby Shower' lunch for one of my co-workers today and poor girl...everyone spent the time complaining about the boss & how awful to be working there! Oh well - she's getting time off... :)

Ames, NE(Zone 5b)


I've seen two shows lately that went on and on about how mid-life is a great time for women. Just last week Oprah had a whole show on how great menopause will be . Puhleeeeeeeze! I've had a few thoughts of my own and would like to share them with you. Whether you are pushing 40, 50, 60 (or maybe even just pushing your luck), you'll probably relate.

Mid-life is when the growth of hair on our legs slows down. This gives us plenty of time to care for our newly acquired mustache.

In mid-life women no longer have upper arms, we have wing spans. We are no longer women in sleeveless shirts, we are flying squirrels in drag.

Mid-life is when you can stand naked in front of a mirror and you can see your rear without turning around.

Mid-life is when you go for a mammogram and you realize that this is the only time someone will ask you to appear topless.

Mid-life is when you want to grab every firm young lovely in a tube top and scream, 'Listen honey, the Roman empire fell and those will too.'

Mid -life brings wisdom to know that life throws us curves and we're sitting on our biggest ones.

Mid-life is when you look at your know-it-all, beeper-wearing teenager and think: 'For this I have stretch marks?'

In mid-life your memory starts to go. In fact the only thing we can retain is water.

Mid-life means that your Body By Jake now includes Legs By Rand McNally -- more red and blue lines than an accurately scaled map of Wisconsin .

Mid-life means that you become more reflective . . You start pondering the 'big' questions. What is life? Why am I here? How much Healthy Choice ice cream can I eat before it's no longer a healthy choice?

But mid-life also brings with it an appreciation for what is important. We realize that breasts sag, hips expand and chins double, but our loved ones make the journey worthwhile. Would any of you trade the knowledge that you have now, for the body you had way back when? Maybe our bodies simply have to expand to hold all the wisdom and love we've acquired. That's my philosophy and I'm sticking to it!

Life is dessert first!

Baton Rouge, LA

Thanks Tubby - I wondered why the hair was moving from my legs to my moustache...!

Glenview, IL

Wanted to let you all know, I talked with Stacey. She's doing ok , just taking a bit of time to herself.
Prayers and thoughts and hugs going to you Stacey.

Mary, No Prom, my kids were on Spring Break, lol they got their days and nights mixed up.

Betty, Yep I have been doing this and that for Steve, I actually felt good about it too...LOL(shhhh, whispering, he needs help with paper too) giggle, giggle.

Oh Crissy, your boss sounds like a good one, I am glad you got a day of relief from Ms Cheerful.

Hope you arrived home safely Betty...Don't think I've seen you tonight.

Baton Rouge, LA

Just popping in again!

Hey Judy! Yup - This "partying" has to stop! HA! Your teens are older than mine, correct? What ages?

Our Spring Break starts Friday (but I have to work). We'll head to the beach a week from Wednesday.

T&P for Stacey. Tell her we're thinking of her!


Ames, NE(Zone 5b)

Betty not like you to not post after you get home..Hope your home safe resting comfy..

Fayetteville, AR(Zone 7b)

OK! Here's a few pics of what I have growing so far.


Thumbnail by crissyr
Glenview, IL

Haha, Mary who's? There's or mine?? LOL, no really though, yep they need to get their routines back.
Julia's 19 was excited to get back to work! Sabrina 15.5 is always bored...(hohum) and Jacob 13.5 lol, got to keep his strings kind of close! He's just a nut, lol but a fun one...

As long as I can sleep at night, I can keep up pretty good, lolol.
Oh my goodness, what fun will that be! Do your teens still enjoy playing in the sand??
I hope you will all have a wonderful time! Will you be gone the whole week, I mean or can you go back and forth?

Ohhh, yayaya Cubs Win!!

Fayetteville, AR(Zone 7b)

Tulips! If you look at the yellow ones on the left you can see an orange outline on the edge of the pedals.

Thumbnail by crissyr
Glenview, IL

Wow, i can't believe how tall your Bearded Iris are already! They are very Pretty.
Big smiles, I have some like them as well. Your Tulips are splendid. I bet you just smiled in delight, your second season.
how awsom for you.

Fayetteville, AR(Zone 7b)

Love the black

Thumbnail by crissyr
Fayetteville, AR(Zone 7b)

I didn't have the bed along the fence last year, just my front square flowerbed with the long strip in front of the house where the sunflowers were. I'm going to do something different there but that dirt is so red and rocky it sucks.

Thumbnail by crissyr
Fayetteville, AR(Zone 7b)

I'm not sure about the lilies.

Thumbnail by crissyr
Ocean Springs, MS

Hi! I know I've been MIA for a few days. Journee had her tonsils removed Thursday and have been busy taking care of her. She's been doing great! Good kid! Plus the kids are out for Spring Break and that's keeping me busy.

I cannot believe that the temps tonight will be around 35! It's crazy. The wind is blowing 20-30 mph, so it feels colder than it really is. I know I'm whining but I was already settled in to the 70's we were having every day! That's my kind of weather. To me, anything below 70 is cold!

So sorry I wasn't able to catch up on all the posts! I did read the "cat baptism" and it was so cute!

I'll try to get caught up tomorrow. love, julie

Fayetteville, AR(Zone 7b)

I think my Crocus flowers have croaked.

Thumbnail by crissyr
Fayetteville, AR(Zone 7b)

Julie, so glad to see you!

Last but not least, some sort of buttercup. There's two of them, this one that's full of blooms and a smaller one that has one itty bitty bloom on it. Their cute so I decided to keep them.

Thumbnail by crissyr
Baton Rouge, LA

Hello To All!

Judy - BOTH of us! HA! Well - your crew is both older and younger. We're headed to my old hometown, Ft. Walton's about 5 1/2 hours we'll stay 4/15 - 19. It's a condo on the beach.

crissy - your flowers are beautiful! Tiptoe through the tulips! The black on yellow is pretty. Tulips are something we don't have.

Julie - I know ....I could be happy with 70 degree temps year round! But I can't get over this cold night....and our veggies already planted. DH ran out and covered up some....

Here I go again....whining when poor Betty & her blizzard today...I"ll stop.

So how is everyone tonight?

I have not been cooking as much for these teens as of late, but made a spaghetti tonight and happy to use a bunch of fresh oregano from my garden. Used parsley too from the garden...but I had picked that a few days ago...

Back in a bit - Hugs,

Calvert City, KY(Zone 7a)

I am a little concerned about Betty's trip home. Weather was bad there.

Ames, NE(Zone 5b)

Best we call out the Mounties..Joking but concerned Kind of late to call..Do you all have her number

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