dead animal odor

Hudson, FL

We made the terrible mistake of putting down poison to get rid of rats. Well, we ended up with dead rats in our attic. We then hired a company to remove the dead animals and then take care of trapping the rest and sealing up the entry holes. The problem is that we still smell the odor in our little bathroom between the garage and laundry room (it is a small windowless room). The guys from the company can't find another body up top of the room, and my husband has drilled holes in walls and we have tried to "sniff" to locate the source of the odor. Nothing!
At this point we are pretty much resigned ourselves to let nature take its course and have the body decompose. In the meantime we can't use that bathroom. Any ideas on how we can either locate the dead animal or at least absorb the smell?
I have tried all kinds of deodorizers and candles.

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