ORVG COFFEE HOUSE # 150 - What is with this Weather???

Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

We are continued from here: http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/t/967156/

Noooooo, It doesn't look like that yet....But it's about to.... ;-)

Thumbnail by DustyDS
Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

Good Morning All...52* and sunshine so far today...but I am sure not liking the forecast for tomorrow...Low of 28* and Snow???

These poor plants are going to bite the dust for sure...The Stella deOro lilies are up a good 10 inches or better...all of my bulbs are up and ready to bloom...my dogwoods are budded out, and the weeping cherry is about to pop and so is the redbud...My roses are leafed out so much now that they are shooting branches...Thankfully they are still in the pots, and can be put back in the garage...When I went to Lowes for that endcap for the pond drain, they were already sold out of both the dormant and the 1 gal roses...Not a single one left...well there was one but it was broken down near the crown...Cindy said I could have it for $5 but I knew it would get diseased and die eventually anyway, and I couldn't spare the money for a half dead plant...

Hopefully this will be the last of this insane yo-yo weather and we can get serious about getting some gardening done...I have a ton of seeds to get planted, and by the moon phase, tomorrow is the day to do it, but not if it is 28* and snowing...I need to check the Peace rose and see if it is leafing yet, and if so, I will need to drop a bin over it tomorrow...


(((((Marcy))))) Great news about Hunky Dave, and will soon be for Brother Dave...My StepFather had the same surgery, and survived another 18 years after it...I will keep him in my prayers...

Cookie was just here, and we both agreed that alot of my plants are going to get hit bad if we get a sustained freeze...but there is just no way to cover them all...I'm glad my MG seeds got away from me before I could get them planted outside...I put them in the little peat pots in my tray, and every one of them are up about 6 inches in the bay window, and all but 2 of the Moonflower are up...My Castor beans haven't shown up yet tho...I had intended to put them out to harden off a bit and plant them this weekend, but they have to wait now...They can go on the porch today with the lilies, but I will bring them back in tonight... :-((
Gonna move some dirt today and get my rocks shoveled in by the garage door...We got the new overflow pond drain finished up yesterday, and Bro brought some nice tiny pea gravel over to put in the trench, so it's all done and wrapped in weed cloth so the dirt wont get into the holes in the pipe...In the event we get some hefty rains, I won't have to worry about the pond overflowing and the fish swimming out in the pasture...

You all have a wonderful day !!! I'm gonna go play in the yard while I can...

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Hey Dusty... if you end up with any extra moonflower seedlings may I have one?

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Back from church, working on cooking some dinner.

Thanks everybody for your gentle hugs, this is driving me crazy. One day I feel pretty good, and then bam, it hits and every joint in my body is aching, and then there is the deep muscle pain. It can literally put me down in just a half hour.

It is beautiful here today too, and I hope to be able to get out and get some things done before that wretched weather gets here. I have many oriental lilies that are just up, and I will be collecting pots to put over them, and then some of the roses, and bigger things will be getting sheets. Aarg, I hate that our weather fools us just about every year.

Darius good that the ss got all straightened out, and you put the money to good use.

Goshsmom, sounds like the wedding went well, and you were able to offer a listening ear, sometimes that is all folks need, just get off their chests.

Sue, slow down. There will be plenty of time to do all that you have to do.

Ric, looking good on the redo. I don't worry about the weed eater, DH uses it, and I let him choose the brand and the type. I guess if I am ever by myself, I will need to pour concrete around my flower beds and not worry about mowing and weed eating.

Thanks Neal for the hugs.

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Good morning all!
Well it isn't even out of the 30's here yet???? Yeah..we got sunshine...and WIND! Geesh! I can't work outside like that. I am a wusssss!!!
I need HEAT!! And calm air....lol!
Had a really good time with my brothers and SIL yesterday. We ate at Olive Garden..and it was great! Having leftovers for lunch today! We all shared a bottle of wine too.
Big brother Dave said this; The tumor is out already. They did that earlier without an incision....ouch! But...it had invaded the tissue of the bladder, so it must come out. They will only take the prostate and lymph glands if neccessary. He seemed in good spirits..and has an optimistic outlook for the future...so that's a good thing! To me...half the battle is in your brain!
Dusty..that pic of the pond...is that the same one you are working on now? If so...wow...it's a beauty!
I don't think I will ever catch up this year? There is so much to do out there...and the weather is just not cooperating !
Bonnie, I sure hope you can find some relief from the pain..whatever it is. ((((((Bonnie))))).
I haven't even planted my Castor bean seeds yet either! I usually soak mine until I see a sprout coming...and then plant. They come up really fast that way.
Well..not sure what is happening here today.? Depends on the weather!
For the rest of you..with the NICE weather...have funnn!!!!! LOL! I will be thinking about you all.!!

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Bonnie...check out Fibromyalgia ...on your pain.

Seymour, IN(Zone 5b)

Bonnie, I second the idea of checking out Fibro. I have it and it sounds a lot like you described. My pain is deep pain and often it feels like I have bad bruises all over and it hurts to even touch the area. Mine is centered mostly in my shoulders , neck and back. I have "flare-ups" that come suddenly, and stay for as long a month or six weeks. They never go away as quickly as they come. There are some new meds out now for the treatment and more doctors are aware of it and can diagnose it. Ten years ago, the docs said it was " mind produced" pain. Sorta like saying it was all in the head. (Yeh, doc, that's why it hurts to touch my sore neck!) It can over power your life quickly. That's why I think you should have it checked out. Hope your feel better today. Lurker Lou

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

Marcy I'm out in shorts and sandals! lol!
Mucking out the ponds...


New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Gee thanks Ric! I got a turtleneck AND a sweatshirt on...lol!! What's that tell ya???

Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

You betcha Darius....It looks like I have 5 that are going real good...I will pot one up for ya...

That pic is one that Cookie took last Spring Marcy, and yes that's my pond...Poor thing sure doesn't look like that at the moment with almost every rock pulled or carted off over to Cookies new pond...But I beat back the evil Leaky Pond Monster !!! LOL...Taint leakin no mo...I've lost about 1/2 inch of water in a week, and that's natural evaporation with the waterfall running...The dern frost heaves drove some of the monster rocks down into the ground, taking the liner with them causing most of the leaks, but the main one was the waterfall pipe had frozen at the joint and was leaking like an Artesian well...The pond was holding water pretty good until we started the pump and filter up, then all holy heck busted loose with the leaks...It's been a real trip trying to find them all...

That is really great news about your brother...and you are absolutely right about **Attitude**...My Bro Paulie was depressed and bemoaning his fate at losing his leg until he saw one of the guys at the VA that hit a land mine in Nam...No legs and no arms...He has 2 moveable clasping hooks, and 2 full prosthetic legs, as well as a set of **Running legs** and he runs marathon races, and drives a herkin big F350 dually wheel dually cab pickem up....He is one bad dood...Paulie shut his mouth and said he would never complain again...Now he has attitude too...He is determined to get out of his chair and walk as soon as they get his prosthetic leg made...I am sooo proud of him...We talk about once a week, sometimes more if his PTSD flares up and he needs me...He is always so upbeat now, and sure makes my heart happy...

I was sorta thinking the same thing about the fibro Marcy, but I sure hope you are wrong...I do know that Jules RSD knocks her to her knees when there is a barometer rise or drop...I sure do hate to hear of anybody in that kind of pain, much less those we care about...

Well, I have a balmy 60.1* here now so I am back off to the yard while I can be...Later y'all...and I'm in jeans and a turtleneck...no shorts for this old woman...LOL

Edited to say 1/2 INCH of water....LOL

This message was edited Apr 5, 2009 4:36 PM

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

LOL, I started out in a sweatshirt and jeans... now down to a sleeveless tee and jeans. Hard to believe we will have snow tonight! I'm staking where I want my fruit trees/shrubs to go, don't think I have enough stakes. Digging dandelions as I go...

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

Bonnie, I must chime in with the others and suggest you look into info bon fibromyalgia. My doctor diagnosed me with that after the wreck and it sounds so similar to what you describe. My doctor said that people with fibro feel pain more intensely, like the volume control's out of whack. It can also make it harder for you to heal up from sprains, strains, and other injuries.

I've not been posting much as I am still in a lot of pain. It is manageable with the percocet if I take it round the clock, just pretty dicey in the hour where it wears off and the next dose isn't kicking in. I know the fibro complicates matters as I have a lot of muscle spasms going on even with the muscle relaxer.

It still hurts from throat to deep into my chest when I swallow, something I've now learned is common, along with a lot of belching as gas/air get caught in my esophagus with swallowing. I really hope those issues go away. I'm still hoarse, too. This is definitely not easier than the shoulder surgery was, probably since the shoulder itself is not healed yet and I've had to discontinue the anti-inflammatories that relieved it.

The biggest annoyance is I can't stretch my neck muscles since I am not allowed to tip my head chin-to-chest or look up towared the ceiling, and those are the stretches I would so like to do for some relief.

It was good to get out for that hour yesterday, though, and today I'm sitting outside while it's nice out. Howie's gone to a hockey game with his brothers.

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Kimberly, can you take OTC magnesium? I have fewer muscle spasms since I started taking it.

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

I will have to ask about that. Some minerals can affect bleeding as well as the bone grafting. I'll put that on my list of questions for the doctor and his assistant.

Caneyville, KY(Zone 6b)

Just stopping by for a few minutes....

So sorry to hear that you gals are still not feeling up to par. Hopefully, you will start feeling better soon.

Guess I timed my trip home right this week and leaving the day before the thunderstorms, and definately getting back here before that "winter" weather moves in! Most of my fruit trees and ornamental plants were looking really good, so not surprised that Mother Nature is throwing this at us. Sure is hard to garden these days, not knowing when winter is actually going to be over! Even down here near the Northeast corner of Texas (zone 8) it's suppose to get down to 35* tonite and 29* tomorrow nite.

Well, been stalling long enough...time to run to the car wash. Take care, Everyone, and enjoy the sunshine!

I am hoping most of you are not in the tornado area right now. T&P for those of you that are .
LOL Robin yeah T makes me shower when we go places LOL
BOnnie i hope they find out what is wrong with you soon. I hate to see you like this ?
My Gh is done , got it sealed up . just need to vent it with a window ( will just cut one out and tape)
it is a BUDGET GH. !!! used Gorilla tape , can't afford batton tape . Wish it was in the budget. :(
but it will do for right now. :) life is good for us ,even with a low budget GH that looks like a drunk duct taped it . HA LOL
Hey Bad i missed you. I bet that baby is a feeder ! . Got any new pics of him ? congrats on the job !!!! i hope Craig heres good news soon on his interview. T&P for you guys :)
my calla lilys are still in my fridge in paper bags wrapped up , good thing i did plant them out yet with this snow coming ?
I have to get new pot soil and some containers to put them in
Ric darn we could do lunch ! We have to go to a mall to Willian Sonoma. The pot has a funny look to it ? like the nonstick part of it came off ? so it has a greyish hue to it ? weird cuz its a Calphalon brand . So we just need a new pot . We are hoping they just do a return for us. I have used Calphalon for 20 yrs so i m familiar with the brand and have never seen this ?
ok enough babbling
kids neeed a bath and i need a drink LOL
hugs and kisses to you all

here are my spuds
german butterball

Thumbnail by

here is LaRatte Fingerling

Thumbnail by
Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

WHOOOOHOOOOO, My son called me and was on 469 coming around Ft Wayne and headed to Wapokeneta to grab I-75 southbound to here!!
My jubilation is...he has my little birthday Grandson with him!!!
They won't be able to stay long as they have to get on home to GA so son and eldest Grandson can go to work tomorrow, but at least they can stop for a few and get something to eat...I am so excited I could pop!! I just love that lil guy to pieces...Already changed the Batteries in my camera so I can get some pics of him...LOL

I didn't get done all that I wanted to outside, but I got the rose arbor moved and now in place, the rest of my messes cleaned up, and some of the dirt moved...Did a little work on the waterfall, and then my back said it had enough for the day...I came in and sat on my heating pad for a bit, then put the new belts on the Vac, and ran that, and now I have, for sure, had enough for the day...;-P
Temps dropped from 68* to 56* in the last 2 hours....Still can't believe it is going to drop 40* in the next few hours...Well, I guess I can, but I don't want to...LOL Everything here is so beautiful and fresh clean green...I just dread the thoughts of any of it getting frozen...I have one little blossom on a bulb that should be open tomorrow, and I am going to go snatch it....Cookie found the other Bleeding Heart this morning, and I am going to put a bin over them...Hopefully I can save them...The roses are back in the garage already, and I emptied a bag of mulch over my bulbs that were barely up....I have done all I can to help save them...

My boys got here about 6pm...and left about 7:30 , just as it started to rain...They still have another 6 hours to go to get home...but we had a nice hours break with them...It was soooo good to get hugs and kisses from all of them...and I called Cookie to come over as my son wanted to see his Aunt Cookie again, and she had never seen my little Monkey, CJ...

We have thunder and lightening and a good heavy rain coming down, but not a downpour yet, and we are now under tornado watch til 1 am...
I won't be going to bed until the boys call me to let me know they are home okay...Yep...I'm still the Mom, and I still worry...

This is my youngest Son, Aaron, and his Son CJ, my youngest Grandchild and born on my birthday... ;-))

Thumbnail by DustyDS
So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Hi folks.... we were without power for several hours, it just came back on 15 minutes ago. Soooo, I got lots of holes dug (with help from Buster's son Brent) for my seedling trees, shrubs and pea trellis/fence, and even some weeding done. I swear creeping charlie always gets ahead of me, and I can never seem to eradicate it!

Found maybe something good, though... we got the top off the spring box, and the submersible pump is still in there (as I suspected all along, but no one believed me). Of course, it's down deep in the box (and stuck in the built-up mud) so we couldn't pull it up to get a look at it. Couldn't really keep our arms in the icy water long either. Brrrr. The pressure tank is still in the root cellar although there's no power run out there anymore. Also don't know if the water intake line is intact to the spring box. But it looks like doing some clean-out of the spring box, some new wiring (from the house) and some plumbing, I should be able to water the garden(s) with spring water! Town water has gone up a LOT in price this year, and it has too much chlorine to suit me anyway.

I had intended to buy a pump this year to drop in the creek for watering, even though I think the sediment would not be good for a pump. Now I can put that money towards setting up the spring to use. I'd like to run it off solar power; maybe next year I can buy a solar panel and a storage battery. I don't know how long it has been since they forced people to hook up to city water here, but the pressure tank doesn't look old. The booklet for the submersible pump is still in the root cellar, too.

I'm bushed, and all my bones and muscles hurt but it was a GOOD day! However, I can't soak in the tub yet, not enough hot water after I did dishes. The tank doesn't keep water very hot when the power is off several hours.

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Good for you, Dusty! Seeing folks you love is always fun. ^_^

You reminded me that I need to find some tubs for tomorrow night. I have a few hostas poking up and they will turn to mush, same for 2-3 other things. The rest will have to tough it out...

Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

Hey Darius... Good job on your finds...If you have a live spring there, I would be finding a way to run that puppy to my house, much less water the gardens...Nothing better than icy cold fresh spring water...Yummmy!!

Yeah, I raided my thankfully empty bins from the garage and covered what I could...buried what I could, and will pray for the best for the rest...
I guess that is all we can do for now...

Seeing my boys always makes my heart sing...My eldest Grandson, Andrew, is special to me also...I delivered him, and he is my daughters first born...I delivered her first, third and 5th babies...Missed #2 because they were in AZ, and #4 because they were in MI...Everyone of them born in October except # 5, born on my Daddys B-day in February....

This is Andrew...not happy that Nana took his pic because he has acne...He is 17, and a brat, but he loves his Nana... ;-)) Yes, he has a broken wrist...same purple cast I had...same wrist...LOL....He went 4 wheeling, and someone else was driving...Hit a rock and dumped...He got a pretty nasty laceration just inside the arm by the bend of his elbow too...took 36 stitches by my count...He was lucky...

Thumbnail by DustyDS
Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Hello everybody, hope that you are all safe from the tornado threats. Our county is under a tornado watch until 12.

Not much going on here today. Went to early church, and home for lunch, rested a bit then had to take DGD to meet her mother. Since she had brought her cat and we took her to the vet to be declawed, and she found 2 baby wild rabbits, it was like being a driver for a traveling zoo going home!!

Then home to piddle around and go out and look at all that is blooming. I picked a nice little bouquet to bring in the house, and the hyacinths are really perfuming the house. Got some viburnum, crab apple blooms, some willow branches and daffodils and hyacinth.

Dusty, glad you got a surprise visit from your family. A short visit, but that is better than none.

Darius, whoopee,you will have that spring up and running in no time at all. There was an article in our local paper a couple of weeks ago, about a couple who built their own windmills, that transferred it to a solar panel, which in turn was stored by batteries. They were completely self sufficient, and said the whole operation was less than $5,000. Wouldn't that be great to not have an electric bill each month.

Marcy sorry for your chilly weather today. I hate to tell you but the next several days are gonna be worse. I believe when we get past this, it will certainly be spring.

The colder weather is not going to be here until tomorrow night. I will have to round up enough buckets, and pots and whatever to cover many things. I am mostly concerned about my oriental lilies. They are just about 2" high, and will probably be the most susceptible to this cold.

Well, gonna go and check some other threads, and then I am off to bed. Nothing going on tomorrow, so hope that we get to sleep in a bit.

Chele, give Nolan a big hug and kiss, we are needing more pictures soon!!

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Dusty, I would to have spring water in the house!

However, I don't know if we have enough volume from the spring (anymore) to run the house reliably. Last year was very dry here and the overflow became shallow, so that makes me wonder. I doubt we can get any equipment in to dig it out, either. The roof peak of the spring house is only about 3 feet above ground level around it; the spring sits in a very tight, narrow swale with poured concrete steps down to the spring house.

I had the water tested 2 years ago; it has some bacteria... e. coli, the kind we have in the human gut, NOT the strain that kills you, but Buster drinks from it and he's still with us. Didn't test for heavy metals, not enough sheckles available.

Bonnie, I have toyed with the idea of wind power. We get a pretty good breeze most of the time down our narrow valley.

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Hey all...it DID warm up here today..into the 60's...but it rained!!! Everytime we walked out the door...it started in! LOL! Guess we weren't supposed to work outside today.
Yeah..I know the cold weather is supposed to hit here too....but dont think it will hurt much....cause it wont last long. Famous last words...lol!!
Had a tornado WARNING one county over from us tonight....but guess nothing happened. Haven't heard anything. Still under a watch till 1 am.
Was just talking to some friends about the Xenia tornado in 1974. That was so awful. My dad worked for the local power company..DP&L. He was one of the first over there...and came home crying. I had never seen my dad cry. He could hardly even talk about it....but he went back..many times...to do repairs. Aww anyway...sorry.
Well...off to bed here. Calling dr about my eyes tomorrow..had enough.
Take care all.

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

Well, I can highly recommend a 24 hour nap for its restorative powers. I'm still sore, but I'm not tired anymore.
Sue, good lookin' spuds!
Dusty, good lookin' offspring!
Darius, congratulations on getting anything straightened out with Soc Security. Sometimes I think it should be called Social Insecurity.
Here's a pic someone sent me from the wedding. Looks like I'm blessing the rings. Such a really sweet couple.

Thumbnail by goshsmom
Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

BTW, the gorgeous orangey red flowers they had interspersed with the lilies at the Conservatory were clivias. Here's the Dave's link--

Caneyville, KY(Zone 6b)

Hope everyone make it through the night safe and sound!

Pat, beautiful picture of the wedding ceremony!

Darius, things sure look to be going your way these days. YEAH! That'd be great if you can (and I know you will) get that spring house up and running. You have the coolest place...I love it!

(((Dusty)), so glad you got to see the boys. They sure are a handsome bunch! There's a special bond when a child or grandchild is born on your birthday. Al's oldest daughter was born on his.

Not much planned here today. Took Al to work, so I could spend the afternoon scrubbing the Explorer inside and out, and then waxing it. Al's working on a cement plant, so with all that dust flying and the dust from the gravel road we live on, taking it to the car wash and using the sprayer doesn't do any good anymore.

Off to check some other threads...you all have a great day!

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Pat, nice photo! They are cute, and so are you. :) When I lived in Asheville, a friend had a huge clivia that she would bring up from the cool basement when it bloomed. It was stunning, probably had 30 flowers on it.

I have looked for one (unsuccessfully) for the last 2 years, as a thank you for the DG lady who gives me a place to sleep when I go see my doctors up in Charlottesville. Lowe's and HD used to have them once in a while in their houseplants' section but not around here. Several years ago White Flower Farm had the new (and gorgeous!) pure yellow one on their catalog cover; it was a mere $300.00!

It rained enough overnight that the creek is muddy, and the temps are already starting to drop. Howling winds awakened me about 5 am but it's calm right now. They have raised our forecast low by 2º for tonight and tomorrow night, but it will still get down to about 22º right here in my garden. I sure hope this is the last gasp of winter.

I have a friend who will take me to pick up some cattle panels today. They are 16' long, too long to carry them in my truck. The price has gone up 25% since I bought them the last time. Yuck.

I am appropriately stiff and sore this morning, and the weather probably won't let me work outside to limber up the kinks.

Off to get more coffee... Ta, ta

Caneyville, KY(Zone 6b)

Darius, a hot bath works wonders for achiness....worked wonders for my marathon planting and driving last week.

Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

Good Morning All....It's dropped from 52* at midnight to 35.6*....we had a nice steady soft rain until just before 2am...We needed the rain for sure...and it just started again about 8:30....Wellllll, It's official...It is snowing...I am sitting here looking out the bay window and seeing white flakes floating here and there....grrrrrrrrrrrr!!! It can't decide whether to rain or snow, so its doing both...rain for awhile, then a mix of light snow and then then some big flakes then rain again, then it quits...What a mess...

Darius, I concur with the stiff and sore...and yes, this weather sure isn't helping...
I am going to try and finish up in the guestroom today...I need to hang the curtain rod, and get the curtains up in there, and a few other things, then get it vacuumed, drag my sewing machine out of there and shut the door...LOL
When I was cleaning out the bins, I found my antique hobnail lamp that I need to rebuild, so I think that is going to be my second project for the day...

I'm off to the basement to hunt my craft paints....
I hope everyone has a good day, despite this rotten weather...

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

LOL, Robin... a very old, slow-recovery (and single heating element) 30 gal. water heater and 3 adults doesn't make for enough hot water to soak! Sure sounds lovely, though... One of these months I'm going to treat myself to a day at a spa.

I've been on the phone trying to locate a sod cutter to rent. None within 50 miles. One fellow down at the state line used to rent one but he said it usually just sat unused, not enough demand, so he sold it to the city. Sure would make my garden expansion into the lawn easier.

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

Bonnie - My Rhumatologist (sp?) figures I have had Fibromyalgia since I was about 18. I agree that might be what you have going on. Since I now have RSD, though, it has completely overtaken the Fibro to the point I don't even think about the fibro anymore. RSD is like Fibro x 100. My doc once told me that Fibro is like arthritis of the muscles, and RSD is like that to the nerves. I don't know about that, but its a darn shame that anyone has to have either one.

One thing it sounds like it could be, to me, is Lyme. There are a few people on my RSD board that tested positive for Lyme. They keep trying to make a link between RSD and Lyme -- but there are far more of us that have never had Lyme to make a connection. But in hearing them talk, it sounds pretty painful, and comes and goes. It doesn't seem as connected to barometric pressure.

I went to my friend Curt's in Cleveland yesterday. I didn't feel like it - but needed a day away. I went to set up his computer for him so that he could have paypal going for when he gets his new website up. He is the one that breeds hellebores. Wow, did I ever see some beautiful ones. He just got back from a 6 week trip out west, and went to a breeder's out in Washington. He brought back some seedlings from there to add to his program. They were different, but I didn't really like them. They were doubles - they almost looked like little peony blooms. Funny you all should mention clivia... he had a huge one blooming. I liked it a lot, and he had about 20 smaller pots started. He gave me one to bring home to give to my Mom. She really liked it! Now I have to look up how to take care of one. It's in just plain dirt, and it was so hard it was like cement. He said it needed repotted. It was just blooming for the first time.

I am sorry I didn't think -- I could have brought back hellebores for anyone who wanted them. He still has a lot of them. He's thinking of doing them mail order. He loves breeding them, but hates just composting the ones he doesn't keep. He said he keeps about 10 out of 500. He's like that with the daylilies too... very selective.

Well, it's awful -- but I think I am going back to bed for a while. Turn on the bed warmer pad and try to get warm. We don't keep our house warm - usually 60-62...we heat with propane and it is to expensive for us to keep it warmer - and days like this when I am worse because of the low barometer... being warm helps. I'll get up in an hour and take a hot shower with the shower massager and then get ready for work. I am SO very thankful that I still have a job to go to!

I hope this economy starts to turn around ....!!!! But, I think it's going to be a while before we see any improvement.

Well, it just started to snow here. Dusty -- hate to tell you this - but this IS spring in Ohio.

Hugs to everyone!

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Jules, thanks for your explanation of Fibro, and on the Lymes. I am hoping to get some test results sometime this week. I am leaning more towards Fibro. The last bout I had with it was a long one,at that time they couldn't find anything, so I am hoping that I can at least get a diagnosis, and hopefully some help in dealing with it. I don't want to rely on pain pills, but there are days when there is no choice.

It rained last night, and the wind howled. We were under a tornado watch, but nothing came of that thank goodness. It is very chilly outside, and I will be going out to cover my oriental lilies in anticipation of really cold temps tonight. I am hoping that after this cold spell, it will finally be spring, and we won't have to worry about covering anything again.

Off to finish up some paperwork.

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Good afternoon all. Well..it's snowing here! YUK!!! Crazy Ohio weather!!
I have a call into the drs office. Can't believe what I am going through with them. The nurse called with some questions, after I gave the info to the receptionist. First the nurse said..he wants you to see your eye dr. Well.. i was just there a week and a half ago...and he said the antibiotic i was on for the sinus infection should take care of the eye problem. It didn't. Told the nurse that. So now she had to give more info to the dr...and will call me back a second time. I don't know what you have to do to get in to actually SEE the dr?????? Guess you have to be dying maybe???? Can you tell I am PO'd????? Oh..and the eye dr is only in two days a week i think...so fat chance of seeing him either! GRRRRRRRRR!!!

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Update: Drs office said to see eye dr. Told nurse eye dr in not in today. She said..calll them..if u cant get in...call me back..and I will call them!! Hellooooo??? If there is NO eye dr there...what good will that do?????
I made an appt with eye dr for tomorrow. Figured the dr didnt want to see me, cause he didnt know that much about eyes...and I've waited this long...what's one more day????
Ok...done ranting now.

Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

Marcy, sorry you're having such a time with that eye. :O(

I survived yesterday. Boy did I sleep good. I decided to move the mulch, pull the weeds and it took all day to do less than half the row and geez was I sore by the end. If I hadn't been exercising I know I would have been much worse. I moved my Hollyhock to that bed and tucked it in with mulch before I quit for the night. It was too big for the place it was at especially since we transplanted the big Crimson Queen JM there.

Today I am in a Landsend turtleneck and jeans. Yesterday I was in a spaghetti strap top, shorts and sandals. Mother Nature is definitely going through the change.

I took Dad to his Ortho appt this morning. They did a second x-ray on him and it was inconclusive. He said there is some arthritis in the knee, but it isn't bone on bone so there is a possibility it is a torn miniscus. The only way to tell is with an MRI, so he will be getting one and then going back. We had lunch at Arby's and stopped at Burkhardts to get some seeds. I got some sugarsnap peas and some wando peas. Dad wanted "How Sweet It Is" corn, but they aren't carrying it this year. So we both decided to wait to see if we could get it somewhere else.

I got notification that they are going to start paying the extra $25 on my Unemployment including back pay to the week after the bill was signed in February. That will be good.

Still selling caramels for flower money. I know it will go in one stop for annuals. I do have a few dollars left on my gift card to Berns that I got for Christmas, so that will be used as well. I'm pleased to say that it looks like all my bushes have made the transplant okay. I'm real happy about that. I was worried with the move and then the fridged winter temps.

Hope everyone is staying warm.


New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Thanks Joyce. It's actually both eyes now. And guess what? The drs office just called me back...AGAIN...and said...the dr has called in an Rx...in case you can't get into the eye dr today....LOL!! SOOOOO....I will go get the Rx....and take it with me tomorrow to the eye dr...so he can tell me I have conjunctivitis and to continue with the Rx the dr gave me....hahaahaa!!!!!! Too much!!
Joyce...sounds like you got a lot done yesterday. Dave just went out and put my plants that were sitting outside..in the barn. Had a couple of perennials and some pansies sitting out there. They probably would have been ok...but...cant hurt to put them in.
Ok...off to wally AGAIN...for the Rx.!!

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Good evening, been a pretty slow day today. I paid some bills and balanced some check books, had phone calls, and some neighbors stop by. Then cooked supper. Had to go out and I covered all the orienal and asiatic lilies, as they are up about 3-4- inches, and they would have been toast.

Marcy sorry that you are having so much trouble with your eyes. Hope that you can get some answers soon, and get it all under control.

Weather has been rainy and overcast all day, the winds light but chilly.

Hope that when this cold spell is over it will be the last of winter, and we can get on with the spring cleanup and planting.

~~~to everybody, and hope that it doesn't get too cold tonight.

hey gang
just a quicky today
i m pooped !
went to my class and it kicked my tushy
100 push ups
300 lunges
200 abs
then cardio !! for 45 min uhg
so to all i will say good night .
many pleasant dreams

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