Japanese Iris Folliage

North Shore of L. I., NY(Zone 6b)

Its been 20 years since I had Japanese Iris. I can not remember what the folliage looks like. Anyone have any pictures that show the whole clumps and not just the blooms. I personally like the full looking flowers you get on the ones with 6 falls. Also, are most (or all) Japanese Iris tall? Thanks.

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

Hi Rita,

Here's a nice picture showing Japanese iris foliage. The Japanese iris is the one in the very front.


Actually the foliage stands similar to siberian iris foliage, but is usually a little wider, and it has a rib running down the center of the leaf which sib foliage does not. The tetraploids have wider and usually taller foliage, by a little bit.

The height of the Japanese irises are listed on the webpages. They vary from about 18" to 6', with about 36-40" being the average. The height and size of the blooms on the Jis are quite influenced by cultural practices. Unlike the sibs who normally don't vary in height more than a couple of inches you can get an extra foot of growth, and another couple of inches of bloom under excellent cultvation.

Raleigh, NC

check on ensata.com

North Shore of L. I., NY(Zone 6b)

I looked on ensata but don't see any folliage.

Polly, thanks for the picture link. I will have to think about if I should get some Japanese Iris or not or where to put them.

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

You're welcome Rita,

If you can grow daylilies, you can grow JIs. Ensata once said, put a JI next to your best 50.00 daylily, and it will be taken care of. The daylilies can take the extra watering you give the JIs the first year, and then they exist well next to each other. ever after.

North Shore of L. I., NY(Zone 6b)

Some daylilies around here run $250.00 for a 2009 intro. It makes the new Iris intros look very reasonable by comparison.

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

Well, that was quite a few years ago he said it, LOL.

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