Tipsy pots idea

Jenison, MI(Zone 6b)

I found this on the internet and thought it was a brilliant idea! The article was written by Dottie Baltz of Pennellville, New York.

First, pick a spot in the yard that is a pain to mow.

After removing the sod, drive a 66-inch piece of re-rod 2 feet into the soil. (It's important to pound the rod into the soil at least 2 feet so it can support the weight of the full pots.)

Then surround the base with newspaper to prevent weeds from growing.

Then place a 12-inch round clay pot at the base, threading the re-rod through the drainage hole.
At this point, fill the pot with soil so the next pot has something to sit on. Press the soil down and water it until it is firm.

Next, take a 10-inch pot and threaded it through the rod, tilting it so one side of the base rested on the soil below.

Then thread the next three pots and tilt them in opposite directions so the weights are distributed evenly.

Then add plants to the tipsy pots. (When planting, make sure to leave a 1- to 1-1/2-inch space at the top of each pot. That way, when you water, the soil won't run out of the pot. To conserve moisture, add a layer of mulch on top of the soil.)

Finally, to finish the project beautifully, add a layer of mulch over the newspaper on the ground.

This message was edited Apr 1, 2009 11:20 AM

Thumbnail by Patriotboy247
Macomb, MI(Zone 5b)

I made this last year....we love it!

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