Care of seedling trees

Lima, OH

I just received an order of bare root Eastern Redcedars and Colorado Blue Spruce.....a total of about 25 trees, from Musser Forest. I live on a farm in mid-western Ohio. Although the seedlings are VERY healthy looking, I know their survival rate will not be great putting them directly into the ground here. Rabbits are a big concern, but not so much for deer because where they will ultimately be is fenced. What I have decided to do is put them in gallon size pots, let them get a little more growth on them, then next spring put them in the ground.

What advice can y'all give me on watering, sun exposure, wind, and general care. BTW....I DO realize that I'm still going to have to protect them from rabbits, but it will be easier as a group to put a fence around them. Right now it's fairly cool. We had a light frost just a few days ago but right now we are at 49F with lows above freezing for at least the next week.

Any comments or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


Thumbnail by tervherd
suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

I kinda doubt that those 2 would have a problem with the cold in a pot, but I've lost other kinds in a pot outside over the Winter. To be more certain of their survival you might dig holes halfway down for the pots to sit in the ground over-Winter.

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