Succulent and cacti ID please

Merino, Australia

Brian or anyone else . Can you ID these at all.? The little cacti were squashed into tiny pots and a larger dish. The segments are about 1" long and tend to break off as soon as you touch them . I have repotted into larger pots and have plenty to share if anyone wants some.
Brian, if you are looking, it does resemble the similar small one I sent you some of , but doen't look exactly the same. It does look like it has flowered so hopefully will again for a better ID.

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Merino, Australia

Next one . Is this a small aloe ? It's about 3 1/2 " tall . Very pretty.

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Merino, Australia

Not great pics , but the sun is pretty bright.
This one has a squarish leaf and the stem seems to go up the middle of the leaves

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Merino, Australia

This one is very pretty and has a sort of triangular leaf.
There were a lot more succulents in the lot but most seem to be either naturally small or stunted versions of ones I know.

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Barmera, Australia

The little cactus is Echinopsis chamaecereus Syn Chamaecereus sylvestrii "The Peanut Cactus". It has a very nice orange flower quite large for the size of the plant. The segments are not well attached and will fall off if you look at them too hard. Very small spines, quite a friendly little cactus well worth having.
Don't know the succulents I'm not too clever with them.

Thumbnail by Stake
Merino, Australia

Thank you Brian. I will label them all accordingly. It will be a pretty sight if they all flower together as there are a lot of them.

Robertstown, Australia(Zone 10a)

Hi Jean,
here are some links for you to explore:

Post #6343228: Check the top 4 results here -[common]=&searcher[family]=&searcher[genus]=haworthia&searcher[species]=fasciata&searcher[cultivar]=&searcher[hybridizer]=&searcher[grex]=&search_prefs[blank_cultivar]=&search_prefs[sort_by]=genus&images_prefs=both&Search=Search

Post #6343237: Check the top 3 results here -[common]=&searcher[family]=&searcher[genus]=crassula&searcher[species]=perforata&searcher[cultivar]=&searcher[hybridizer]=&searcher[grex]=&search_prefs[blank_cultivar]=&search_prefs[sort_by]=genus&images_prefs=both&Search=Search

Post #6343259: Another Crassula, but I can't see enough detail in the photo. Check here while actually looking at the plant -[common]=&searcher[family]=&searcher[genus]=crassula&searcher[species]=&searcher[cultivar]=&searcher[hybridizer]=&searcher[grex]=&search_prefs[blank_cultivar]=&search_prefs[sort_by]=genus&images_prefs=both&Search=Search

Best of luck, KK.

Here's one of my Crassulas flowering in early May: Crassula perforata 'Giant Pagoda' (by the way, those are actual raindrops on the flower - WHEEE!). I am actually pretty pleased with this photo, it took me an awful lot of blurry tries to get a good close-up of these tiny (2mm) flowers.

Thumbnail by Kaelkitty

Back in fine form I see KK you and brian (stake) should find a lot to share great to see you back.

sYDNEY, Australia

Hi Jean, The succulent in 6343228 is a Haworthia Attenuata - semi shade to shade - great for pots and grows to about 13cm - water moderately. By the time you see this you may have already found out. Rgds, Rhonda

Merino, Australia

Thank you Rhonda , Brian and KK . I still have a few without names but am slowly getting there.

Robertstown, Australia(Zone 10a)

Hi Jean,

Can you post new (clearer) pictures of the ones that are "leftover" on a new thread?

I'll see what I can do to finish it up for you. Your NOIDs are easier than mine, LOL!

Ciao, KK

Merino, Australia

Thanks KK. I may wait until the spring now as everything is damp and some are a bit icky with the cold.

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