No frost here, thank goodness!

Kannapolis, NC

No frost overnight, and I am so glad. I took a chance and left everything outside but my tomatoes. I hope this is the last cold spell we have. I'm ready to get out there and do some real work and get this season going!

Thumbnail by Hemophobic
Piedmont, SC(Zone 7b)

Me too!!!! I bought several new plants and have been afraid to plant them yet. We got down to 38 last night. My plants are on the deck which is about 4 ft. off the ground. They are so Pretty and I can't wait to get them planted. I have a lot of plants to move from the back to the front beds but now I have a cracked rib and can't dig in the dirt right now. BooHoo

Kannapolis, NC

Don't you just hate that? Right in the middle of planting season, too. I've got a back problem, but I'll still be shoveling dirt.

Take care of that rib.

Columbia, SC(Zone 7b)

Man, I have so many plants to get in the ground. And the wintersown plants are coming up, too, so then there is that bunch. Plus the 4" pots that were 3/$1 at Home Depot. Plus the Slavias and the iriss that I traded for and more salvia that I found on sakle at my local nursery (they are just around the corner and I amde the mistake of stopping in "just to peek".)

Plus the veggie seeds (some now, some later, but the Containers need to be prepared).

I want to spend all day tomorrow in the garden- everything smells so good.

I MUST NOT BUY MORE PLANTS until the ones that I have are planted! This is getting bad, folks.

But it is SO much fun!!

Kannapolis, NC

Pyro: It's an illness we all share so happily! I know the feeling well. Last year I made that same vow, but I still have things in pots from last year that HAVE to go in the ground this spring. All I have to do is get the beds ready ^-^

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