new greenhouse!

West Warren, MA

Finally snow melted and sun is out! Just put together the greenhouse I bought from Global Mainland Int., it looks great! Like a large walk in playhouse! A great buy, did take 2 to put it up. Took about 1/2 hr..Can't wait to put plants in that are growing in home. Will make a daily log of temp...and keep you all updated on results!!

Milwaukee, WI

congrats on new greengouse and the sunshine LOL snowing here as I type

Fulton, MO

OK, I gotta ask...what kind of GH takes 1/2hr to put up?

This message was edited Mar 29, 2009 8:03 AM

Lewisville, MN(Zone 4a)

Picture please.

West Warren, MA

Sorry all, am not picture literate 'yet'! This is only a temporary greenhouse 7X7X12 to harden off or start some seeds. Has a green cover over metal frame. Easy up and easy down. Big enough to walk in! Will tell you all more as days go by. Did put up thermometer this am. was about 46 inside it. It's raining here in MA, but we are getting warmer days. I spread some black plastic bags down under the shelves ( I have to put them in, used cheap shelves I had hanging around and not using )for added heat when the sun comes out. Do like this better than that small one I had with 4 shelves. Got it on E-Bay 2 months ago...prices have gone up some now. Feels good to be able to stand inside to work on plants. Am putting some plants in that can take some cool weather for now.

St. Louis County, MO(Zone 5a)

Congrats, happier days are ahead!

Rehoboth, MA

Congratulations on your greenhouse!! Your greenhouse is how I started and it has now morphed into a full-time greenhouse attached to my family room and a sunshed. All permanent. I am located in Massachusetts. Rehoboth. Where is Warren, MA?

Thumbnail by bonniekelley
West Warren, MA

Live by Brimfield where they have the big 'flea markets'!
Was up to 90 in greenhouse this afternoon...will have to open one of the roll up windows in am and close in pm when sun is out! Plants doing ok in it. Some were ratty when I put them in and hopefully will perk up! I have the greenhouse in back of the church in Warren. I live in an efficiency apt....sold all when I came back to MA after hubby went to 'sleep'. Had to have knee replaced and back fused so needed to have help from family. Plan to check out S. C. for a small place. These winters are tough!!

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