Convolvulus keeps dying

Canberra, Australia

I have planted several purple-flowered convolvulus on the edge of a rock wall. They seem to do well for a couple of months then they start drying up and then die. I have a drip irrigation that waters them for 1 hr every 2 days - one dripper per plant. We've had very little rain since mid January and temperatures are often in the high 20s. They get direct sun for 4-6h per day. Can anybody tell me what the problem is? Are they being over watered?

Thumbnail by Robert_Sc

I don't know for sure, but I am guessing the radiant heat from the stone work is cooking them ... the position is probably too hot and dry for them.

melbourne, Australia

i have this plant and notice that it goes better when i don't water it much at all. i only water mine about twice during the summer months and we got to 46degrees here.
i would water it less and see how it goes. 1hr every 2days is a lot of water for a little plant.

se qld, Australia

Once it is established it seems to prefer very little water. It grows quite happily here with no supplementary watering at all.

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