A new purchase

(Zone 4a)

Here is what I bought for a possible new clematis....any ideas of what I could put on it. Looking for a group 3 that can grow on this 5 foot tuteur.

Thumbnail by DawnLL
Andrews, NC(Zone 6a)

Dawn that is fabulous.

Athens, PA


very nice! Think of the possibilities........

I have 2 growing on mine - Gillian Blades and Silmakivi. DH put up another trellis for me in the back yard and I am trying to figure which 2 I want to put on that one. I have Emilia Platter coming from the co op and I have Negritianka planted in a pot in the back yard. I am not sure I want to mix Negritianka with any other colors though - I may just want to keep her solid......however, Emilia Platter may just set off the deep color of Negritianka..... decisions, decisions.......

(Zone 4a)

Carolyn just curious if you have put 2 clematis on the size of my trellis? (is yours much bigger).....mine doesn't seem that big so now I am a bit concerned with putting two plants on it....

Delaware, OH

yes put two clems on it and if that becomes too much you can move one. better yet, place the trellis near a shrub where the more vigorous of the two clems can hop to the shrub. even better yet, put two of the same type on it.
looks like a nice structure. the white ones look good with dark flowers ville de lyon, niobe, along those lines.

i only have 2 white structures, one on each side of walkway up to house. but the niobes (2 on each of them)completey cover them when they get going.in the first few years with niobe smaller it was delightful against the white structure.

i need to go shopping and keep my eyes out for good buys....that is a nice one for sure.

Athens, PA


Yes I did. My tower is probably shorter than yours - 4ft. I did put type 2's on it, figuring they would grow up and over and last year was the first year with them. I have a larger tower - 5 ft with Hendryetta on that one. This will be the 3rd year for her - she is a pruning group 3, but she doens't climb.

Delaware, OH

carolyn22, your pic of hendryetta you posted a couple of months or so ago was so nice. i put it on my list. i am wait listed for it at brushwood now as everywhere seems to be out of it.
will let you know when i get it, might not be till fall.

(Zone 4a)

Wow - I didn't know you could put such large clematis on these things or even 2 of them for that matter....LOL!!! I was a bit scared and thinking of putting something smaller on it like Piilu so I am glad I asked cause now my choices have grown......

I just loved the look of it when I saw it......I had to get it.....of course it also gives me another excuse to buy 1 or 2 more clematis LOL!!

This is where I want to put my trellis....do you see the garden lengthwise down the pergola? Well I already have clematis going up those two legs....I want to put this structure in the middle of that garden.....in between the two posts....do you think this is too much???

Thumbnail by DawnLL
Athens, PA


I don't think it would be too much. Both my towers are in the middle of my perennial border. I am on my way out, but I'll see if I can find a picture later to show you.

CG - coming from you on the Hendryetta - that is quite a compliment. Thank you - you have made my day!

Catch you all later. I have to run.

(Zone 4a)

Great Carolyn - I would appreciate that very much. I will be looking forward to your photo.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Dawn - I'd also go with two clematises and I'd anchor the tuteur with earth staples - long ones! I'd hate to see any storm in any season knock it over.

Thumbnail by pirl
Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

I use hose clamps and rebar to attach to my obelisks etc and cement in the ground to no only help with winds but to raise them higher...This also keeps the medal out of the soil so it won't rot...Jeanne

Thumbnail by JeanneTX
(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Great idea.

(Zone 4a)

Great ideas folks....thanks so much!!! I have so much to work with now! Awesome!

Delaware, OH

nice advantage to be able to get under the structure for care and maintenence too. i usually plant on the side of a structure like your new one dawn. the times i planted under it , (i did not raise the structure) i regretted it.
planting from the side has worked well for me. on one the size of your new one dawn, i do one on each side.
i have some larger ones, tuteurs, purchased last fall that i will plant on 3 or 4 sides of. but they are much larger.
i planted 2 on each last fall and and adding some this spring.

the white is a great choice with dark clems. love that.

Athens, PA


The pink to the left in the picture is Clematis Hendryetta. You can't tell, but she is on an obelisk. She is in my perennial border.

Thumbnail by Carolyn22
Athens, PA


here it other obelisk in my periennal bed on the other end. This was taken in early June, so the bed has not filled in yet and the clems were pruned back last year - so they had not filled my obelisk. I think it will be beautiful when it flowers. One thing I noticed was that the white of the Gillian Blades draws your eye down the length of the bed to that area where the clems on are on the obelisk. To the left, the bed goes into an 'L' shape and my Ville de Lyon, Hagley Hybrid and Viticella are growing along a metal fence that is connected to an arbor with Climbing Iceberg rose - so my feelings on oblelisks in the middle of a flower bed - definitely something I think that adds.

I too plant on the outsides of my obelisks. It is easier to prune and fertilize them when they are planted this way.

Thumbnail by Carolyn22
Delaware, OH

glad i am not the only one that plant on the outside. of structure. makes it easy to double up with two plants , wither same variety of two different ones.
on my arches i plant on the inside and the outside of each side. this gives most coverage and bloom time extension. and since i am an obsessed collector i need to use all the supports i have to the max!

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

I only plant on the outside of my structures as well.

(Zone 4a)

Great photo Carolyn - such a pretty garden! I love what you did with the flower pots on the fence as well....very cute!

Thanks for showing me how you use your obelisk!

(Zone 5b)

I really like it Dawn!
I purchased my first obelisk last fall and still have to find a good place for it.
Looking at Carolyn's pix, mine may be the same one... I got a great buy on it so I couldn't resist.

The tips for 'tying down' are good ones but I believe Jeanne has you all beat using cement! ;)

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

DH bolted our Obelisk to the wood and directly into coffee cans of cement on all four sides. Sadly, after 14 years a storm knocked it off the base since parts of the wood at the bottom rotted. We're contracting to have an exact replica made.

You can see one of the bolts just to the left of the left vertical slat.

(The beach stones were there to show me where more Casablanca lilies were just planted)

Thumbnail by pirl
(Zone 4a)

I forgot to ask you if the price was "ok" to have it remade? It is gorgeous and yes I do see the bolt in the photo.

Athens, PA

Dawn -

Thanks - I got the pot hangers on the fence from the 'hang a pot' co op that Diane had last year. I have them all over the place!


(Zone 4a)

Would Prince Charles be too big for my tuteur?

What about Duchess of Albany?

Would it be too much for my tuteur to have both on it?

(Lynn) Paris, TX(Zone 7b)

I bought a couple of these when they had free shipping


and a couple of arbors that I can't find a picture of now.

(Lynn) Paris, TX(Zone 7b)

Not arbors, pillars.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

We just had our 2 day Garden show and I bought a couple of these variations on obelisks - the company (local,)calls them Garden Twists.I think they are about 8 feet tall.

Thumbnail by fancyvan
Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Cool! Your Garden Twists kind of remind me of those spirals that you can use in your vegetable garden to help support tomato plants.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Hah! I never thought of that - maybe that is where they got the idea.

Delaware, OH

yes, the twists look like something sold in my area for vegetables, but yours may be a bigger spiral. i think they might work well for clems in first year that are not going to be super vigorous.
i am sure i will try some as i have so many new clems coming in and will be scrambling for supports.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Well they are made of iron and have a centre support so I think they will be OK.

(Zone 4a)

Ok in a perfect world I would LOVE to have Silmakivi on this tuteur - no kidding...I have only read good things about this one....hopefully I can find it here this year! She is a beauty and thanks Carolyn for pointing it out to me!!!

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