Weird weather of '09!! ... #9

(Laura) Olympia, WA(Zone 8a)

Red, I have an appointment on Thursday to find out the results of the MRI. Once we look at that we’ll figure out what we can do.

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

My Twillium hasn't even poked its head up yet. I'll have to check on the ones next door. Looking forward to seeing everyone's pictures of their Trilliums.


(Judi)Portland, OR

This thread is so funny - the subject matter is all over the place! Dogs, kids, boats, mushrooms, MRIs, twilliums. Too funny! LOL!

(Laura) Olympia, WA(Zone 8a)

Well I think the "subject" is gossip or chat.

Wow! The interior of the boat really shows that she has been cared for. Yep. She was surely meant to be yours. Don't you love it when things just fall into place like that?

(Judi)Portland, OR

Laura, you are right - gossip or chat!

Eugene, OR

That's what we do best!!!

Trisha/Laura......hope everything goes well for you two. Tough road for your family right now, your poor BIL, all those broken bones at his age!

(Trisha) Olympia, WA(Zone 8a)

It is tough for the BIL but my Sister in Law (his wife) is an RN....says all things considered he is doing very is rough on her too....the Nurse is doing very well, the wife side is taking it much harder....

Gossip, maybe. But as one of my rubber stamps says...We don't indulge in Idle Gossip...Only Important, Meaningful Gossip!

Going to call it a night....

Thumbnail by zhinusmom
(Judi)Portland, OR

Trisha you really have had your share of problems. I hope things go more smoothly and that your brother in law mends quickly. And I am sending good thoughts to you regarding your uncle. Take care of yourself.

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

Susan, great boat! Congratulations. What a b-day gift!!!

Laura, I sure hope that the MRI shows good news. Whatever good news may be for you. Sometimes finding out that you have a bakers' cyst is good news because it's not needing artheroscopic surgery, but artheroscopic could be good news if you were thinking you might need reconstructive. The best MRI I ever had was one that revealed that a bakers' cyst in my knee had ruptured. It was good news only because my doctor had discovered the cyst the year before, right before my surgery, and was thinking that he did not want to remove the cyst during the surgery because people can go their whole lives without ever having problems from them. I said that I would like it removed while doing the surgery because it's not my luck to have something like that not flare up and cause problems. Anyhow, he decided not to remove it while doing surgery on that knee. One year later (hardly a lifetime), It took everything that I had to not say "see, I told you so." when the results from that MRI came back as a ruptured bakers cyst!!! Who would've that would be good news!??!! lol My twisted sense of humor I guess!

Trisha, great Daffs! i'm glad to hear that you've had a bit of positive news.

(Trisha) Olympia, WA(Zone 8a)

Thanks Judy. It doesn't look good for my cousin (Uncle Rex's nephew) was there today and he said they really don't think he will make it through the weekend. Aunt Joyce really wants to see my mom....they are the only two left of six I have a felling I am going to have to go to Oklahoma in the not too distant future.

Has been a long day...think I am headed for bed, and no alarm tonight. Everyone have a good night.

(Trisha) Olympia, WA(Zone 8a)

Thanks Shelly......

I had to get a picture of those.....just love the little daffs....I'm going to try and get some of my own in this year.

Good night.

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

Sorry to hear that Trisha. That's unfortunate. keep us posted. Are those daffs dwarf? I have these heirloom daffs that came with the land the house sits on. They're tougher than all get out. I'm sure you could divide that clump if it belongs to someone you know :-p

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

Hugs and prayers for your family, Trisha.

Laura, good thoughts coming your way about the MRI results.

Bend, OR(Zone 5a)

Mary, yes I do! While going up AND down I-5 through WA I was thinking of all of you and saying hi and bye in my mind when we would go through your cities and Murmur's village on the Island.

Thanks Shelly!

I like this better than a chat room! LOL

I'm sorry to hear about all of the hardships though, it kind of takes the fun out of having a good time with a new toy knowing that someone's loved ones are hurting. I'm thinking of all of you!


(Julie)South Prairie, WA(Zone 7a)

Thoughts and prayers going to all of the families that are having a rough time right now. Hoping that things improve for you much faster than the weather is improving for all of us.

As for me....just another day off that I'm not going to get anything done in the garden. Rotten snow........

Thumbnail by Rarejem
Bend, OR(Zone 5a)

I agree on both counts Julie, but as you probably already know those Pansies will be just fine in the snow. As for working in the garden, well It looks like it will be quite awhile before I can do that here too.


(Trisha) Olympia, WA(Zone 8a)

The little Daffs were at the park we went to.....probably wouldn't like me dividing things for them....but I definitely do plan on helping thin out the crocus clump down the time I see the tenant I have permission from Lawn/Maintenance to take a few of those and the orange lilies they have also!!

Yep, snowflakes here this morning................

Did I show you guys my very weird Rhubarb that is starting to come up??

Thumbnail by zhinusmom
Poulsbo, WA

It is snowing here, again. Blek! I haven't posted since last year, things have been tough without DH. I spent the last month pruning and cutting back dead plants, just throwing the clippings down on the paths! At some point I'll make myself go out and clean it all up. Here is a shot from last year, followed by what it looks like now.

Thumbnail by neofarmer
Poulsbo, WA

Yuck! Will Spring ever come?

Thumbnail by neofarmer
(Laura) Olympia, WA(Zone 8a)

Red, I’ll just be happy if they say there is something they can do to fix it that my insurance will cover. Even just knowing for sure what it is would be a step forward. It’s been bothering me off and on since high school, but without insurance I couldn’t even afford to find out what is was, so the doctors just told me to take 800 mg of IB 3 times a day while it was bothering me.

I don’t even want to think what I did to my liver on the UK trips, because I probably took an average of 1600 mg of IB a day for over a month. I can work through it as that trip shows. I tried to figure it out once and decided my brother and I walk about 10 miles a day on average. At the very least we were on our feet, walking, for most of the day light hours, unless we were going to or from a place on the train. But we’d be out of the hostel most days by 9am at the latest and didn’t come back till around dark, not to mention finding somewhere to eat after we got back.

Even on days where we switched hostels and didn’t do any “sights” I still had to carry everything I brought to and from the train stations, and my pack etc. weighed about half my body weight. Then we’d go out and check out the town.

Neo, we got snow this morning too, though it didn’t stick. Isn’t it supposed to be spring?

Union, WA(Zone 8b)

Hello neofarmer. Glad you are back with us again. Your rockery was beautiful and I'm sure it will be again.

Laura and Trisha, Caring and good wishes go to you two talented people. You've had your share. Love the mushroom photo.

gardener, Congrats on your beautiful new boat.

Eugene, OR

I forgot to say that mushroom pic was really cute!! Looks like a little city.

Laura and've been in my thoughts all day.

Was sorry to see all of our WA friends got snow again. We're just cold and wet!

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

Neo, glad to see you back! Your place is nice even in the winter! mine is mostly mud. But yours is definitely beautiful in the summer. That's a great picture!

I think that some parts of Oregon got snow. Possibly Gardner, but probably Mortsewife, my sister over in Eastern Oregon definitely did.... she said that she had about an inch this morning. But, Washington definitely got more! They are saying a snow level down to 2000' feet by early friday morning. YUK!!!

Laura, I'm certainly glad to hear that you have insurance now, having to deal with that agony due to a lack of it is just ..... I'm not going to go there now. Especially since the lack of insurance possibly, and quite likely, caused more injury to occur later on, and for you to have a worse of an injury now that will be more expensive to fix now than it would have been had you had insurance when it started. ok... I really am getting off of that horse!! I'm definitely glad that you are able to have it looked at now and hopefully it's nothing too serious! But, It's great that you did go on that trip, even if it was painful. It was a great experience.

Eugene, OR

I agree and it took a lot of determination to do it!! Something needs to be done with our health care system, but hard to say what will work.

I wish toughing it out would work with raynauds. But when my fingers go numb, there isn't a whole lot I can do. Darn it!! I want warmer weather!!

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

Definitely! that Raynauds just is a real downer. Maybe this cold front that is about to push through will be the last! Wouldn't that be great. Wishful thinking, I know.

Eugene, OR

That would be a winner with me!! The forecast is looking warmer, maybe a dry weekend?

At least there is an explanation other than just plain 'wierdness'. Last year was a record breaker. I wonder if this year is, too.

Bend, OR(Zone 5a)

Thank you Patricia! We just had a rain/snow squawl go through, now the sun is out.

Neo, it's good to see you again. I know how you feel about your garden. Here's a pic of mine from last yr in full bloom.


Thumbnail by gardener105
Bend, OR(Zone 5a)

And this is how it looks every winter - spring. Pretty desolate huh?


Thumbnail by gardener105
(Judi)Portland, OR

It is crazy here today - sun rain sun rain sun rain - in 10 minute cycles.

Anyone please tell me what this is?

Thumbnail by Portland1
(Judi)Portland, OR

And this?

Thumbnail by Portland1
(Judi)Portland, OR

And this?

Thumbnail by Portland1
(Judi)Portland, OR

Last one!

Thumbnail by Portland1
southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

The first one is still a little early to tell yet, but right now it's reminding me of something like Anemone hupehensis or an Astilbe

the 2nd one: my guess is a lamium. probably Lamium Maculatum

The 3rd is either an Aster or something in the aster family.

4th one I know but can't think of at the moment.

This message was edited Apr 2, 2009 3:23 PM

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

The first one looks to me like native dewberry (our only native blackberry) - Rubus ursinus.

If you're like me, you'll be finding little babies of this forever.

I agree on the lamium.

I think the third one might be pulmonaria seedlings (judging by the coloration on the leaf of the little near the bottom right). If so, that's a great haul!!

Could the third one be Centaurea (Bachelor's Button, Mountain Bluet)?

(Julie)South Prairie, WA(Zone 7a)

I could go both ways on the first one, but I think that it looks more like anenome to me. They are very similar when they come out, but the length of the leaf stalk seems longer than my dewberries are when they come up (yes, I am forever weeding them too!).

Number two...yup, lamium. Keep an eye on it because most varieties spread very happily!

My first thought on the third was fall aster, but they seem to be too widely spread, so I guess I have no idea...I've never seen asters seed themselves here, so not sure what that would look like.

And I agree with Katie on the Centaurea for the fourth...beautiful and early but another very enthusiastic spreader!

Union, WA(Zone 8b)

I agree with you on the plants RG. And that does look like my asters.

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

If the first one has a wiry stem, then it's a berry. If it's a softer stem, then maybe something else. It's hard to tell.

Don't you guys see the little spots on the leaves on the third set? Or are those tiny water drops? My asters have reddish stems . . .

Union, WA(Zone 8b)

If those are asters they spread by runners as well as seeds. The spots look like some sort of damage to the leaves.

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