Pruning Star of India Group 3?? Please help me

Lindenhurst, NY

I have star of india, and read that it is group 3, "hard prune" -- but today in my garden, I noticed that it has new growth all over the old growth ....and no growth down by the ground? So i'm confused. I don't want to cut 20' of clematis that has potential flowers.

can anyone help me with this?

Delaware, OH

do not panic you have an option.
go down to the bottom and cut half the pieces off above the first leaf bud, and, as there are probably vines that are not springing back to life, cut those down all the way. follow the ones you cut up the plant and cut every 12 inches or so and remove the piece vs ripping it out and hurting the vines you want to leave as is.

this way you will not be full of anguish over the lost early growth and hopefully that will be enough stimulation to remind the plant to push up some new shoots. the probably outcome is a longer blooming season from this process vs just leaving it alone or hard pruning it which will delay your blooms.
if the bare bottom bothers you and this is not enough to stimulate new shoots, plant another clem close by that will bloom down low .
you can also check the vine ends and go ahead and cut them back if there is length that have not sprouted leaf buds. in fact, but down 1 live leaf bud lower....this will tidy up the plant and encourage healthy growth.

good luck ! remember there are pruning options. if a plant looks gnarled, tangled and untidy it will benefit from a clean up , but you have options!!!

Delaware, OH

do not forget to top dress your star of india with enriched soil and compost now and fertilize it well before any flower buds form.
clems are heavy feeders and this treatment will also help it reach it's best potential.
fertilize every other week, or at least twice before flower buds form , then stop until after the bloom period is over or you have pruned it again, if you prune before flowering has stopped (in the waning phase). i frequently hard or partially prune as blooms start to wane as this leaves enough time for a second flush of flowers. if you wait till the clem has finished blooming in your zone there may not be time or enough hours of daylight for a second bloom period.
but some folks can't stand to prune off any flowers. it takes a cold, scientific heart and a lot of faith to do so, but it is usually worth it.
enjoy your clem season!

(Zone 4a)

I have Star of India and I have always cut it back every year and I am in Zone 4.

Delaware, OH

good clems for down low blooming on leggy clems that can not be retrained or you do not want to retrain or may be too old to retrain are:

i am letting most of my perle de azure bloom up high and not hard pruning it because i have planted other clems on the same side of the arch and they will fill in and bloom lower. jospehine and hf young on one side for lower blooms and the other side henrii (not a fave of mine) and hf young. i think there's another one on the arch too , but can't remember if it is a polish spirit or a jackmanii....oh well.

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