composting with a high-speed blender such as Vitamix

Bakersfield, CA

I read on the Vitamix web site that you can make instant compost by liquifying kitchen waste (adding enough water to blend without overstraining the motor). I tend to accumulate a lot of citrus rinds, carrot peelings, etc., so I've been pouring these "smoothies" around my plants, working the goop into the soil on the day following the initial application. Vitamix also recommends adding cottonseed meal to the mix. Has anybody tried this, and if so, how are the results? Also, can you throw in coffee grounds, either with or without caffeine residue, and/or used tea leaves for outside gardening? Thanks in advance for any advice!

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

Whew! I was afraid you wanted to put the worms in the blender! 8>)

You're not really composting (decomposing), you're just making the organic matter really small. So you'd still have the issue that in the early stage of decomposition it would be taking away nitrogen. Same deal with cofee grounds or tea leaves. The very best practice probably would be to decompose somewhere else, then put the compost around the plants. But, obviously in nature no one goes around and does that. In reasonable quantities, I'd imagine that the organic addition is a positive.

I wouldn't put cottonseed meal in the blender, but sure, it will provide nitrogen. It also acidifies the soil, which might be good or might be bad, depending on what you're growing.

realbirdlady-thanks for the morning giggle-and the info:>)

Bakersfield, CA

Thanks, realbirdlady, for the info. Now a follow-up question: For now would it be okay to put the "smoothies" in my Compostumbler along with the leaves. etc., in order to truly decompose the glop? Also, if and when I get into vermicomposting can you put the worms into a Compostumbler along with everything else or would that kill them before the compost is ready to use, keeping in mind it gets really hot in there?

Palmer, AK(Zone 2a)

guosui...I can answer your question about putting your worms in the compost tumbler. Don't do it.

Worms work best when they are undisturbed, and the tumbler would definately disturb them. Plus, it would likely get too hot and you would cook the poor little things.

Tuscaloosa, AL

I have an online friend who used to put (may still) her left over veggie "glop" from her vitamix on her plants. She said her plants loved it. Her husband said it looked like "dragon vomit" so she had to throw some mulch on top of it.

I'm new at vermicomposting, but my worms seem to LOVE my "Vitamix blended Glop" :-) And pennymca's husband is correct - it DOES look like "dragon vomit" ;-)

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