Handy tool

Lebanon, OR

Now I am no way apart of this company but I have been using all heights of their tool and I will never be without them in the garden as you can get sooooooo darn close to any plant to weed and not destory the iris or the daylilies. I use it all over the garden...been using it for about 10 years now I think as I bought my first two at a trade show as could not find them anywhere now Lowe's and Home Depot carry the short one used on hands and knees for really up close and personal and the long one so I do not kill my knees...LOL



Gainesville, TX

thanks for the tip. Looks like I might have to have one.

Cherryvale, KS

Hey Dee, can you come to Kansas and give me some hands on training??LOL

Lebanon, OR

on hybridizing, tools what, I would love to travel as I have itchy feet and my honeys health says no travel...and KS is one state I have not been in yet...only have 15 states to go and I will have seen all the USA...


Really I can not live without this tool when I got down to one I went nuts until I found more. this was before they were available at Lowes and Home Depot had to order direct from the company in ID I think.

Now my one worker will not work without it here, he likes both the hands on and the hoe lenght.


Houghton Lake, MI(Zone 4b)

Will definitely look at see if they have it at Home Depot here. It looks like it would work a lot better than a regular hoe does. Thanks Dee!

Raleigh, NC

they don't have it here!

dee, let me ask, which one do you use, there's several here? and how do you use it? I can't figure out how the winged ones work.

Lebanon, OR

Hi all.

OK first the tool goes back and forth, or if you are really near the basse of the rhizome, you take the tip and pick the weed out fastly, cleaner than tool I have ever used. The hula one in my opinion is not near as good as this for up close and personal

I have the long handled one for using instead of hoe and I also have numberous of the short handed one with about the same length as a trowel...

You know how difficult the medians can be when they are close to bloom, well with this tool I hardly loose anything to the tool at all...

Hope this helps

Winnsboro, TX

Well I'm going to rush out and see if I can locate a couple of them to weed my beds. I'm planning on having a bunch of people over in the next couple of weeks to tour the beds. Right now they are all full of weeds thanks to recent 3 weeks of rain we have had here.

I watched them use the tool on the link you sent us. But I think it will take a little practice and then we can figure out all kinds of uses for it.

Thanks for telling us all about your favorite tools.
Happy Gardening, Marian

P.S. It doesn't matter how careful I am when pulling weeds by hand. I always manage to break or snap off some of the blooms. I think this will help a great deal.

Gainesville, TX

can order them at doitbest.com

Kansas City, MO

Thank you Ladies, I went ahead and ordered the longest and the smallest of the three from doitbest.com. I hope to have them in a few days.

These look like they can be very helpful to all my garden areas.

Thank you again for the tips,


Lebanon, OR

Well one of my long handled ones broke after 10 years and had to run down and buy one and at first HD could not find them, then thank you howdy they found it...so got 2 to be on the safe side.

Thank you for the link on doitbest I have it bookmarked in case they stop carrying them.


Raleigh, NC

it took some looking around, but I found that video on the first link above, and now I know how they are used - I'd have totally messed up, would have used it like a pickaxe! LOL

now that I see how to do it, gotta have one, that looks like just the ticket to save my aching back. my left quad muscle is in spasms today from so much up and down and up and down from weeding.

editted to add - that makes weeding look like fun!

This message was edited Mar 31, 2009 7:48 PM

Raleigh, NC

my left quad muscle is locked up from up-down-up-down of weeding Monday and Tuesday. I'm going to go order this tool NOW.

He didn't answer the phone, but mr. Fisher has voice mail and email now. wonder if our HD doesn't carry them because of our heavy soil?

This message was edited Apr 1, 2009 4:41 PM

Winnsboro, TX

I wasted an entire day driving around looking for this wonderful tool. Needless to say I wasn't happy that I couldn't locate one. So thanks for the link above to order it from.

Since I couldn't find one of those I got me one of those hula hoe's and to be very honest with everyone "I love it".
I've never used one of them. I looked at the one at Lowe's, Home Depot, and True Value and they were all a little different. The one at H.D.'s was much sharper so I bought that one. The thing I like about that is it works so well in tiny areas. What I'm trying to say is that it works well in beds with lots of irises that you have to be very careful between plants. With that little gem dandy I was able to hoe or clean out a iris bed that is 7ft wide and about 100 ft long in about 30 minutes. I figure at that rate it will only take me about a month to get caught up with all the weeding I need to do around here. At least I don't have to get down on my hands and knees which I can no longer do anyway. LOL

I thought the hula hoe was very easy to use. But today was my second day in a row to use it and it seemed like it took a little more effort and energy. I assume that's because I was worn out from using it everywhere yesterday. LOL

I"m going to order me one of the wingedhoes and if it's any better than this one. I'm going to order me a couple for my Christmas presents. LOL

Happy Gardening everyone and please by all means keep these good tips coming in.

Raleigh, NC

despite the weather, I too toured around a bit. I'm sure I saw something similar in town somewheres. and the man called back when we went on a groceries run, drat!

Raleigh, NC

I've looked everywhere for something similar, but gave up and ordered mine from doitbest, like Mr. Fisher recommended.

Lebanon, OR

Maybe we should think about a co op someone as I said I have 6 now of the short ones and 3 of the long handled, my two workers will not work without them now.

Only have one guy for one more week, but today got the display bed of dutch and aril/arilbreds...but have two areas done for the weeding, 2/3 of the bearded field.


Raleigh, NC

that wouldn't be a bad idea, a co-op. they were less than $20 at doitbest, but more than that on the link above, I think? do you remember how much they are at HQ?

Houghton Lake, MI(Zone 4b)

Dee, thanks so much for mentioning this. I picked one up in town and tried it for the first time today. Got the 4.5 inch blade, long handle. I LOVE IT!!! Really good when turned sideways for getting in between tight spots between irises. I like it a lot better than using a hoe.

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

I ordered one today. I'm going to pick it up in the store next week. Sounds really good. Thanks Dee.

Lebanon, OR

here is another tool I use in all the beds for really CLOSE work, it is a bonsei tool, one end is 3 prong rake and other to dig something out of the very center of the clump

Here is the link
Look around for ones cheaper as I get them for under 10.00 and believe or not like the winged weeder it is a great tool


Raleigh, NC

that reminds me !

at Plant Delights Nursery, one of the horticultural interns I met last summer had a dandy of a little tool,and sturdy as it could be, for transplanting small plants and weeding in tight. gotta find me that gal and get the name of that tool, because I've looked for it and not found it. looked like a cross between a straight dagger and a trowel.

Winnsboro, TX

I bought me two of those winged weeders a large on and the smaller one. I may not be using it right but I HATE THEM. It could be because my plants are too close together so I can't get it started before I have to stop.

So mine are hung up in the shed and until I know how to use them correctly they will stay there. I still like my hula hoe best...lol
Happy Gardening, Marian

Kansas City, MO

I just bought the winged weeders yesterday. Thought I did it two weeks ago but order never arrived. After I saw my Visa had never been charged and no order number had been emailed to me I figured the order went amiss. Anyway, I do not like hearing what you said Lovelyiris. I hope I have better results because the weeds want to rule awfully badly.

Now you have thrown me a curve. What is a hula hoe????? No jokes please. I really need help with these weeds.


Lebanon, OR

You can tip the winged weeder to the side and weed with the tip, here is a sample of the weeding you can do, honest

I can take the tip and weed INSIDE this clump

Sorry you are unhappy it does take about 2-3 of getting used to but I weed even if things are 2" apart now

Thumbnail by irisloverdee
Raleigh, NC

ahhh, gotta love those huge PNW rhizomes!

Raleigh, NC


MIN JUST ARRIVED UPS about two hours ago. ordered it Friday.

had DH help me get them out of the box, thinking "wow these are light!" took them straight outside to try.

did 30 mins. of weeding in 5 mins. not bad. but my weeds in one area are so dense I can't see the iris bottoms. that's going to be an issue. and it isn't getting into the dense clay, either, even after it's been raining. AND, where I cannot see my clay colored plastic drip irrigation lines, I'm too timid to try it - that stuff is expensive to replace and time consuming to mend.

But, where the soil has been amended, it's like, so easy it's unreal. especially like how, turned on its side, it's a slicing pick, and that will go into the clay. ordered both sizes of the long handles. only tried the bigger headed one.

going to go order three of the short handles, so's I can get helpers helping me!

Water Valley, MS(Zone 7a)

I wonder if there's a way to super glue a long handle onto a mole?

Lebanon, OR

Oh how I wish...Then I would have all the weeding done everywhere in a day.



Raleigh, NC


nope, I don't know what the union scale would be for that. and getting those little fellas to weed a straight line might just be an issue

Water Valley, MS(Zone 7a)


Just have to train him to Gee and Haw and Woooooo.

Happy Jack, AZ(Zone 5a)

Darn irisawe, I don't have a photo of my Hula Hoe, and they are kinda hard to describe. I got mine from HD years ago. Here's a photo of one:


Since I have to do my gardening from a power chair, the Hula Hoe works great for me. I hate the weeds that come up in or pathways & driveway, so I attack them with the Hula Hoe. Got one for a neighbor who hadn't been feeling well and he never even tried it out. I guess when mine wears out, I'll have to make a midnight acquisition, ^_^

Kansas City, MO

Thank you for the info. You know we need whatever works in our arsenal against the invaders. Looks like it could be interesting to use.

Lebanon, OR

Tools are so important to us gardeners rather upright or sitted. Having people share what tools work for them is more important than all the adds on TV or trade shows.

One that kills me is Grandpa's weed picker, now for me this tool is useless for others it must be great.


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