Heirloom Iris from 1930's-Peacock's Eye

Fresno, CA(Zone 10b)

I have posted some images of my absolute favorite plant, my Peacock's Eye Iris...I was on a two year waiting list to get one rhizome of this little beauty...please visit my blog/journal (I'm still a newbie so not sure how this works)

Thumbnail by corgilover51
Fresno, CA(Zone 10b)

One more picture to temp you to my brag page...lol....

Thumbnail by corgilover51
Houghton Lake, MI(Zone 4b)

Oh, how cute! I clicked on the link to your blog but it said access denied.

Fresno, CA(Zone 10b)

Oh darn, I wonder why? Oh well just a good reason to post another shot...lol... I'm like a proud Mom when it comes to this little darling....this is another angle of the bloom in the first post....they only last a single day but you get 3-5 on each stalk, so it's like daily presents....

Thumbnail by corgilover51
Salem, IL(Zone 5b)

You have a prized iris. Listed as 'Peacock's Eye' TB (Katkamier 1939). It is not yet
listed in the photo section of HIPS but there is an excellent photo from a Delaware Valley
Iris Society pose. Probably one of their judging conventions???

If I may give some unsolicited advice, take it out of the pot and plant it in a dry sunny
spot. I am currently running a simple experiment with potted iris and it is evident to me
that potted cannot compete with garden planted. Much like the potted flowering bulbs
in some of the big box garden centers, they look anemic and just not as healthy as the
normally planted ones.

Fresno, CA(Zone 10b)

Oh thank you for the information on my little beauty....we are renters so I'm not willing to leave her behind EVER....that's why the container....surprisingly she's been in a container for a dozen years (I do change the soil every few years and have separated her once) she continues to fill me with joy every spring...I know it would be even bigger and better in the ground....if I owned it would be there in a heartbeat....you are the first person to know of her....thank you for your response....

Thumbnail by corgilover51
(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

Congratulations on your iris.

I recently discovered two different iris on the verge of distinction, and pretty much out of my reach, so I can very much identify, and only fantasize about how exciting it would be to actually find them, and for them to bloom for me.

I am happy for you ;0)

It is a pretty little thing. And upon increase, I'm sure you'll have plenty of people that would like to help you continue to preserve it :0)

That last picture is especially nice. Have you added them to plantfiles?

Salem, IL(Zone 5b)

You may want to contact the Historical Iris Preservation Society and let them know you
have this baby. I am just now getting into the historics after raising a few of the modern
cultivars. As far as potting goes, select the largest pot you are comfortable with so the
iris can develope a good root system. You should have at least 3 to 4 increases each
year. I have a few in 17 qt pots and they are outgrowing the pot already after being
potted late last spring. Find a pot of at least 5 gallons, preferably 10 or larger.

Added: HIPS e-mail to Mike who is the webmaster.


This message was edited Mar 28, 2009 12:06 PM

Fresno, CA(Zone 10b)

I'm still pretty new to this site and am having trouble just getting my blog page visible....lol...I wanted to add her to the PlantFiles but it didn't give me a place to add a photo...let's see if this link works for my blog

How do I contact the Historical Iris Preservation Society? I keep her in pot large enough for small trees, nearly two feet accross....when I separate her this summer I plan to increase the pot size again...

Salem, IL(Zone 5b)

We were typing at the same time probably.

Fresno, CA(Zone 10b)

I am sending Mike an email with photos....I hope he contacts me...thanks so much

Fresno, CA(Zone 10b)

UPDATE! I just receive a response from Mike at the HIPS...my little beauty has been misnamed by most growers...it turns out that she is actually a he...lol...the correct species is Romeo...apparently they are trying to correct the error that so many Iris growers have made...I sent him the name of the grower so they can contact them....He may not be such a rare Iris, but I still love it.

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

Shoot, it is even older than you first thought!

Salem, IL(Zone 5b)

The HIPS site has it as an IB from France. I wondered about the TB part from the small
bloom lasting one day. Very old (1912) as noted above. You are witness to the futility of
depending upon iris names unless you buy one personally from the hybridizer. Remember,
a rose by any other name would still smell the same, or words to that effect.

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

I need to remember that phrase concerning my No~ID's

Salem, IL(Zone 5b)

A way too much emphasis is placed upon names. A lot of people I do not know have
commented about how beautiful my flowers are. They could not possibly read name
tags driving past my yard at 30 mph. I would have liked to kept names, phony or not,
of my irises simply to keep me from buying the same ones at a later date. Some of
the members of this forum are professional or semi-professional growers and need to
keep an accurate list of names for hybridizing purposes but the average gardener just
enjoys the blooms regardless of the name.

Cherryvale, KS

If you don't know the name it is harder to sell or trade. I really like having the names!! HAPPY Cold and Snowy Saturday from Kansas!! I try to dig my noids and give them as bonus to people who don't care. Coming Storm

Thumbnail by NickysIris
Salem, IL(Zone 5b)

Nicky: Are you in the area of eastern Kansas/western Missouri expecting 12 inches
of snow this evening? If you have peonies like mine, they will be in for a mess. I
have some with tender growth about a foot tall. We are supposed to be missed by
the major part of the storm--just rain then temps down to near freezing.

Cherryvale, KS

WE are supposed to get 5-6". What has me worried is the temps. We are supposed to get down to 19-20 degrees. I'm afraid that is cold enough to nip!! I,m in the SE corner!! Wanted to go see my granddaughter in her prom dress, but Dr. said not to be out in ice with my bionic knee!! My crabapple tree was loaded with buds! It might miss it's one week of total glory this year. (Thrillseeker)

Thumbnail by NickysIris
Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

Thankful, that snow missed us here. Hope it does the same for you Nicky. corgilover51, your heirloom Iris is just lovely. I'm glad you found out more about it. What a treasure.


Fresno, CA(Zone 10b)

Thank you Susan, I am too...I just can't get enough of my little guy..can't believe you all are still getting so much snow....welcome to the new climates and seasons thanks to G.W. at least we here are doing our part to save the beauty that was and hopefully will continue to be...

Thumbnail by corgilover51

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