Is this some type of Lily?

North Ipswich, Qld, Australia

It is so pretty........................

It's like onion spikes.

Thumbnail by Degarotty
Coffs Harbour, Australia

hi Debi.
It looks like it might be an Autumn crocus or relative. Try Zephyranthes candida

North Ipswich, Qld, Australia

You are right, Sue. It was exactly that, thank you.

Coffs Harbour, Australia

No worries Deb! How are you? We haven't had a chat with you in ages?

North Ipswich, Qld, Australia

No it's been awhile.
Parents are ill so I am back and forwards to Eumundi.

Very emotional time when I hear them crying at night that they don't want to leave each other.

Ernie has been given 6 mths, it's now 4 mths into it. Not doing so good.

Love Debi

Coffs Harbour, Australia

Sorry to hear that debi! You have been having a tough time of it! I had hoped this year would be kinder to you. All the best to you and yours from me and mine.
Eumundi is a lovely spot. I visited there when my brother was living up there. Very tropical!
You take care
Big hugs

North Ipswich, Qld, Australia

Hi Sue,

Thank you my friend, the most gut wrenching thig is just watching them die due to cancer.
Losing a stone in a week, dad is bedridden now and cries alot about leaving us.

I don't know what to do sometimes, so I go sit in a quite place and pray for the strength to keep going up and back as mentally watching them go down hill, takes it's toll on me.

But I still look at the beauty in nature.

Thanks my friend,

Thumbnail by Degarotty
Inland S.E QLD , Australia

So sorry for you Debi.You are going through a very very tough thoughts are with you and your mum and dad...sometimes there are just no answers.Life is not always just wonder why.Sending positive caring thoughts and hugs(((()))) your way.Judy

barmera, Australia

Debi, there are no words to say. Stay strong and my thoughts are with you and your Mum and Dad. Colleen

Merino, Australia

So sorry Debi, to hear of your sad times. Keep going to that quiet place and always reflect on the healing beauty of nature. The time will come when the pain will ease and you will look back on all the memories
Going on with your life in the best way you can will be an appreciation of your parents lives
Remember, memories never die, they are our comfort.

North Ipswich, Qld, Australia

Thank you to all my very dear friends here, your words of comfort are so appreciated, you have no idea.

I appreciate each and every one of you, deeply.

Debi & Elli-May


Just before the cancer hit him hard, he has lost three stone since this picture.
Happy Easter to all my mates on here and a very safe one for you and your's.

Thumbnail by Degarotty
Magnetic Island, Australia(Zone 11)

Dear Debi,so tough for you ,A dear friend has been diagnosed with cancer and given 2 months to live, that was 1 month ago and he to has lost so much weight and is in so much pain. The first week after we were told by him, everything seemed so surreal and I still can't believe he'll be gone all to soon.At least this way we get to spend time with them,say our goodbyes and reminence alot ,however their suffering is beyond comprehension , and this is more than anyone should have to cope with.

No amount of words will stay those tears of yours ,so just hang in there and do the best you can.

Inland S.E QLD , Australia

That's a beautiful photo you have there Debi..I am sure you will treasure it dearly forever. Our thoughts are with Mya said 'No amount of words will stay those tears of yours ',but they can give some comfort knowing others are feeling your sadness.Please take care..

North Ipswich, Qld, Australia

Hi Guys,


Ernie passed away on the 16th April with Mum and I holding a hand each.

I have been moving Mum's stuff down and now everything is here and we are trying to settle in but she just wants to pass away and talks of suicide often.

Ihope it is just grief speaking and I try to be strong for her and do my own grieving when I am alone.

Thanks for all of your thoughts and prayers. No more pain for him anymore and he was not alone when passing.


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