Healthy Living Lifestyle Support March 28 - April 4, 2009

Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

Here we go, almost into the 4th month of the year. Susan is in tornado season, Vic is getting rain, I imagine Anna is up to her knees or above in snow yet, Sue is having winter weather yet, Joann seems to be doing ok weatherwise, Pebble & her sister are enjoying a lovely drive to CA, and Ally & I are predicted to have up to 10" of snow with rain leading to a heavy accumulation of ice. All starting tomorrow morning. I don't think the poor daffs won't survive that kind of weather. We will see if it even materializes. It certainly is late in the season for that kind of weather but it has happened before.

Since it will be so cold and wet I'll work on the window & door frames & cabinets above the tub to see how much paint I can get off them. I could bring the drawers inside and finish them. I really would like to do any sanding with the window open. But I'm getting the cart before the horse here. First I have to remove the old paint. I'll have to find some boards to lay across the rafters to do the some of the ones above the tub & the door frame inside the bathroom. I keep finding places to strip and repaint that I had forgotten when I first started this project. So typical of me. I only see part of a project when I first start it. I guess if I saw it all at once I would never start it because it would overwhelm me.

The dogs have all been outside for potty breaks & I need to get myself to bed. GOD bless & keep each of you.

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