I entered a contest on another forum

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

There is a contest going on in another forum. The prize is some flower seeds. You have to enter a joke. This is the one I submitted.

A hair lipped drunk stumbles into a small country store. The proprietor is in the back. The drunk asks, "Exthcusth me, how mucth isth yah whithsky?" The proprietor tells him it's $15. The drunk makes a sour face and replies politely, "Thaths a liddle bit more than I wasth plannin' to thpend. How mucth isth yah vodkuh?" The proprietor tells him it's $9. The drunk winces and counts the coins in his pocket. He asks, "How mucth isth yah beer?" The proprietor patiently answers, " It's $2.50 a bottle" The drunk sadly shakes his head and laments, " Ooh, Thaths a liddle more then I have. But I want to thank you thir, for not makin fun of my hair lip." The proprietor smiles kindly and replies, "And I'd like to thank you sir, for not making fun of my hump back." The drunk takes a look at the proprietors back and blinks slowly. He looks in the man's eyes and replies, " Isth that a hump on your back? I thought it wasth your butt. Everything elth isth so high in here."

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